Wellington, May 11 NZPA - Labour and the Greens hammered National today after its Mt Albert by-election candidate said she preferred a motorway through the electorate to a tunnel underneath it.
The roading project is a hot topic in the campaign for the seat vacated by former prime minister Helen Clark.
Labour planned to put a tunnel under Mt Albert but the present government has not yet announced its decision.
It has said it will do so before the June 13 by-election.
National's candidate, Melissa Lee, took part in a discussion on radio station 95bFM this morning and Labour was quick to quote her saying "it's above ground for me".
Labour's transport spokesman, Darren Hughes, said that meant about 500 houses would have to be demolished as well as the loss of schools, parks and businesses.
"Melissa Lee is clearly showing that she does not intend to be an advocate for Mt Albert people, and instead will adhere rigidly to the line set by the party's leaders in Wellington," he said.
Labour's candidate, David Shearer, said a motorway would split the community in two and was strongly opposed by residents.
"I have made my position clear -- we need to get on with it and build a tunnel to finish linking up Auckland's roads," he said.
Green Party candidate Russel Norman also quoted Ms Lee in a media statement headed `National's barbarian bulldozers at the gate of Mt Albert'.
"Melissa Lee's proposal is an outrage for the people of Mt Albert," Dr Norman said.
"It will demolish hundreds of houses and destroy one of the last remaining green spaces in the electorate." An argument is also raging about the cost of a tunnel.
Labour says National is "cooking the books" and claiming a figure of $2.77 billion while the actual cost would be $1.98b.
"To get this dodgy figure, National has added the $240 million cost of the upgrade to SH16 in the tunnel option price, which has to be done regardless of whether the tunnel or surface option is chosen," Mr Hughes said.
"And National has shifted $550 million in financing costs into the sum."