Taieri College senior prizes

Dux: Brianna Nicholl
Dux: Brianna Nicholl
Senior prize list for Taieri College.

DUX: Brianna Nicholl (calculus, physics, biology, chemistry, English); proxime accessit: Jessica Ryan: (stats, health, merits: English, biology).

Academic awards

Year 11

Merits: Jayden Chaplin (communication English); Amber Clark (PE); Jana-Rae Burger (personal excellence award); Mitchell Duke (vocational maths); Ryan Roxburgh (personal excellence award; Brayden Wilson (maths with stats); Weinny Cavalcanti da Silva (personal excellence award); Samantha Craig (information management); Renee Faithful (personal excellence award); Emma Cramond (English); Simone Vosloo (personal excellence award); Kody Denniston (primary industry training); Jack Hadland (personal excellence award); Tiffany Eade (English); Regan Smith (personal excellence award); Maddison Gamble (English); Alexandra Hill (Japanese); Chloe Winn (personal excellence award); Melissa Hawke (personal excellence award); Bryce Little (primary industry training); Ashleigh Walls (personal excellence award); Hunter Blackwood (mechanical engineering technology); Connor Johnson (English literacy); Ashleigh Taylor (accounting); Cory Griffiths (practical science); Richard Van Aalst (English literacy); Dominique Vince (skills development); Pavarate Kutchamart (English for speakers of other languages); Samantha Aitcheson (geography, personal excellence award); Neha Chandel (textiles, personal excellence award); Samuel Raudon (building & construction, personal excellence award); Oliver Cleland (science, personal excellence award); Madison Clouston (art, personal excellence award); Christen Jellone (hospitality, personal excellence award); Krystal Lamsdale (economics, history); Cameron Lynch (building & construction, communication English); Briana Kennedy (maths with stats, PE); Regan Miller (building & construction, English literacy); Keegan Smith (maths, personal excellence award); Codi Lynn (maths with stats, communication English); Riana Haua (music, maths, drama); Rachel Irvine (history, English enrichment, personal excellence award); Gemma Nicholl (health, English enrichment, personal excellence award); Erina Palmer (maths, drama, personal excellence award); Emma Deuchrass (economics, history, English, personal excellence award); Logan Stadnyk (maths, economics, English enrichment, geography); Joshua MacKenzie (maths, science, mechanical engineering technology, PE, personal excellence award)

Prizes: Jake Abernethy (vocational maths); Hannah Ashton (PE); Mason Bouzaid (drama); Joseph McQueen-Richards (English literacy); Madeleine Mann (practical science); Joshua Hastie (building & construction); Lewis Dyer (mechanical engineering technology); Brooke Loper (primary industry training); Joshua McFarlane (Japanese); Emma Reveley (hospitality personal excellence award); Jacob Docherty (level 2 farm skills programme); Brittany Heaven-Kirk (skills development); Lauryn Beaton (communication English, merit: personal excellence award); Nicole Robertson (primary industry training, merit: maths with stats); Hollie Kooman (medal highest combined results accounting & economics, merits: economics, accounting, science, PE); Talia Nadegia Flor (English for speakers of other languages, merit: personal excellence award); Caleb Wind (information management, merit: personal excellence award); Jade O'Connell (art merit: science); Zara Forgie (health, merit: English); Connor Wright (art design, merit: graphics); Hunter Dale (English enrichment, merits: geography, personal excellence award); Claudia Gallagher (music, merit: science personal excellence award); Jinaya Hancock (science, merits: health, accounting); James Lord (geography, merits: mechanical engineering technology, personal excellence award); Devon Bell (maths with stats, graphics, merit: personal excellence award); Charlotte Buskin (textiles, English, merits: science, art design, personal excellence award); Gemma O'Connell (accounting, history, geography, merits: maths, science, personal excellence award); Karl Brinsdon (maths, economics, science, level 2 robotics, merits: music, personal excellence award).

Year 12

Merits: Jenna Fleck (personal excellence award); Olivia Watt (personal excellence award); Clara Krueppel (personal excellence award); Nikita-Rose Blaauwbroek (personal excellence award); Tayne Russell (gateway); Jocelyn Ryan (tourism); Ryan Walters (trades academy - workshop); Benjamin Ryan (trades academy - theory); Leia Wilson (primary industry training); Nicholas Greer (media studies); Riley Dixon (maths & stats); Vanessa Wade (history); Brody Falconer (farm skills programme); Reece Graham (communication English); Nitin Chand (economics); Timothy Coates (drama); Michael Hanrahan (careers); Jakob McLeod (sport & recreation, PE); Ze Hong Ru (communication English, maths & stats); Chloe Davidson (English, textiles technology); Teigan Jopson (art painting, digital technology - information management); Shania Davies (art photography, vocational maths); Logan Hudson (maths, physics); Michaela Haddow (art design, history, personal excellence award); Shannon Holdaway (English literacy, hospitality, tourism); Alice Boyne (drama, English, maths & stats); Bradley White (accounting, chemistry, economics, personal excellence award).

Prizes: Jemma Ellwood (textiles technology); Georgia Whitson (sport & recreation); Liam Horne (primary industry training); McKenzie Broome (tourism); Isaac Cooper (music); Brittany Wilson (vocational maths); Darshini Jayakumar (communication English); Matthew Swaney (English literacy, personal excellence award); Zaine Moody (automotive); Charmain Pedrigal (art photography); Benjamin Anutaraporn (English for speakers of other languages, personal excellence award); Emily Hackfath (art painting, personal excellence award); Sean Mason (building & construction, merit: communication English); Bailey Reid (trades academy - workshop, merits: trades academy - theory, building & construction); Bryce Jeffery (trades academy - theory, merits: trades academy - workshop, building & construction); Jamie Horrell (digital technology - information management, merit: computers); Libby Matheson (history, merit: PE); Scott Christie (media studies, merit: music, personal excellence award); Kyle Thomson (maths & stats, merits: biology, primary industry training); Emma Ralston (health, merits: biology, maths & stats); Jessica Coulston (PE, merits: biology, maths, personal excellence award); Matthew Hall (computers, physics, merit: personal excellence award); Olivia Hammer (biology, geography, merits: English, personal excellence award); Kymberlee Choie (accounting, economics, medal top pupil accounting & economics, merit: personal excellence award); April Sutherland (careers, hospitality, gateway, merit: personal excellence award); Kate Harding (art design, biology, English, merits: chemistry personal excellence award); Theo Christensen (chemistry, drama, maths, physics, merits: English, geography personal excellence award).

Year 13

Merits: Kayla Brookes (level 2 English literacy); Alexander Allen (careers); Madelaine Campbell (economics); Zachary Barford (carpentry); Danelle Knox (classical studies); Sarah Jamieson (PE); Connor Sutherland (music); Ethan Solomon (drama); Alexander Glennie (music); Griffin Hadland (carpentry); Georgia Hancock (health); Tanisha Keach (sports leadership); Kate Masterton (textiles); Brooke Martin (art design); Harley Corfield (trades academy - theory, trades academy - workshop); Leon Hoogenraad (accounting, commerce & economics teachers' association medal); Joshua Hudson (calculus, physics); Cameron Dyer (trades academy - theory, trades academy - workshop); Courtney Miller (tourism, stats); Millie Bouman (tourism, gateway, automotive studies, hospitality).

Prizes: Adam Greer (art design); Regan Kennedy (prize top pupil geography & history); Finn Hodge (economics); Curtis Stent (carpentry); Ryan McFadden (hospitality); Tayla West (gateway); Casey Pike (music); Tayla Moore (communication English, merit: geography); Jessica Ludwig (art painting, merit: art photography); April-Lily Sule (classical studies, merit: communication English); Isobel Marshall (tourism, the NZ School of Tourism scholarship); Arianna Thijssen (history, merit: art painting); Keegan Haslemore (drama, merit: English); Lily Denhardt (art photography, merit: history); Shelby Wilson(geography, merit: stats); Tenacie Evans (accounting, merits: biology, health, stats); Mathew Cramond (PE, merits: chemistry, calculus, computing); Kate Beattie (sports leadership, careers); Jordan Bell (automotive studies, trades academy - theory, trades academy - workshop, merit: carpentry).

Merits for prefects: Arianna Thijssen, Benjamin Grant, Cameron Dyer, Connor Sutherland, Garth Maxwell, Georgia Hancock, Griffin Hadland, Mathew Cramond, Nicholas McArthur, Sarah Jamieson, Sean McDonald, Shelby Wilson, Tenacie Evans, Kirsten van Turnhout (performing arts prefect); Keegan Haslemore (performing arts prefect); Brooke Martin (sports prefect); Benjamin McKinlay (sports prefect); Brianna Nicholl (environmental prefect); Tayla West (cultures prefect); Lily Denhardt (social prefect); Jessica Ryan (social & deputy head prefect); Regan Kennedy (environmental & deputy head prefect); Nicole Bremer (head prefect); Jordan Bell (head prefect).

Top awards at blues evening

Female performing arts ambassador of year, Riana Haua; male performing arts ambassador of year, Keegan Haslemore; sportswoman of year, Kirstin Gerken; sportsman of year, Hamish Mears; team of year, U15 girls' relay team.

Sports awards

Intermediate girls' field champion U16, R Muirhead & J Rivett Cup, Rachel Beattie; intermediate girls' sprint champion U16 & intermediate girls athletics champion U16, Briana Kennedy; intermediate boys' sprint champion, Rory Findlay; intermediate boys' U16 athletic champion, Lewis Dyer; senior boys' 1500m champion, Lewis Dyer; U15 boys' athletic champion & trophy outstanding achievement secondary school athletics, Hamish Mears; all-round contribution junior girls' basketball & trophy most improved senior girls' player, Briana Kennedy; rugby: most promising player U15, Shaun Kenworthy; girls' most improved player 1st XV, Jaylah Kennedy; senior girls volleyball trophy all-round contribution volleyball, Jinaya Hancock; trophy service & sportsmanship girls' football, Jana-Rae Burger; trophy contribution girls' hockey, Maddison Gamble; trophy most improved senior girl hockey player, Samantha Aitcheson; cup contribution boys' 1st XI hockey team, Devon Bell; best performance New Zealand secondary schools shooting trophy, Ashleigh Taylor; senior boys' athletics champion, Nicholas McArthur; senior girls' sprint champion, senior girls' field event champion, & senior girls' athletics champion, Sequoia Leatham; senior girls' swimming champion, Tanisha Keach; waterpolo trophy outstanding contribution & senior boys' swimming champion, Ben Grant; cup contribution rugby, Cameron Dyer; Taieri Rugby Club scholarship, Jordan Bell; cup most improved player 1st XV, Tayne Russell; trophy contribution girls' basketball, Kaylee Bezett; trophy contribution boys' basketball, Bailey Reid; captain's trophy senior boys basketball, Mat Cramond; trophy all-round contribution Taieri College multisport, Tanisha Keach; girls' football most improved player, Emily Hackfath; trophy service & sportsmanship boys' football, Sean McDonald; bowling trophy, Riley Dixon; award general excellence cricket, Riley Dixon; senior A netball most-improved player, Sarah Jamieson; trophy contribution senior netball, Sarah Jamieson; trophy most valuable senior netballer, Kate Beattie; achieving-is-believing trophy international sporting achievements, Kirstin Gerken; team with best winter record, girls' football team represented by Jessica Coulston; cup most outstanding sporting performance by team or individual, Hamish Mears.

Special awards

Trophy year 11 public speaking, Logan Stadnyk; year 11 primary industries trophy, Brooke Loper & Nicole Robertson; outstanding music performance, Alexander Glennie, Matthew Reid & Joshua Crossman; cup most talented pianist, Claudia Gallagher; year 12 primary industries trophy, Liam Horne; prize excellence writing, Jessica Ryan; debating excellence trophy, Brianna Nicholl; trophy public speaking, Kymberlee Choie; trophy year 11-13 writing, speech, drama, Theo Christensen & Keegan Haslemore; cup contribution drama, Keegan Haslemore; trophy year 12/13 public speaking, Keegan Haslemore; best individual contribution to work day, Kymberlee Choie; best class contribution to work day, 13CS represented by Finn Hodge; contribution Eco-Warriors & Taieri College as enviro-school, Brianna Nicholl; prize contribution music, Alexander Glennie & Connor Sutherland; prize contribution classical music, Scott Christie; prize outstanding contribution music, Casey Pike; Pasifika Young Achiever, Tama Merota; Mana Pounamu Young Achiever, Tayla West; Otago/Taieri A&P Society scholarship, Kate Beattie; gateway scholarship, Jasmine Knight; Cumberbeach scholarship, Brianna Nicholl; Friendship Society contribution college life, Regan Kennedy; Altrusa Club of Taieri contribution college or community, Sarah Jamieson; award excellence maths & science, Kate Harding; Otago Polytechnic principal's scholarship 2016, Georgia Hancock; Salisbury scholarships, April-Lily Sule & Joshua Hudson; ANZ Trophy lead and inspire, Nicole Bremer; Taieri Times leadership award service to college, Keegan Haslemore; University of Otago leaders of tomorrow entrance scholarship, Regan Kennedy; University of Otago leaders of tomorrow scholarship and vice-chancellor's scholarship, Jessica Ryan; University of Otago academic excellence entrance scholarship, Brianna Nicholl.

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