Year 11
Nashoba Addai (honours materials technology (wood)); Alise Allnatt (honours hospitality); Mitchell Barnes (honours digital technology); Danny Barton (scholarship materials technology (metal), premier environmental geography, honours materials technology (wood), mathematics); Niamh Benn (intermediate girls athletic champion); Max Clark (honours mathematics); Aidan Clements (honours history, materials technology (fabric)); Henry Deaker (honours art); Zoe Degas (premier materials technology (fabric), honours physical education, science); Leila East Giles (honours physical education); Georgia Ford-Keen (service library, honours accounting, Latin); Louis Freeman (intermediate boys athletic champion, intermediate boys cross-country champion, premier music, honours English); Jack Gilmore (honours English); Libby Guthrie (premier general mathematics); Abby Hall (trophy emerging actor, English department prize, honours science); Quinn Hardie (trophy service school drama); Benny Holloway (honours physical education); Shiloh Holman (honours general mathematics); Emma Horwell (honours numeracy); Celeste Howard (premier digital technology, honours English, general mathematics); Sophia Hunt (honours art); Tamzin Hurring (premier applied science); Rikke Kikkawa-McLeod (excellence year 11 musical performance, honours history, music); Morgan Koykka (honours science applied); Amy Lloyd (premiers accounting, hospitality, honours mathematics, science); Mary Locker (intermediate girls cross-country champion, scholarship design and visual communication, premiers design and visual

Year 12
Naomi Ashby-Ryan (honours classical studies, English, media studies); Becky Barton (honours hospitality, physical education); Josef Belton (honours painting); Phoebe Booth (premier English applied); Arvan Bredenbeck (premier physical education); Danielle Bruce (girls futsal most improved player); Clair Caird (cup excellence English); Emma Campbell (senior netball most valuable player development squads); Cindy Chek (honours materials technology (wood)); Kevin Chung (honours mathematics); Ben Clayton (debating top senior team, premiers biology, classical studies, French, history, honours English, mathematics); Eden Cohen (honours career pathways); Georgina Couper (prize digital technology); Charlotte Dickie (English department prize, premier statistics); Benjamin Dubyk (premiers physics, year 13 calculus, honours chemistry, materials technology (metal)); Jacob Duffy (boys hockey best team member); Max Freeman (honours digital technology, music); Latiesha Hall (honours materials technology (fabric)); Desiree Heinze-Farrington (award business education, award excellence foreign languages, premiers accounting, economics, honours French, history); Isaiah Holman (premier general mathematics); Brian Hrobjartsson (premier materials technology (metal)); Sophie Huntington (award excellence foreign languages, premiers economics, historical research, honours French); Ahi Kaitai-Mullane (year 12 drama trophy, prize excellence senior mathematics and science, premier drama, honours biology); Jarrad Kennedy (premier career pathways, honours English applied); Sonam Kumari (honours year 11 hospitality); Pun Leelaket (premier painting, honours design and visual communication); Solomon Liesbeth (boys futsal most valuable player, technical excellence senior football award, honours physical education); India Lillis (prize digital technology); Emma Lloyd (senior librarian award, honours general mathematics); Tarren Loughran (honours mathematics, physics); Ben Major (most improved boys hockey player, honours classical studies); Oscar McGuire (debating top senior team, senior Shakespeare group performance prize, premier classical studies, honours drama, English, history, media studies, statistics); Hamish McKinlay (honours environmental geography); Jenna McNaughton (girls football most improved player); Lena McNaughton (premier materials technology (fabric)); Alice McNoe (best girl schools’ orienteering league, honours biology, chemistry, English); Lily Menzies (girls football best team member, honours statistics); Rachael Molteno (excellence year 12 musical performance, senior award woodwind playing, premier music, honours biology, chemistry, English); Fin Mountfort (first online class level 3 web design); Jessica Munro (honours career pathways); Hailey Nguyen (premier hospitality); Keilah Penman (honours English applied); Alex Penty (premier year 11 English applied); Julie Qiyang (honours painting); Siobhann Quinn (water polo team player of the year, premiers design and visual communication, photography); Max Riddle (honours classical studies); Punn Ruayruen (senior boys badminton champion); Emma Samuels (service to tikanga Maori senior, premier Te Reo Maori, honours hospitality); Abby Spronken (contribution water polo, premier historical research); Kayli Taylor (honours media studies, photography); Isla Thomas (senior creative writing award poetry, honours photography); Nic Tregonning (premiers English, media studies, honours accounting, digital technology, drama); Sam Van Alphen Bennett (girls hockey best team member); Daniel Wallace (chess champion trophy); Louis Whitburn (premiers chemistry, digital technology, mathematics, honours biology, English, physics); Caitlyn White (honours general mathematics); Belle Williams (honours history); Emily Wu (senior girls badminton champion); John Yeardley (first XI boys football most improved player).
Year 13
Kaycee Barnes (excellence drama cup); Neve Beens (honours history); Catherine Cadzow (honours calculus, chemistry, physics, statistics); Holly Cannon (cup drama performance and direction, English department prize); Alfred Cathro (honours classical studies); Dylan Deans-Bennett (boys singles tennis champion); Kate Denys (cup girls basketball MVP, outstanding contribution girls hockey, premier materials technology (fabric)); Henri Gaudin (cup brass playing, hockey award, senior boys cross-country champion, prize excellence senior mathematics, prize excellence competition mathematics, premier chemistry); Mica Goldsmith-Lonie (boys futsal most improved player, senior boys volleyball trophy, honours Latin, physical education); Clare Gorman (premier media studies, honours English); Jacob Gosling (senior boys athletic champion); Reva Grills (senior Shakespeare group performance prize); Panashe Gwavava (climbing trophy most valued climber, honours university entrance English); Emma Hamilton (honours painting); Aditia Hasib (honours biology, media studies); Brendan Hassall (honours hospitality); Carmen Heinze-Farrington (senior a netball cup most valuable player, choreography award, premiers accounting, historical research); Tia Hibbert (trophy best senior contribution to junior drama, honours media studies); Sophie Hilton-Manning (over-16 girls athletic champion, choreography award); Jasper Holloway (service school music, award excellence contemporary music); Felix Hunt (trophy most improved basketball player (boys)); Jesye Hunt (senior girls volleyball most valuable player trophy); Caitlyn Kilner (service school sailing, honours materials technology (wood)); Julia Kral (senior award orchestral music, senior award string playing); Oscar Ladell (trophy excellence stagecraft, premiers classical studies, drama, honours English, history); Maria Larsen (premiers biology, history, honours chemistry, physics); Susie LeBuffe (cup scholarship literature, honours biology); Lydie Leurquin (honours classical studies, Latin); Izzie Locker (best senior girls hockey player, senior girls cross-country champion); Matilda Macandrew (film club award); George Maclaurin (cup cricket, melody award melodic improvisation, senior award composition, senior award jazz combo music, senior award musical performance, service school music, premier music); Alexander McMillan (boys ice hockey trophy); Grant McNaughton (cup excellence speaking and debating, debating top senior team, trophy service debating, cup literary excellence, premiers physics, statistics); Cassandra Muir (honours year 12 physics); Phillip Nelson (premier gateway); Kan Nishida (senior boys basketball trophy MVP, premiers physical education, university entrance English, honours hospitality); Emma O’Malley (honours biology, history); Brianna Palin (honours history); Matthew Pierson (honours digital technology); Aglima Pokipoki (girls futsal most valuable player, senior girls athletic champion, honours gateway); Tayla Richardson (premier gateway); Shania Roberts (girls trophy outstanding basketball player); Oliver Robson (award band playing); Jaren Roy (boys’ futsal golden boot award, over-16 boys athletic champion, senior boys basketball trophy MVP); Jack Spence (prize excellence statistical research); David Spencer (cricket batting award, service school cricket trophy, honours statistics); Erica Stedman (girls hockey most improved player, senior award chamber music, senior award choral music, senior girls volleyball most improved player); Ava Straw (world music trophy, senior award choral music, senior creative writing award prose, cup best all-rounder drama, regional and national winner spoken French competition, premier French, honours drama, music); Nieve Sunitsch (premier digital technology); Ola Szukiel (film club award, premier photography); Ruari Warren (service school drama); Bruno Willis (award design & execution of costuming, honours design and visual communication, English, media studies, photography); Katharine Woolrych (senior formal writing, prize communication excellence, premier biology, honours calculus); Ella Yiannett (drama cup, award excellence painting, honours classical studies, drama, English, history).
Special Prizes
Service school sports: (girls) Kate Denys, (boys) David Spencer; best sporting performance: Benjamin Deaker; service outdoor education: Panashe Gwavava; service international friendship: Jesse Bawi, Lydie Leurquin; service Pasifika pupils: Lydie Leurquin; prize excellence arts curriculum: Bruno Willis; prize service school: (girls) Carmen Heinze-Farrington, Erica Stedman, (boys) Ruairi Griffin; principal’s award service school: (girls) Ava Straw, (boys) George Maclaurin; service student council: Emma O’Malley, Ruari Warren; principal’s award pupil representative on board of trustees: Ariyan Zarei; citizenship award: Katharine Woolrych; head girl: Reva Grills; head boy: Jim Robinson.