House fire not believed to be suspicious

A house fire that killed an elderly woman in Christchurch last night is not suspicious, police say.

Fire crews were called to Spreydon flat about 10.30pm yesterday to find it well ablaze.

Christchurch Police and the Fire Service have been at the unit all day, and Detective Sergeant Mark Keane said that after initial analysis of the scene, the fire did not appear to be any suspicious and there was no sign of foul play.

He said it was too early to comment on the cause of the fire, which was being investigated by police and the Fire Service, with a scene examination due to be completed this afternoon.

Police confirmed that the body found inside the flat was that of an elderly woman, believed to be the occupant.

The woman's name would not be released until formal identification had been completed, Detective Sergeant Keane said.

A post-mortem examination is to be carried out on Monday.


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