Of the 250 submissions received by the Dunedin City Council on the freedom camping bylaw, 185 (74%) supported a move to restrict camping to self-contained vehicles within the Dunedin boundary.
Feedback was sought on three possible options to ease overflow at approved freedom camping sites at Warrington Domain and Ocean View.
Options to increase facilities and enforcement of rules for all types of vehicles at approved areas, and an option to create more areas for non-certified self-contained vehicles but limit the number of vehicles at sites were not widely supported.
Thirteen submitters (5.2%) were happy to support minor changes to present freedom camping conditions, a summary of the submissions showed. The creation of more areas with restricted numbers for non-certified vehicles was supported by 36 submitters, many saying the option would allow Dunedin to continue to be welcoming to visitors.
The majority of submissions supported various new criteria if additional sites were created, including that sites did not have historic or ecological significance, were not close to residential or commercial accommodation and that they had existing infrastructure such as toilets.
Eighteen submitters (7.2%) opposed freedom camping altogether.
The need to support local accommodation providers was the most common reason given for banning all freedom camping.
The hearing starts on Monday and is also scheduled for Tuesday and Friday.
The amended bylaw will come into force by the end of next month, before the start of the camping season.