Father from house fire off critical list

A 50-year-old man who lost two daughters in a horrific south Auckland house fire on Tuesday which claimed four lives has been taken off the critical list.

Misi Sau, 50, who was badly burned, was today reported to be in a stable condition in Middlemore Hospital while his 19-year-old brother Liviston was also stable in intensive care after undergoing a skin graft.

Misi Sau's 39-year-old wife Fetu was discharged from hospital yesterday.

Four children died in the blazing Mangere house believed to have been caused by a pan of cooking oil left unattended on a stove catching alight early on Tuesday morning.

Those who died were Mrs Sau's 15-year-old daughter Brenda (aka Brendalyn) Simati, and one-year-old grandson Tyreece Simati, and Mr Sau's two daughters, Taua Evile, 11, and Mia Evile, eight.

Two of the bodies were found in the living room and one in the hallway near the front door. Baby Tyreece was found near his cot.

Mr and Mrs Sau suffered burns as they tried frantically to rescue their trapped children but were beaten back by the intense heat, blinding smoke and flames.

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