An uncle of twins Chris and Cru Kahui says he can't remember details of his movements and the whereabouts of his wife and her sister Macsyna King on the night the toddlers received their fatal injuries.
Pou Hepi was giving evidence in the Auckland District Court today at the inquest into the 2006 deaths of the three-month-old boys.
Chris Wilkinson-Smith, lawyer for the twins' father, Chris Kahui, suggested Mr Hepi had not been accurate in his police statement, which he made on June 30, 2006.
Mr Wilkinson-Smith referred to a document which showed numerous calls made by Mr Hepi to his wife Emily which showed she and Macsyna were in the area of the Kahui family home in Mangere, south Auckland.
Mr Hepi's wife Emily and Ms King - the twins' mother - have previously said that they were in west Auckland the night the twins were injured.
Mr Wilkinson-Smith asked Mr Hepi if he lied to police to protect his wife and Macsyna King.
"You were deliberately lying to police about your movements as well as your wife and Macsyna's movements.
"You did that because you wanted to hide what their real movements were," Mr Wilkinson-Smith said.
"I can't even remember my kid's birthdays, let alone what happened that particular night," Mr Hepi said.
Chris Kahui was found not guilty in 2008 of the twins' murders, his legal team blaming the deaths on Macsyna King.
She has vehemently denied the claims.