Special awards
Anya Gipp (dux); Leisje de Bruin, Sian Stables (proxime accessit); Nadia Tutbury (head girl); Jessica White (best all-round girl); Kylie Lyders (best all-round sportswoman); Victoria Hooper (New Zealand School of Tourism scholarship); Anya Gipp (University of Otago leaders of tomorrow scholarship); Christina Ashton (University of Otago performance scholarship); Lana Hendry, Anastasia Manza, Nadia Tutbury (University of Otago Maori and Pacific Peoples' Scholarship); Abby Johnson (service to school); Madalyn Fox (Queen's High Ex Girls scholarship); Janelle Koch (Queen's High Ex Girls scholarship); Sophie Scholten (making a difference award); Hanri de Bruin (Otago Polytechnic principals scholarship); Katie Atkinson (top scholar award NCEA level 1 2014); Anya Gipp (top scholar award NCEA level 2 2014).
Service awards
Arts prefect, Kerry Hockley-Remon; deputy head girl, Madalyn Fox; drama, Johanna Leach; learning support, Emma Scott, Debbie Kennedy; student council, Anastasia Manza; Kaupapa Maori, Lily Collins; Maori contribution and leadership, Nadia Tutbury; music, Juliette Bernard; Pacific Island pupils Lana Hendry, Afe Fa'avae; school houses, Grace Parkes; school production, Juliette Bernard; board of trustees, Sophie Scholten; Interact, Anya Gipp, Louise Nicolson.
Academic awards
Year 13 Christina Ashton (prize physical education, merit biology, Newjoy Rosebowl for physical education); Sophia Craig (excellence hospitality, southern hospitality prize); Liesje de Bruin (prize economics, accounting, classical studies, excellence English, year 13 cup for excellence economics, commerce media); Madalyn Fox (prize chemistry, excellence year 13 chemistry cup); Anya Gipp (prize English, French, history, classical studies, excellence calculus geography, history cup, excellence senior French cup); Kylie Gray (prize English skills); Michala Halford-Feron (prize English skills); Kea Hansen-Johnston (excellence economics, statistics); Ariana Harris-Bray (excellence drama, actors' award drama); Kerry Hockley-Remon (prize dance); Abby Johnson (prize hospitality, excellence statistics, southern hospitality prize); Brittany Jones (excellence history, tourism); Sam Keen (prize tourism); Debbie Kennedy (merit gateway); Janelle Koch (prize art painting, excellence English, history, geography, biology); Sarah Latta (merit history, geography, classical studies, comedy egg cup drama); Johanna Leach (merit English); Kylie Lyders (excellence chemistry, physical education, merit statistics) Lovelyhine Maelega (excellence Samoan); Anastasia Manza (prize drama, classical studies, merit English, Shakespeare prize drama); Chelsea Matheson (prize fabric technology, excellence design and visual communication, merit statistics, economics); Kelsie McKenna (excellence tourism); Caitlin Orr (excellence physical education); Grace Parkes (prize design and visual communication, merit classical studies); Charlene Phuong (excellence art painting); Sian Stables (prize biology, calculus, physics, excellence English, cup for biology); Tia Taiaroa (merit Maori, service to drama cup); Nadia Tutbury (prize Maori, excellence geography, physical education); Jessica White (prize geography, statistics, year 13 mathematics cup).
Year 12 Katie Atkinson (prize physical education, English, French, mathematics, biology, year 12 English); Alana Bagley (prize digital technologies module); Yasasmi Basnayake (prize geography, physics, year 12 mathematics, science, excellence English, chemistry, biology, prize); Chloe Bennett (excellence early childhood II, English skills, merit early childhood I); Juliette Bernard (prize drama, music, excellence design and visual communication); Samantha Bryan (excellence tourism, English skills); Amy Cleaver (prize history, excellence art painting); Gemma Clydesdale (excellence English, economics, merit physical education); Lily Collins (prize Maori, merit food and nutrition, art painting); Hayley de Filippi-Hill (excellence digital technologies); Savannah Elliott (merit English, design and visual communication); Sequoyah Ferguson (prize English skills); Toni Fowler (prize chemistry, excellence English, drama, French ); Toni Hall (excellence English, art painting, merit economics, history); Sayaka Hanabusa (prize ESOL, merit mathematical methods); Hope Henare (merit food and nutrition); Tayla Hibbs (merit photography); Nicole Jenkins (prize mathematical methods, excellence drama, dance, merit geography); Judah Kelly (prize dance); Jayden Kilgour-Kohey (merit digital technologies); Harriet Koch (excellence physical education, history, merit mathematical methods, tourism); Casey Kruishoop (excellence accounting); Isabel Laing (merit mathematics, chemistry, diligence physics, biology, art painting); Jody Lamb (excellence digital technologies, cafe module); Haixin Li (excellence photography); Jasmine Lines (merit early childhood I, early childhood II, food and nutrition); Cheyenne Mamanu-Gruppelaar (merit early childhood II, diligence design and visual communication, drama); Carina McLay (excellence mathematics, merit physical education); Hineterangi Moko-Cassidy (merit Maori); Lyric Newman (merit mathematical methods); Niskamon Ongsara (merit ESOL, mathematical methods); Grace Parkes (merit Maori); Natascha Pascoe (excellence early childhood I); Aoife Picken (prize design and visual communication, excellence mathematics, media studies, merit history, English); Babita Prasad (excellence early childhood III, food technology module, English skills); Eden Purvis (prize early childhood III, food and nutrition, excellence geography, merit mathematical methods); Brooke Rolleston-Perrett (prize cafe module, excellence animal care, diligence food and nutrition, physical education); Emma Scott (excellence youth incentive programme, early childhood II, merit digital technologies); Rebecca Scott (prize physical education, English, economics, accounting) Brenna Sinclair (merit music); Annaleigha Taylor (merit practical mathematics); Kristen Wingham (merit drama); Tamara Witchall (prize fabric technology, excellence animal care, merit practical mathematics, diligence science, food and nutrition).
Year 11 Leah Anderson (prize physical education, economics, science, excellence mathematics, design and visual communication, English); Jonna Barth (excellence science, merit physical education); Morgan Biddington (excellence food and nutrition, merit mathematics); Kyla Blair (excellence food and nutrition, science, English); Gullu Boztas (excellence early childhood I, cafe module); Aimee Bryan (excellence food and nutrition, merit physical education); Alicia Burt (merit English skills, science skills); Allie Bygate (excellence history, mathematics, merit art, economics); Ella Cameron (excellence drama, economics, mathematics, English, merit science); Jamie Lee Carran (prize science skills, excellence practical mathematics); Tamika Cherrington (excellence science skills); Ellesha Clark (prize food and nutrition, merit design and visual communication, physical education, food and nutrition cup); Summer Coombs (prize practical mathematics, excellence science skills); Toni Craig (excellence English, merit science); Sumari de Bruin (excellence digital technologies); Lucy Elliott (excellence dance, physical education); Jaz Fox (merit digital technologies module, diligence science, physical education); Tessi Freeman(merit food and nutrition); Ana Halalilo-Rouvi (excellence physical education, history, geography, merit English); Jessie Hansen (prize history, mathematics, excellence geography, science, merit music); Caitlin Harris (excellence digital technologies, physical education); Riley Haugh (prize dance, excellence physical education); Kate-Lin Hendry (excellence digital technologies module, merit drama); Tayla Hibbs (prize drama, excellence English); Alyssa Kennedy(excellence economics, mathematics, science); Madison Kinnane (excellence drama); Aroha-Roimata Kona-Leech (merit Maori); Kiya Lawson (merit mathematical methods); Courtney Luskie (prize fabric technology); Maddie Mackay (merit mathematical methods); Holly Mason (excellence design and visual communication); Aljuni Matega (excellence music); Kirsty McCorkindale (excellence digital technologies); Sharnya McGhie (excellence youth incentive programme); Hope Moses-Emery (cup for text entry); Shannay Nicholls (excellence English skills, practical mathematics); Louise Nicolson (prize art, English, physical education, excellence mathematics, science, merit history); Mia Norwood (excellence French, English, merit geography); Zoe O'Leary (merit science); Cheyenne Peek (prize food technology module); Abbey Perkins (excellence English, merit mathematics, science); Sylvia Pomare (prize Maori); Emma Robertson(merit digital technologies); Brittany Shepherd (merit practical mathematics); Kelsey Sinclair (merit English); Caitlin Sue (prize French, design and visual communication, English, excellence art, science, merit mathematics); Raiven Todd (merit Maori); Taana Trotter (prize mathematics, science, geography, merit drama, English, year 11 speech cup); Veisinia Veikoso (merit English); Jaya Verma (prize Spanish).
Sport, cultural awards
Most outstanding individual sporting achiever: Christina Ashton.
Most outstanding individual cultural achiever: Juliette Bernard.
Best all-round senior sportswoman: Kylie Lyders; best all-round junior sportswoman: Lara Wall.
Student service to sport: Carina McLay.
School service to sport: Louise Nicolson.
Aerobics: School championship senior, Alannah Taggart; aerobics junior, Claudia Douglas-Bell; outstanding achievement in aerobics, Kylie Lyders
Adapted sports: Danielle Jenkins.
Athletics: Junior, Annika Ludlow; under 16, Riley Haugh, Judah Kelly; intermediate, Lara Wall; senior, Kylie Lyders; highest achievement, Christina Ashton.
Badminton: Most improved, Sayaka Hanabusa.
Basketball: Best individual senior team, Jessica White; best junior, Heaven Samson-Loffley; outstanding contribution, Taana Trotter.
Cross-country: Junior, Scarlett Rogers; intermediate, Ella Scott; senior, Kylie Lyders.
Culture: Te Kimi Matauranga, Nadia Tutbury and Lily Collins; Pasifika: Lana Hendry and Afe Fa'avae.
Dance school championship: Nicole Jenkins.
Equestrian: Excellence Cate Davidson.
Football: Most improved, Ruby Nicholas; player of year, Samara Keen.
Futsal: Best all-round player, Jonna Barth.
Hockey: Senior, Louise Nicolson, Emily Parker-Bardrick; most improved, Hanri de Bruin.
Ice hockey: Most valuable, Erin Marshall.
Jazz band: Excellence, Juliette Bernard.
Netball: Fair play, Abby Perkins; most improved senior, Julz Oskam; most valuable contribution, Kylie Lyders; most improved junior A, Aaliyah Jackson; excellence year 9 netball, Monique Tahere; excellence year 10 netball, Emma Howell; most improved intermediate A, Ella Montgomery.
Rowing: Most improved, Hayley Kettings; coxswains trophy, Carina McLay; rower of year, Hayley Kettings; attitude and commitment, Rebecca Scott.
Rugby: Commitment, Cate Davidson; player of year, Sylvia Pomare.
Rugby 7s: Best all-round player, Molly Stephenson.
Smallbore shooting: Excellence: Hanri de Bruin.
Tennis: Jelaine van Welie, Erin Marshall.
Touch: Michala Halford-Feron.
Volleyball: Senior, Afe Fa'avae; junior, Lara Wall; most improved, Ariana Harris-Bray.
Commendable achievement (for gaining provincial or higher representative status)
Shani Ayson (surfing); Jahnas Barbarich-Stevenson (taekwondo); India Barrett (karate); Ella Cameron (rhythmic gymnastics); Kacey Farquhar (softball); Shavaughn Keelan (softball); Anya Gipp (figure skating); Sakaya Hanabusa (volleyball); Darcy Hunt-Murphy (softball); Ella Hjertquist (rhythmic gymnastics, service to sport award aerobics coach); Kerry Hockley-Remon (tap dancing); Cayla Hosking (tap dancing); Judah Kelly (hip hop); Kylie Lyders (athletics, netball, aerobics); Shannay Nicholls (darts); Terena Ramsay (softball); Chloe Robertson (hip hop, aerobics); Sian Remon (tap dancing); Scarlett Rogers (hip hop).
Cultural, sporting blues
Leah Anderson (aerobics); Christina Ashton (athletics, aerobics); Katie Atkinson (rowing); Liliana Bardrick-Pomare (kapa haka); Jonna Barth (football); Juliette Bernard (school musical); Olivia Burgess (aerobics); Poppy Cairns (hip hop); Ella Cameron (hip hop); Lily Collins (kapa haka); Gemma Clydesdale (rowing); Claudia Douglas-Bell (aerobics); Shontelle Evans (adapted sports); Judah Kelly (aerobics); Hineterangi Moko-Cassidy (kapa haka); Lucy Elliott (aerobics); Afe Fa'ave (Pacific Island performance, volleyball); Michala Halford-Feron (basketball, netball); Riley Haugh (aerobics, athletics); Lana Hendry (Pacific Island performance); Ella Hjertquist (aerobics); Samara Keen (football); Hayley Kettings (rowing); Casey Kruishoop (basketball); Sarah Latta (drama); Johanna Leach (drama); Amber Little (drama); Anastasia Manza (drama); Caitlin Orr (ice hockey); Emily Parker-Bardrick (hockey); Charlene Phuong (kapa haka); Sylvia Pomare (rugby); Sian Remon (aerobics); Rebecca Scott (rowing); Brenna Sinclair (Pacific Island performance); Alannah Taggart (aerobics); Zoe Thomas (football); Nadia Tutbury (kapa haka); Lara Wall (football); Jessica White (basketball, netball); Kristen Wingham (aerobics).
Cultural merit awards
Katie Atkinson (jazz band, stage challenge); Yasasmi Basnayake (chamber music); Lily Cook-Bonney (Pacific Island performance); Juliette Bernard (madrigals, choir, jazz band, arts production, drama,stage challenge); Tamika Cherrington (kapa haka); Georgia Clark (kapa haka); Gemma Clydesdale (stage challenge); Brooklyn Engelken-Jones (kapa haka); Iunisi Finau (kapa haka, Pacific Island performance); Jesse Hansen (hip hop); Ariana Harris-Bray (drama); Hope Henare (kapa haka); Kerry Hockley-Remon (drama, stage challenge); Calya Hosking (Pacific Island performance); Nicole Jenkins (hip hop, stage challenge); Breanna Kalolo (kapa haka, Pacific Island performance); Judah Kelly (school musical); Madison Kinane (madrigals); Sarah Latta (arts production); Johanna Leach (arts production); Amber Little (arts production); Terena Ramsay (Pacific Island performance); Brenna Sinclair (jazz band);Waiora Sinclair (kapa haka); Oriana Taua (Pacific Island performance); Grace Town-Treweek (drama); Victoria Tupai (Pacific Island performance); Veisinia Veikoso (kapa haka); Flayme Wharerau (kapa haka); Kristen Wingham (stage challenge).
Sporting merit awards
Hanri de Bruin (football, touch); Aimee Bryan (netball); Samantha Bryan (softball); Ellesha Clark (volleyball, netball, touch); Cate Davidson (rugby); Michaela Halford-Feron (touch); Amelia Hodgins (ice hockey); Abby Johnson (volleyball, netball); Samara Keen (softball); Erin Marshall (ice hockey); Carina McLay (rowing); Ruri Osani (badminton, volleyball); Heaven Samson-Loffley (softball); Ella Scott (cross-country); Caitlin Sue (badminton); Kaila Tahitahi (netball); Zoe Thomas (hockey); Georgia Trillo (ice hockey); Jessica White (volleyball).
Service to sport
Jonna Barth (futsal coach); Kyla Blair (touch referee); Olivia Burgess (aerobics coach); Hanri de Bruin (touch referee); Ella Cameron (hip hop coach); Gemma Clydesdale (hip hop coach and manager); Grace Dickson (netball umpire); Lucy Elliott (St Clair school jump jam coach); Zoe Foley (netball coach); Madalyn Fox (aerobics coach); Destiny Gibbs (netball coach Carisbrook school); Jessica Gill (netball coach Carisbrook school); Riley Haugh (St Clair school jump jam coach, volleyball coach); Kerry Hockley-Remon (aerobics coach); Abby Johnson (netball coach); Hayley Kettings (netball coach); Caitlin Orr (ice hockey coach); Alesha Prasad-Sinclair (netball coach); Eden Purvis (netball umpire); Sian Remon (aerobics coach); Emma Scott (rugby coach); Alannah Taggart (aerobics coach); Georgia Trillo (futsal coach at Tahuna); Taana Trotter (touch referee); Jessica White (netball coach).