Youth hui draws a crowd

Startup Dunedin facilitator Angus Pauley speaks at an Otepoti Youth Vision Hui at the Dunedin...
Startup Dunedin facilitator Angus Pauley speaks at an Otepoti Youth Vision Hui at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery yesterday. PHOTOS: PETER MCINTOSH
The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of developing skills and obtaining meaningful work, participants in an Otepoti Youth Vision hui said yesterday.

The Dunedin City Council-backed project was launched in May last year to encourage young people to "participate in and lead our city’s organisations, businesses and communities".

Startup Dunedin facilitator Angus Pauley yesterday outlined, to more than 80 people, several youth-oriented programmes in the city, including some intended to encourage young people to develop entrepreneurial skills.

Youth panel participant Mitchell Porter-Thomas said the pandemic had highlighted the need for young people to further develop their skills and for more programmes to be tailored to meet their educational needs.

Council community adviser Becks New said yesterday’s "great" event was intended to help develop young people’s ideas, and was likely to be followed by another hui next year.

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