About 20 riders were at the girls’ high school as they continued their tour of the South Island.
Speakers told the girls how to let people know if they need help and continued to spread their message of respectful relationships and the end of men’s violence towards women.
Today is White Ribbon Day.
Domestic violence support services
• If you are in immediate danger, call 111 and ask for the police.
• Women’s Refuge 24-hour Crisisline on 0800 REFUGE or 0800 733 843 anywhere in the country.
• If you’re experiencing or witnessing violence call 0800 456 450 for information about services that can help. Seven days a week, 9am to 11pm.
• Young people experiencing or witnessing violence can call 0800 456 450 for information about services that can help. 7 days a week, 9am to 11pm.
• For lesbian gay, bisexual, transgender relationships see kahukura.co.nz/information/need-help/
• areyouok.org.nz
• Rape Crisis 24-hour helpline on 0800 883 300.
• For information on local sexual violence services see toah-nnest.org.nz/get-help/find-help
• Call 0800 456 450 for information about services if you want to change your behaviour. Seven days a week, 9am to 11pm.