Catlins Area School prizes

Academic awards

Middle school: Adam Pullar (excellence social sciences, English; merit mathematics, hard materials technology; diligence the arts); Logan Bird (excellence physical education; merit mathematics, science, English); Josiah McLay (excellence hard materials technology; merit English, physical education); Josh Boam (merit social sciences, science); McLeod Fletcher (merit physical education; diligence the arts, citizenship award); John Waters-Wilkinson (merit mathematics); Jarryd Osborne (diligence physical education); Robbie Jackson (excellence hard materials technology, hospitality; merit mathematics, English; diligence social science); Shannon Gordon (excellence the arts; merit hard materials technology; diligence science); Joshua Williams (merit hard materials technology, hospitality; diligence English); Brayden Michie (merit mathematics, diligence science, English) Milly Kerr (excellence hard materials technology, hospitality; merit English; diligence the arts); Tamzin Burgess (excellence science, merit social sciences, the arts hospitality); Lauren Grant (merit mathematics); Mathew Dreaver (merit hard materials technology); Joanne Brain (diligence mathematics, hard materials technology); Rhiannon MacCreadie (excellence mathematics, social sciences, English; merit science, the arts); Renee Mosley (excellence hard materials technology; merit mathematics, physical education); Kasey Valli (excellence physical education; diligence English); Ryan Dey (merit social sciences, English; diligence science); Hayden Sturm (merit mathematics, physical education); Danielle Mason (diligence hard materials technology, physical education); Bronte Williams (diligence physical education).

Year 11:  Hannah Clarke (excellence English; merit mathematics, social sciences, history; diligence hospitality); Leo Michie (merit mathematics, science; diligence hard technology materials; Valerie Grant (merit science); Britney Brown (diligence English, mathematics, social sciences, year 11 fairplay award).

Year 12: Naomi McLay (excellence hospitality; merit mathematics, history, chemistry; diligence English); Lauren Martin (excellence chemistry; merit geography, hospitality; diligence English, year 12 fairplay award); Logan Sturm (merit mathematics); Laura Thorn (diligence geography, agriculture).

Year 13: Thomas McLeary (merit chemistry, mathematics with statistics, diligence geography); Samantha Brain (merit mathematics with statistics, year 13 fairplay award); Louise Thorn (merit hospitality, diligence mathematics with statistics, geography, history).

Special awards

Aimee Pullar (Otago Polytechnic scholarship, head pupil); Samantha Brain (purakauiti prize senior maths, board of trustees rep, Ford Trophy year 13 citizenship); Louise Thorn (merit year 13 hospitality, head pupil); Hannah Dewe (Campbell Trust scholarship English); Naomi McLay (silver Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award, excellence year 12 hospitality, head pupil 2017);  Lauren Martin (purakauiti prize senior science, World Heritage prize senior social sciences, Masonic Trophy year 12 services to school and community, deputy head pupil 2017); Logan Sturm (deputy head pupil 2017); Liam Kelly (senior kapa haka); Hannah Clarke (year 11 services to school and community, excellence English, most improved senior musician); Cory May (excellence workshop technology); Britney Brown (excellence year 11 English, merit year 11 hospitality); Valerie Grant (musician of the year); Adam Pullar (middle school academic excellence, excellence year 11 English); Logan Bird (excellence year 11 English) John Waters-Wilkinson (most diligent senior musician); Jarryd Osborne (school council trophy); Rhiannon MacCreadie (services to library); Heather Abernethy (memorial trophy services  kapa haka).

Sports awards

Swimming: Matthew Michie (senior boys); Lina Knopp (senior girls); Logan Bird and Ryan Dey (Port Molyneux Trophy boys); Kasey Valli (Port Molyneux Trophy girls); Will Hancox (Raylene Mitchell Trophy boys); Harriett Kerr (Raylene Mitchell Trophy girls)

Athletics: Logan Sturm, Naomi McLay, Josiah McLay, Valerie Grant, Mathew Dreaver, Kasey Valli.

Sports trophies: Kane Heka (best all-round sportsperson, most promising senior soccer); Connor Roughan (most conscientious sportsperson, most valuable senior rugby); Louise Thorn (excellence senior netball); Matthew Michie (excellence senior rugby); Naomi McLay (contribution  basketball); Kasey Valli (best all-round touch); Hayden Sturm (most conscientious hockey); Lauren Martin (most improved senior netball); Ryan Dey (most promising junior soccer); Will Hancox (most improved junior rugby); Rhiannon MacCreadie (most improved junior netball) Nicole Sinclair and Kasey Valli (sportsmanship cup girls); Hunter Burgess and Logan Bird (sportsmanship cup boys); Angela Mosley (sports coach award).

Higher achievement sport: Lauren Grant (badminton); Ryan Dey (swimming).

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