Makutu claims in sex abuse case

A girl had episodes of makutu - what she called "seeing ghosts" - before allegations of sexual abuse were made, a depositions hearing was told in the Christchurch District Court today.

The girl was aged 12 and 13 at the time. The hearing before Judge Christopher Somerville was told by her adopted father that the makutu episodes went on for three or four months.

A 47-year-old man who offered to help the family with the makutu was charged last August with multiple counts of sexual abuse of the girl stretching from January to July.

He was committed for trial at the end of the hearing and is next due to appear at a pre-trial conference in the High Court on March 6. Judge Somerville remanded him in custody.

The charges include two allegations of indecent assault, two of inducing the girl to commit an indecent act, and four charges of sexual violation including rape.

An evidential video interview with the girl was played to a closed session of the court.

A witness told the court of the man being off work on heavy medication after he put his back out at work. He also had two falls down a steep staircase at home.

The witness said the man often had mood changes after that.

"He used to come out of his room angry and upset. He used to throw things around and punch the wall. One day he smashed a window frame on the back door - he punched it out.

"I put it down to stress and the pain of his back. He was quite suicidal," said the witness.

At the time of his arrest, the man was living near Christchurch.


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