Veteran steam tram hits the tracks again after extensive overhaul

Callum Brieske and Alex Hunter pose beside the Kitson after some successful test runs.
Callum Brieske and Alex Hunter pose beside the Kitson after some successful test runs.

A 141-year-old Christchurch steam tram is back in operation after a 5-year overhaul.

The Tramway Historical Society, based at Ferrymead Heritage Park, owns the Kitson steam tram and it has been repaired by some of its younger volunteers, who were keen to see the machine run again and have been working away in the tram sheds doing the various repairs on it.

It will be re entering service on Labour weekend , running on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd.

In its past life it was owned by the Christchurch Tramway Board and would haul trailers behind it with picnic goers from the main departure point of Cathedral Square and would head to Sumner Beach on a summer day.