South Otago High School held its senior prizegiving this week. The prize list is-
Year 12
• Commendable achievement: Ross Burnet (commendable achievement skills pathway); Andrew Carruthers (commendable achievement skills pathway); Matthew Crawford (commendable achievement geography); Alexander Gunn (commendable achievement communication English); Craig Hamilton (commendable achievement mathematics applied); Zoe Harris (commendable achievement drama, English); Aleisha Horton (commendable achievement art, English); Keely Hurring (commendable achievement geography, history, physical education); Stephanie Joyce (commendable achievement geography, graphics); Liam Kingma (commendable achievement outdoor education); Kobie Latta (commendable achievement biology, geography); Jody Law (commendable achievement Māori, sport and recreation); Kirsty Maw (commendable achievement chemistry, mathematics and statistics, physics); Samuel Mcarthur (commendable achievement mathematics applied); Erin Pellett (commendable achievement biology, geography, physical education); Brittany Pyne (commendable achievement physical education); Shea Robertson (commendable achievement physical education); Holly Thoms (commendable achievement mathematics applied); James Ward (commendable achievement sport and recreation); Michael White (commendable achievement engineering technology); Kristy Wong (commendable achievement English); Xenia Yau (commendable achievement economics, English for speakers of other languages, hospitality, year 13 statistics and modelling)Merit, excellence: Rebecca Botha (merit communication English); Aaron Fleming (merit outdoor education); Melissa Joyce (merit geography); Ashleigh Rhodes (merit skills pathway); Sean Sell (merit skills pathway); Corie-Anne Solomon (merit communication English); Djrayus Tahuri (merit year 11 communication English); Jason Taylor (merit digital technology); Caitlin Dent (merit outdoor education, commendable achievement physical education); Caitlin Gouman (merit physical education, commendable achievement English); Kristina McMillan (merit English, commendable achievement mathematics and statistics, building technology); Liam Mitchell (merit business awareness, commendable achievement media studies); Leslie Cu (merit mathematics and statistics, commendable achievement accounting, chemistry); Olivia Pirie (merit physical education, commendable achievement in art, music); Kellie Post (merit drama, commendable achievement communication English, soft material technology); Jayden Heaps (merit English, commendable achievement mathematics and statistics, physical education, physics); Cameron Walker (merit history, physics); Hayden Whitmore (merit engineering technology, music); Russell Benington (merit chemistry, geography, commendable achievement biology, English); Joshua Hurring (excellence art); Jessie-Lee Marsh (excellence Maori); Jenny Ruan (excellence art, commendable achievement digital technology); Richard Blair (excellence economics, merit accounting, commendable achievement mathematics and statistics); Kelsey Yung (excellence mathematics and statistics, merit business awareness, commendable achievement English for speakers of other languages, hospitality, year 13 statistics and modelling); Emily Hargest (excellence art, merit graphics, soft material technology); Breeani Munro (excellence geography, history, merit English); David Kornyei (excellence accounting, economics, merit geography, commendable achievement mathematics and statistics); Samara Hollows (excellence chemistry, English, physical education, merit biology, physics, commendable achievement mathematics and statistics); Joshua Telford excellence geography, mathematics and statistics, physics, merit building technology, physical education, commendable achievement English); Grace Duncan (excellence biology, chemistry, English, French, merit mathematics and statistics).
• Sporting cups, trophies: Matthew Crawford (golf senior); Samara Hollows (athletics senior girls, cross-country senior girls, netball all-round excellence, all-round excellence sport); David Kornyei (soccer most improved); Olivia Pirie (athletics intermediate girls, cross-country intermediate girls, contribution girls basketball); Shea Robertson (athletics intermediate boys, cross-country intermediate boys); Joshua Telford (squash senior boy); Joel van Vugt (athletics senior boys, cross country senior boys, basketball best all-round player); Xenia Yau (badminton senior girls, badminton girls doubles); Kelsey Yung (badminton girls doubles).
• Special awards: Grace Duncan (general academic); Chanelle Ferguson (Te Rihari Tahuna Taonga Girls); Aaron Fleming (contribution outdoor activities); Samara Hollows (general academic); Olivia Pirie (achievement, effort year 12); Corie-Anne Solomon (senior speech competition, year 12 speech); Djrayus Tahuri (service South Otago Maori community); Jason Taylor (computing); Joshua Telford (agriculture/horticulture/geography - academic prize general academic); Ellie Walker (exceptional effort); Hayden Whitmore (best contribution music male); Xenia Yau (significant contribution by international pupil).
• Sport, cultural, academic blues: Russell Benington (academic); Grace Duncan (academic); Samara Hollows (academic, netball, rugby, touch); Stephanie Joyce (equestrian); David Kornyei (academic); Breeani Munro (academic); Olivia Pirie (athletics, surf life saving); Shea Robertson (rugby); Corie-Anne Solomon (korero); Samarra Soper (rugby); Joshua Telford (academic); Joshua Turnbull (rugby); Brayden Wilson (touch).
Year 13
• Prizes, awards: Craig Botting (merit building technology, commendable achievement hospitality, service boys hockey, badminton boys doubles); Michaela Brouwer (commendable achievement geography); Shane Calder (contribution 1st XV rugby, blue rugby); Kaitlin de Geest (merit gateway, commendable achievement in art, best artwork for year, scholarship art); Hayden Gold (commendable achievement English, engineering technology); Reuben Gray (merit music, commendable achievement drama, cricket best all-rounder, contribution touch, tennis senior boys doubles); Joannah Harrex (netball most improved); Isaac Ho (excellence mathematics with calculus); Thomas Houghton (cricket most wickets taken); Regan Hunter (blue rugby); Shinyka Knight (services girls hockey); Bradley Martin (merit history, commendable achievement geography); Hamish May (commendable achievement geography, badminton senior boys, badminton boys doubles, tennis senior boys doubles); Gemma Mills (contribution girls cricket); Daniel Morris (commendable achievement gateway); Libby Munro (merit hospitality, significant contribution community); Karen Nicolson (merit digital technology, cricket best batting girls); Jessica Paul (merit history); Taylor Pennell (merit hospitality, physical education); Morgan Powell (excellence chemistry, statistics and modelling, mathematics with calculus, physics, blue academic, University of Otago Alumni Appeal Scholarship); Thomas Powell (excellence accounting, accounting award); Brooke Ramsay (excellence English, French, merit biology, commendable achievement physics, French Cup, excellence European language, literature prize, blue academic); Zoe Robson (excellence geography, merit drama, English, academic effort year 13, blue academic, drama); Brandon Ross (commendable achievement history); Georgia Scott (merit geography, physical education); Amelia Shaw (excellence biology, chemistry, English, statistics and modelling, merit physics, contribution girls rugby, netball leadership contribution, Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award gold, blue academic, University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship); Kate Snell (merit art commendable, achievement English, geography, physical education, scholarship art); Shannen Storer (commendable achievement soft materials technology); Sonja Vreugdenhil (excellence geography, commendable achievement chemistry, physical education, athletics senior girls runner-up, excellence year 13 physical education, scholarship geography/agriculture - academic prize, blue academic, netball).
• Distinction, citizenship: Joannah Harrex, Thomas Houghton, Hamish May, Zoe Robson; principal's award, head boy, Hayden Gold, head girl, Amelia Shaw; general academic, Brooke Ramsay; proxime accessit, Morgan Powell; dux, Amelia Shaw.