New building link to carpark

A proposed new commercial and retail building planned for Great King St could have a "future link bridge" extending from its first floor to the Dunedin City Council's neighbouring car-park building.

It was confirmed on Sunday that the rear of the Harvest Court Mall building in George St was to be redeveloped, with a four-level "L-shaped" building to be built.

The resource consent granted in March by the Dunedin City Council to Marca Investments says the proposal was to demolish a brick building at the rear of the site and associated steps, ramps and loading areas to clear the L-shaped area where the new building would be constructed.

The new building would have pedestrian access directly to Great King St, internal access to the mall, leading to George St and a "future link bridge" from the first floor to the city council's car-park building.

Application plans showed the lower ground floor facing Great King St would be a retail area or doctor's surgery.

The first and second floors would be office space with the tenant of the two floors expected to be Silver Fern Farms, the consent said.

While the section was within the George St commercial heritage precinct, planners considered as the building would not be visible on George St and as its frontage was on another street with a different character, it was therefore a satisfactory replacement.

The site had been identified as a former foundry which meant it was subject to the National Environmental Standard for assessing and managing contaminants in soil. A detailed site examination of the soils would be needed once demolition was complete and a report provided to council, the consent said.

No building consent had been issued for the project.


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