SuperGrans is a volunteer group which provides practical home management and life skills to those needing help. Last Friday, SuperGrans Dunedin celebrated its 10th anniversary.
Ms Sutherland said the aim of SuperGrans was providing people who might be in a difficult position with information and skills which not only help them, but give them a sense of satisfaction too.
''We're not about telling people this is how things are done. We're about being a friendly face and helping people help themselves.''
There were about 25 SuperGran volunteers, including a couple of ''super grandads'', and at any one time there could be between 15 and 25 clients.
Skills such as knitting or growing vegetables were once basic knowledge but most younger people had no idea about them, Ms Sutherland said.
''Young people don't seem to be learning all those skills like budgeting and cooking, which everyone used to learn at school,'' she said.
Malcam Charitable Trust founder Malcolm Cameron said SuperGrans volunteers had a wealth of knowledge to share. Mr Malcolm and the Malcam Trust set up the SuperGrans Dunedin branch.
''Those skills that were once considered basic are sorely missing in many houses,'' he said.
Volunteers, such as SuperGrans, for example, were the life blood of the community, Mr Malcolm said. For more information about SuperGrans and how to become a volunteer, phone 474-0582, or email supergrans.dunedin@xtra.co.nz or call 474-0582.