Further remand for 'Billy the hunted one'

William Alexander Stewart, the self-styled Billy the Hunted One, has been further remanded as his lawyer considers the weight of evidence against him.

Stewart's defence counsel Glenn Henderson told Christchurch District Court today said he had now received four lever-arch folders of evidence but had so far only been able to work his way through two-thirds of the material.

He asked for one final remand to consider Stewart's pleas on about 70 charges allegedly committed while on the run from police in rural Christchurch, the Christchurch Court News website reported.

Judge Raoul Neave granted the application with Stewart, who appeared in the dock in handcuffs, further remanded in custody to September 21.

The charges Stewart is facing include 43 burglaries, as well as drug, firearms and driving offences.

He turned 48 while in custody last month.


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