Two arrested for theft of Aussie war medals

The theft of medals from a visiting Australian Vietnam War veteran has led to two people appearing at the Christchurch District Court.

The medals were stolen in the burglary of a Heathcote house where 63-year-old Reg Meffert was staying, about three days before Anzac Day, Christchurch Court News website reported.

Mr Meffert lives in Regency Downs, near Brisbane, and had been in Christchurch to visit family and take part in Anzac Day celebrations. He is described as a country singer.

After the theft, the police released to media a security camera photograph taken in a central Christchurch stamp shop where two people had allegedly tried to sell the medals.

The shop owner recognised the missing medals and said he was going to keep them and call the police.

Someone allegedly recognised the pair from the published photograph and that led to them being charged.

Reihana Eru Pou, a 21-year-old unemployed man from the Christchurch suburb of Richmond, faces alternative charges of stealing the Australian Army Service Medals worth $1200, or receiving them as stolen property. He is also charged with possession of cannabis.

Taila Mahara Barber, an unemployed 20-year-old woman who lives in central Christchurch, faces the same alternative theft and receiving charges.

No pleas were entered. The pair did not appear in court but arranged registrar's remands at the court office.

Pou is due to appear on June 3 and Barber on June 4. Both are on bail.