The Dunedin 81-year-old is one member of a sprightly nine-person aerobics team rehearsing their routine yesterday in the build-up to competing at the Masters Games this weekend.
And although everyone on the team is 72 or older, there is barely a bead of sweat between them after a 45-minute rehearsal.
The squad hopes to win another gold medal in the 2012 Masters Games aerobics tomorrow after winning gold at the Games last year.
Mr Millar said they were the only ones in their age group (the over 70s), but that did not mean they would automatically get the gold medal.
"We still have to do enough to get enough points for the gold."
So Mr Millar and the gang have been working on their routine since October last year, and were busy putting the finishing touches on their performance yesterday.
While they may have a combined age of 607, it does not stop them from including the splits, press-ups, star jumps and kicks in their routine.
But Mr Millar was quick to concede, some of the traditional stock of aerobics manoeuvres, such as back-flips and handstands, were "a bit out of our league now".
"It's not just about winning gold medals. It keeps you fit and it keeps your brain active. It's also great social time."
The group has been doing aerobics since 1998, and occasionally performs in venues around the South Island as a source of inspiration for other people their age.
Mr Millar said he joined about two years ago when his wife Bev invited him to join in.
"Bev was doing it, and her instructor said I should come along.
"I got roped into it, but I don't regret it. It's great fun."