Tokomairiro High School prizes

Tokomairiro High School held its prizegiving recently. The prize list is. -

Academic awards

Year 13

Dux Emma Scanlan
Dux Emma Scanlan
Ryan Bloxham (diligence level 2 applied mathematics), Brittany Foster (first with diligence gateway, Star programmes), Amy Irvine (diligence food technology), Harry Jewitt (diligence art, digital technology), Hannah Lindsay (first geography), Scott Mathieson (first drama, diligence physical education), Marquin May (first horticulture, diligence level 2 technology), Nadia McDonnell (first physical education, diligence classics, physical education), Jake McKay (first mathematics with statistics, biology, drama, food technology, diligence English, mathematics with statistics, biology, drama), Heidi Royle (diligence geography), Emma Scanlan (first English, mathematics with calculus, physics, chemistry, classics, diligence mathematics with calculus, physics, chemistry, excellence mathematics, sciences, visual arts).

Year 12

Zack de Montgomery (first digital technology), Giuliana Fischli (first English, art, diligence English), Elyse Fletcher (first English, diligence English, food technology), Maia Giles (diligence art), Kayla Graves (first with diligence drama), Brad Lee (first applied mathematics, technology), Ashleigh Martin (first with diligence Star programme), Poppy Mathieson (first with diligence careers), Limei McLellan (first English, geography, food technology, diligence mathematics, biology, geography), Brandon Orr-Clarke (diligence technology), Tamahi Phillips (first biology, physics), Lucy Pringle (first mathematics, chemistry, geography, physical education, diligence chemistry), Ben Scott (diligence physics, physical education), Skylah Young (first horticulture, gateway, diligence horticulture, gateway).

Year 11

Olivia Adam (diligence English, geography, physical education), Jordie Bungard (first physical education), Maxine Calver (diligence digital technology), Jerrym Frost (first gateway, diligence gateway, horticulture), Kelly Hewitt (first science), Kelsi McKechnie (first horticulture, diligence art), Courtney McLellan (first art, English, food technology, geography, diligence mathematics, science), Aaron Mead (first mathematics, history, digital technology, diligence food technology), Taylor Moeahu (diligence technology), Brittany Scott-Jenkins (first history, careers, diligence careers, drama), Alyson Scurr (diligence English), Liana Spence (first mathematics, drama), Sam Still (first technology, diligence English), Linette Tatupu (most improved year 11 art), Keanu Waitere (first with diligence alternative science).

Year 10

Euan Anderton (first English, mathematics, science, diligence science), Monica Beck (diligence English), Jak Calver (first English, science), Jessica Carr (diligence English), Paige Condon-Bateman (first with diligence mathematics), Paige Gardner (first social studies, health), Dylan Greer (first physical education), Katie Jewitt (first food technology), William Jordan (first technology, diligence physical education, art), Rhys Mathieson (first drama), Natasha Maybee (first social studies, diligence English, science, social studies, art), Stormy-Lee McDonald (diligence technology), Jamie McSkimming (diligence food technology), Nicholas Shaw (first physical education), Mitchell Stevenson (diligence assisted learning programmes), Terri Thomas (diligence mathematics, physical education), Hannah Weatherall (diligence mathematics, drama), Phillip Wu (first art).

Year 9

Eliza Barrett (first English, social studies, horticulture, graphics), Kane Bassett (first mathematics), Ella Brock (diligence Maori), Kyla Carruthers (first music), Joshua Coleman (diligence horticulture), Alice Dowle (first English, science, diligence English, social studies, art), Samantha Drinnan (diligence music), Sam Fischli (diligence graphics), Karta Hewitt (first physical education, diligence English, French), Georgina Irvine (first horticulture, diligence social studies, food technology), Sam MacDonald (first physical education, Maori, diligence horticulture), Oliver Munan (first mathematics, art, social studies, French, music, food technology, diligence mathematics, music, graphics), Lotus Pereira (diligence art), Matthew Roxburgh (first graphics, diligence science, physical education), Taylor Whitehead (first English, social studies), Jason Wu (first art).

Sports awards

Samantha Allan (senior girls athletics), Sam Brown (minor boys cross-country), Jordie Bungard (most improved rugby player), Kyle Clark (best all-round hockey player), Sam Fischli (contribution and achievement junior rugby), Mackenzie Frost (minor girls athletics, junior girls cross-country), Dylan Greer (intermediate boys cross-country), Karta Hewitt (junior girls athletics, intermediate girls swimming), Amy Irvine (contribution netball), Brad Lee (intermediate boys athletics, greatest contribution rugby, most improved boy touch player), Dylan Lee (minor boys athletics), Nadia Lloyd (junior girls swimming), Jorjah Mason-Waru (minor girls cross-country), Rhys Mathieson (intermediate boys swimming), Scott Mathieson (senior boys swimming), Nadia McDonnell (girls open cross-country), Abigail McKay (intermediate girls cross-country), Taylor Moeahu (greatest contribution rugby), Monique Perkins (most improved junior hockey player), Lucy Pringle (intermediate girls athletics, merit senior netball, most improved girl touch player), Matthew Robinson (junior boys cross-country, junior boys swimming), Matthew Roxburgh (junior boys athletics), Emma Scanlan (most consistent player SISS tournament), Jacky Scott (senior boys cross-country), Nic Shaw (most improved junior touch player), Olivia Stewart (minor girls swimming), Linette Tatupu (contribution volleyball), Terri Thomas (merit junior netball), Junior Toia (senior boys athletics), Michael Tuari (contribution basketball), Kain Walker (soccer), Lillie Wilson (girls open swimming), Reuben Wilson (minor boys swimming).

Cultural awards

Samantha Allan (excellence kapa haka), Natasha Maybee (years 9 and 10 oral competition), Jake McKay (contribution school drama), Emma Scanlan (literary award), Ben Scott (chess champion), Terri Thomas (years 9 and 10 oral competition), Nicolle Vincent (senior oral competition).

Special awards

Diligence and progress: Kayla Dobson (year 9).

Samantha Allan (Maori achievement korowai award), Kelly Carr (diligence and progress senior school, polytechnic scholarship), Paige Gardner (junior girls citizenship), Travis Johansen (Maori achievement mere award), William Jordan (junior boys citizenship), Ashleigh Martin (tertiary scholarship), Nadia McDonnell (deputy head girl, tertiary award, best all-round sportswoman, pupil who best fulfills school motto), Jake McKay (deputy head pupil, tertiary award, senior boys citizenship award, academic diligence, proxime accessit), Scott Mathieson (leadership award), Emma Scanlan (senior girls citizenship, dux), Dion Shaw (best all-round sportsman), Terri Thomas (best all-round pupil junior school), Nicolle Vincent (leadership award).


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