Reid appeal set for May

Convicted murderer and rapist Liam Reid's appeal against his convictions will be held in May.

Reid, 36, was jailed in December for murdering and raping deaf Christchurch woman Emma Agnew, and raping, sexually violating, attempting to murder and robbing a Dunedin woman nine days later.

The Court of Appeal will hear Reid's appeal against both his convictions and sentence on May 27 in Wellington. It is set down for an estimated half day.

His sentence, a minimum non-parole term of 26 years and preventive detention, handed down in the High Court at Christchurch in December last year, was the third longest non-parole period in New Zealand judicial history.

Only RSA murderer William Bell, 30 years, and child killer Bruce Howse, 28 years, were given longer non-parole periods than Reid while Graham Burton was given the same term for the murder of Lower Hutt man Karl Kuchenbecker.

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