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Garth Maxwell (17) and Jess Ryan (17).

Nicole Bremer (17) and Finn Hodge (18).

Brooke Martin (17) and Jason Ward (18).

Maddie Campbell (17), Christian Blackie (19), Cameron Dyer (18) and Tayla Moore (17).

Tane Marshall (17), Cassady Bell (18), Jemma Dixon (18) and Harley Corfield (17).

Keegan Smith (19), Tyla Osborne (17), Nick McArthur (17), Melina Palmer (18), Ben McKinlay (17) and Kate Beattie (17).

Jacob Gordon (17), Georgia Hancock (17), Sarah Jamieson (17) and Callum Mulligan (17).

Becky Sutherland (17) and Logan McLennan (19).

Nick Henderson (18) and Tenacie Evans (17).

Lily Denhardt (17) and Rawiri Wereta (17).
Taieri College ball, Dunedin Town Hall, Saturday, June 11, 2016. PHOTOS BY: Gerard O'Brien.
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