Unlike the old exemptions, the new personalised cards have a legal standing and anyone questioning them could be contravening the Human Rights Act.
"We will not be cancelling the old cards or requiring affected people to go through the process of getting a new card if they don't want to, however, the old cards will not have the legitimacy of the new cards," Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said today.
They were being adopted because the government has recognised that some people cannot wear a mask due to an impairment, health conditions, a physical disability or mental health reasons.
"These reasons aren't always obvious or easy to explain and that's left some New Zealanders who're genuinely unable to wear a mask not being able to access the businesses and services they normally would," Hipkins said.
"It's also meant uncomfortable situations, with people needing to explain private health information to strangers, when they're trying to do basic tasks like shopping. We've worked hard to find a solution which avoids this."
It is also hoped the cards will give businesses certainty, Hipkins said.
"Sadly, in attempting to verify whether people are genuinely exempt, workers - especially those in retail settings such as supermarkets - have experienced escalating and unsafe behaviour from some customers."
Minister for Disability Issues Carmel Sepuloni said that from the end of May, people would be able to apply for a card through the Ministry of Health website and it would be issued to them digitally or by post.
An 0800 call free number will be available, and it will also cater for those who need an interpreter or translation services when requesting their card.
"It's important we all understand that for some people wearing a face mask is difficult. This includes people with physical, intellectual or mental health impairments, and people (such as some victims of violent crime) who have experienced past trauma," Sepuloni said.
"Those people should still have the same right as others to access good and services."
She thanked organisations such as Blind Citizens New Zealand, the Disabled Persons Assembly, Deaf Aotearoa and other non-government groups who have managed the mask exemption process until now.