Biker seriously injured in crash with car

Emergency services at the scene of a crash between a motorbike and car in Queenstown yesterday....
Emergency services at the scene of a crash between a motorbike and car in Queenstown yesterday. PHOTO: DAISY HUDSON
A witness has described the moment a motorbike went "straight under'' a car during a crash that left the motorcyclist with serious injuries.

Emergency services rushed to Man St, in Queenstown's CBD, at 2.35pm yesterday following the crash between a motorbike and a car at a roundabout.

A woman at the scene said she saw the motorbike "go straight under the car''.

"Everybody was screaming - it was crazy,'' she said.

"It was really scary.''

She said it appeared the man on the motorbike had tried to turn down a street off the roundabout at the same time as a car was turning.

The motorcyclist could be seen lying face down on the road at the scene, surrounded by emergency service personnel.

A St John spokesman said the man was taken to Lakes District Hospital with serious injuries.

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