Since December, six properties in St Clair, two in Allandale Rd and four in Motu St, have been deemed unsafe because of the risk of a landslip, meaning nobody has been able to live in them for about three months.
Earthquake Commission head of recovery Robyn Nation said settlement offers would soon be made to the property owners and staff would contact them this week to discuss their claims.
Each property owner had the chance to discuss their individual entitlements and to ask any questions they had about their settlement.
In the event of a landslip, the commission provided cover for the lesser of either the cost of repairing the damaged land or the value of the property, or the value of the minimum-sized building allowed on the site.
Support continued to be offered so both the owners and the Dunedin City Council could make informed decisions about repairing or securing the land, Ms Nation said.
Council building solutions manager Paul Henderson said all six dangerous building notices remained and there was no estimated timeframe for when they would be lifted.