No bail for man charged with stabbing

Bail was not sought when a 34-year-old man appeared in court charged with a Christchurch stabbing that allegedly left another man with life-threatening injuries.

Christchurch District Court Judge David Saunders remanded Miki Taki Tafaese in custody to Wednesday, when defence counsel may have been assigned and a bail application may be made.

The Christchurch man has entered no plea to a charge of intentionally causing grievous bodily harm to a 29-year-old man on Saturday night.

It is believed the incident took place at a party where the alleged victim intervened in an argument between two other people.

He was stabbed in the chest and stomach and staggered to another house for help. The neighbour managed to stem much of the bleeding.

Police said the victim had been admitted to Christchurch Hospital's intensive care unit but was expected to survive.

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