Apple last week announced the iPad tablet, billed as a "magical and revolutionary product", would go on sale in nine countries, including Australia, on May 28.
But the coveted touchscreen device would not go on sale in New Zealand until July, Apple said.
The iPad launched in the US on April 3 but demand caused delivery delays to the international market.
The iPad would reach Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and Britain on May 28.
Its recommended retail price in Australia was between $A629 ($NZ774) and $A1049, and it retailed on Apple for between $US499 ($NZ678) and $US829.
There was no indication of the device's New Zealand retail price yet, Apple spokeswoman Fiona Martin said.
Several iPads were listed on TradeMe, priced between $NZ101 and $NZ1641.
Apple said more than one million Wi Fi iPads had been sold in the US, before the Wi Fi + 3G version was launched.