The South Otago High School senior prizegiving was held recently. The prize list is. -
• Year 12 commendable achievement: Samuel Anderson (building technology), Connor Barnett (mathematics unit standards), Joshua Cook (building technology, graphics), Liam Crawford (English, geography), Lily Culbertson (sport, recreation), Nicole Cunningham (communication English), Blake Ensor (media studies, physical education), Jonathan Gamble (media studies), Kendal Gouman (business studies, geography), Crystal Gow (drama), Jessica Gunn (biology, chemistry), Shane Hamilton (history), Ashleigh Hannah (computing, food technology, physical education), Christine Hutton (art), Sarah Jackson (biology, chemistry), Reagan Martin (agriculture/horticultural science, skills pathways, soft materials technology), Sarah-Rose McGowan (physical education), Samantha McMillan (communication English), Breyanna Reeves (business studies), Jayden Storer (engineering technology), Jamie Sutton (engineering technology), Renee Waddingham (communication English), Emily White (English and mathematics)
• Year 12 merit and excellence: Saara Cavanagh (merit art), Rachel Dennison (merit art), Paige Holden (merit history), Tasmin Jacobs (merit communication English), Louise Roxburgh (merit French), Scott Sutherland (merit physical education), Stephanie Craig (merit outdoor education, commendable achievement English), David Martin (merit physical education, commendable achievement physics), Greer Muir (merit soft materials technology, commendable achievement outdoor education), Abby Rhodes (merit business studies, commendable achievement food technology), Bryce Vreugdenhil (merit sport, recreation, commendable achievement agriculture/horticulture science), Rosalie Dudfield (merit food technology, commendable achievement art, communication English), Jason So (merit physics, commendable achievement accounting, mathematics), Libby Gold (merit food technology, commendable achievement English, mathematics (unit standards), physical education), Alisha Smith (merit biology, commendable achievement computing, English, French, geography), Alastair Harris (merit computing, music), Renee Mills (merit communication English, food technology), Kimberley Pellett (merit English, geography), Hailey Stoop (merit mathematics (unit standards), soft materials technology, commendable achievement skills pathways), Nerilee Hakkaart (merit chemistry, geography, commendable achievement English, mathematics), Samantha Harrison (merit English, mathematics (unit standards), media studies, commendable achievement geography), Emma Stark (excellence physical education, merit outdoor education, commendable achievement geography), Andrew Whyte (excellence economics, merit accounting, commendable achievement biology), Olivia White (excellence accounting, merit computing, commendable achievement chemistry, physics), Emily Bowden (excellence geography, merit chemistry, commendable achievement biology, English, mathematics), Olivia Sanders (excellence drama and English), Natasha Cameron (excellence art, history, commendable achievement geography), Pierre Wong (excellence biology, economics, merit English), Danielle Korevaar ( excellence English, geography, merit mathematics, commendable achievement chemistry, economics), Thomas Craig (excellence chemistry, mathematics, physics, merit computing, graphics, commendable achievement English).
• Year 12 sport: Ioane Aleni (athletics), Emelia-Rose Austin (hockey), Emily Bowden (cricket, badminton), Lily Culbertson (cross-country, cricket, squash), Rosalie Dudfield (soccer), David Martin (hockey), Elliot McKinnel (swimming, cricket), Jamie Morrison (rugby, cricket), Samuel Mosley (athletics, cross-country), Greer Muir (athletics, rugby, tennis), Alanna Preddy (hockey), Jonathan Sargent (cross-country), Jason So (tennis), Emma Stark (tennis, badminton), Scott Sutherland (cricket), Olivia White (cricket), Andrew Whyte (athletics, sporting excellence).
• Year 12 special awards: Samuel Anderson (building, construction), Emily Bowden (ag/hort/geography), Natasha Cameron (art), Donald Chalmers (outdoor activities), Joshua Cook (building, construction), Thomas Craig (achievement, effort, general academic), Jessica Gunn (library), Alastair Harris (music, computing), Christine Hutton (Christian group), Danielle Korevaar (general academic), Sammi Law (Te Rihari Taonga), Reagan Martin (building, construction), Olivia Sanders (drama, speech), Pierre Wong (general academic).
• Year 12 sport, cultural, academic blues: Emily Bowden (academic, cricket), Amber Buxton (rugby), Natasha Cameron (academic), Thomas Craig (academic), Lily Culbertson (cricket, squash), Danielle Korevaar (academic), Elliot McKinnel (swimming), Jamie Morrison (rugby), Samuel Mosley (rugby), Greer Muir (rugby), Emma Stark (netball), Jamie Sutton (rugby), Olivia White (academic), Andrew Whyte (academic, athletics), Pierre Wong (academic).
• Year 13 prizes, awards: Brooke Anderson (commendable achievement economics, commerce,economics teachers medal), Jemaig Bell (excellence geography, merit physical education, commendable achievement English, history, academic prize, netball leadership, netball excellence, blue academic), Meghan Bennet (excellence history, merit geography, commendable achievement English, biology, physical education, excellence history, literature, contribution to community, blue academic), Blake Bennett (merit computing, national certificate computing level 3), Nicole Bichan (merit biology level 2), Wesley Bopp (commendable achievement physical education), Riah Broughton-Smith (commendable achievement Maori), Leonie Brown (commendable achievement art), Kelsi Chapman (merit soft materials technology), Renee Crutchley (merit agriculture, commendable achievement Gateway), Courtney de Groot (commendable achievement computing, geography, national certificate computing level 3), Aydan Edwards (rugby), Nicole Felts (excellence biology, chemistry, French, mathematics with calculus, commendable achievement physics, European language, blue academic), Hannah Gold (merit history), Kendyl Grant (commendable achievement Gateway), Alton Gray (commendable achievement engineering technology, statistics, modelling), Philippa Henderson (commendable achievement building technology, soft materials technology), Lewis Houghton (soccer), Jeremy Hutton (excellence statistics, modelling, merit computing, commendable achievement accounting, mathematics with calculus, national certificate computing level 3, blue academic), Ayano Ishii (excellence statistics, modelling, commendable achievement chemistry geography, contribution by international student), Victoria McArthur (commendable achievement art, scholarship art), Angela McDiarmid (merit hospitality, commendable achievement Gateway), Hannah McGimpsey (excellence English, physical education, runner-up athletics, excellence physical education, blue academic and rugby), Victoria Mead (commendable achievement hospitality), Thomas Mills (commendable achievement geography), Amy Morrison (excellence accounting, geography, accounting award, netball, blue academic), Morgan Ramsay (commendable achievement art, English, swimming champion), Kristin Reid (merit English), Hamish Rice (commendable achievement building technology, badminton champion), Christopher Ross (golf champion), Royden Scott (commendable achievement history), Nicole Snell (commendable achievement geography, statistic, modelling, academic effort), Leyhana van Vugt (rugby, excellence sport, blue rugby), Erica Ward (excellence drama, merit geography, commendable achievement music), Felicia Ward (rugby 1st 15 most improved, blue rugby), Emma Washington (commendable art, computing, technology prize computing), Vanessa Waters (merit hospitality), Rorie White (exceptional effort), Daniel Williamson (excellence economics, physics, merit biology, mathematics with calculus, blue academic), Nicole Wilson (merit agriculture), Angela Woodward (excellence music, merit English, commendable achievement dance, best contribution music), Yiu Wang Yui (commendable achievement English for speakers of other languages).
• Year 13 special awards: Jemaig Bell (distinction citizenship), Aydan Edwards (distinction citizenship), Hannah McGimpsey (distinction citizenship), Amy Morrison (distinction citizenship), Erica Ward (distinction citizenship).