Fenz training exercise labelled a success

A Fire and Emergency New Zealand training exercise at the Z Energy tanks in Fryatt St, Dunedin, yesterday was hailed as a success by the organiser.

Senior Station Officer Martin Hastie said any kind of emergency at the site prompted a third alarm to be sounded immediately, calling in multiple crews and appliances, as well as a command centre and a safe point to be set up.

Photo: Gregor Richardson
Photo: Gregor Richardson
Yesterday, however, was just about checking response times and putting not only firefighters through their paces, but also the workers on site.

"We simulated a real incident where we got them to call 111 and we simulated that the pumps had broken down."

He said it was a real "worst-case-scenario-type thing", but it made sure if the worst did happen everyone knew what to so and the systems were up to scratch.

