Queen's High School prizes

Emily Gordon
Emily Gordon
Queen's High School held its senior prizegiving and sports and cultural awards recently.

The prize list is. -

Special awards
Emily Gordon (dux); Torea Scott-Fyfe (proxime accessit); Adelaide Chuma (head girl); Emily Gordon (best all-round girl and Otago University leaders of tomorrow scholarship); Torea Scott-Fyfe (Otago University leaders of tomorrow scholarship); Leah Knauf (service to school); Kimberley Mulder (service to school); Rhoina Fa'avae (Queen's High Ex Girls Scholarship); Leah Knauf (Queen's High Ex Girls Scholarship); Stephie Tay (making a difference award); Emily White (best all round sportswoman).

Service awards
Arts prefect (Lydia Bernard); canteen (Helen Simpson); deputy head girl (Rhoina Fa'avae); drama (Elizabeth Atkinson); environmental group (Kim Mulder, Torea Scott-Fyfe); information centre (Vyenna Pearcy); interact and student council (Esther Kelly, Su Dali Than); Kaupapa Maori (Matawai Uiti-Me Nicolls); learning support (Tayla Sloot); Maori - contribution and leadership (Steffanie McAuley, Matawai Uiti-Me Nicolls); music (Lydia Bernard, Emily Gordon); Pacific Island pupils (Rhoina Fa'avae, Lesina Perez); school houses (Samantha Hobson); school production and stage challenge (Lydia Bernard); school sport (Steffanie McAuley, Savannah Ngatae); technology department (Samantha Hobson).

Year 13
Academic awards:
Elizabeth Atkinson (trophy public speaking, excellence history, drama, classical studies, merit biology); Marcelle Balchin (merit geography); Lydia Bernard (trophy excellence performance music); Nadia Burra (prize tourism, merit English, digital technology); Jaimee Caffell (prize SPEC level3, merit gateway); Adelaide Chuma (excellence biology, English, merit physics, chemistry); Nikkita Cleaver (merit drama); Samantha Currie (diligence mathematics with application); Lola Diaz (prize English skills, excellence Tikanga); Rhoina Fa'avae (trophies excellence performance music and public speaking, excellence tourism); Hannah Fleming (trophy comedy drama); Rebekah Fox (excellence mathematics with statistics, merit mathematics with calculus, trophy mathematics); Sophie Gamperle (excellence dance); Emily Gordon (prize physics, chemistry, English, mathematics with calculus, music, French, trophies chemistry, senior French, excellence performance music); Charmaine Hansen-Riley (merit early childhood level 3); Robyn Harkness (excellence art - painting, design and visual communication); India Hawke (prize economics, excellence mathematics with statistics, merit design and visual communication, trophy excellence economics); Amy Hickling (prize physical education, merit mathematics with statistics, trophy excellence physical education); Samantha Hobson (award excellence foods); Nicole Jones (design and visual communication); Esther Kelly (merit classical studies); Samantha Keogh (excellence economics, physical education, English skills, merit tourism); Leah Knauf (prize mathematics with application, classical studies, digital technology, medal for digital technology); Ana Maka (excellence tourism, merit English skills); Kimberley Mulder (prize drama, excellence photography, merit history, English, digital technology); Vyenna Pearcy (prize drama); Chantelle Pese (merit dance); Darcelle Pese (merit English skills); Eliza Pickard (excellence performance music); Emma Scott (diligence biology); Torea Scott-Fyfe (prize biology, history, English, mathematics with calculus, excellence chemistry, drama, trophies history, biology); Tayla Sloot (prize learning support digital technology); Stephanie Tay (prize mathematics with statistics, excellence physics); S'Vania Te Moananui (prize Maori); Tekiteki Veikoso (prize photography, design and visual communication, merit digital technology).

Year 12
Academic awards:
Eden Adamson (merit tourism); Preeti Aryal (prize Tikanga, excellence mathematical methods, merit animal care); Casey Bardsley (year 12 mathematics and science, chemistry, mathematics, physics, excellence biology, merit English, trophy most improved academic performance year 12); Kennedy Barnes (excellence art - painting, physical education, merit history); Nuvundi Basnayake (excellence geography, English, mathematics, merit biology, chemistry, trophy year 12 public speaking); Olivia Brown (prize French, excellence fabric technology); Morgan Buchanan (excellence mathematics, drama, merit physics); Marcia Bylsma (excellence tourism); Bonnie Campbell (merit art - painting); Stephanie Campbell (prize tourism, English skills, excellence financial literacy); Aliesha Chaplin (merit mathematical methods); Eliza Ching (excellence English, Maori, music); Mariah Constable (merit digital technology); Lia Crosland(prize history, physical education, excellence digital technology, biology, trophy text entry); Roche de Bruin (prize biology, geography, excellence physics, chemistry); Amber Dewar (prize mathematical methods, excellence food and nutrition, merit English, early childhood level 2, drama); Jacqueline Edie (excellence geography, merit English); Millie Elliott (merit physical education, design and visual communication); Kim Gruenig (merit mathematics, physical and outdoor education module); Monica Homes (prize design and visual communication); Lelani Hosking (merit English, dance); Savanna Hughes (excellence mathematical methods, merit early childhood level 1); Suzanne Kydd (diligence French, biology); Emma Landreth (excellence fabric technology); Tayla McLay (merit mathematical methods); Anamalee O'Flanagan Griffin (prize English, excellence economics); Jardei Peek (merit gateway); Carissa Richards (excellence English skills); Angela Ross (diligence English skills); Samantha Scholten (prize drama, excellence biology, history, English, merit mathematics); Amber Smith (excellence tourism, early childhood level 3); Kimberley Stewart-Paul (excellence digital technology); Cassandra Stephens (diligence tourism); Emi Tachi (merit ESOL); Lana Tall (prize food and nutrition, excellence early childhood level 3); Nikkita Tamati (merit economics, food and nutrition); Jordan Toki (merit English skills, animal care); Matawai Uiti-Me Nicolls (prize Maori, excellence drama); Teggan Wallace (merit food technology module); Awhina Webster (excellence mathematical methods, digital technology); Brittany White (prize art-painting, excellence physical education, merit mathematics); Emily White (prize dance, merit physical education); Shaleena Wilson (excellence design and visual communication); Cassidi Woodhouse (diligence across all subjects); Lauren Wright (prize economics, excellence foods, merit animal care, gateway, trophy enterprise).

Year 11
Academic awards:
Tamara-Lee Apaipo (excellence science skills); Christina Ashton (prize design and visual communication, excellence science, geography, English, merit physical education); Hatice Boztas (merit pathways literacy); Emily Bryant (excellence SPEC level 1, pathways literacy); Anita Cleary-Jenkins (prize pathways literacy, excellence science skills); Chloe Cleaver (excellence digital technology module); Sophia Craig (prize English, excellence mathematics, physical education, art, merit science, French); Liesje de Bruin (prize digital technology, excellence science, economics, merit mathematics); Hanri de Bruin (prize physical and outdoor education module, excellence digital technology module, merit physical education); Alice Dooley (prize drama); Madalyn Fox (prize mathematics, excellence science, history, economics, English, mathematics, French); Anya Gipp (prize science, history, economics, English, mathematics, French); Nakita Gullen-Keane (excellence financial literacy); Fiona Harper (excellence practical mathematics, merit SPEC level 1); Nakota Hawke (merit English, design and visual communication); Amelia Heath-Collins (prize English, French, excellence science, economics, mathematics, design and visual communication); Sarina Hicks (diligence pathways literacy); Victoria Hooper (excellence childhood level 1 and 2); Nicole Houlihan (excellence childhood level 1 and 2); Abby Johnson (prize food and nutrition, excellence physical education, trophy year 11 food and nutrition); Brittany Jones (excellence food and nutrition); Eilish Jowett (excellence history, English); Samara Keen (excellence digital technology); Eleisha Kelly (merit dance); Debbie Kennedy (prize SPEC level 1); Janelle Koch (prize geography, excellence history, merit art); Sarah Latta (diligence science); Brittany Luskie (excellence English); Lovelyhine Maelega Luafitu (excellence science skills); Anastasia Manza (trophy year 11 public speaking); Chelsea Matheson (excellence history, design and visual communication, merit English); Nicole Matthews (merit practical mathematics); Caitlin Mattingly (excellence food and nutrition); Grace McIntyre (prize art, physical education, excellence mathematics, merit science, English); Kelsie McKenna (merit food and nutrition); Laura McKinlay (prize music, excellence drama); Riparata Meihana (merit practical mathematics); Natasha Mitchell (prize café food module); Taylor Murray (prize fabric technology); Hinerangi October (prize practical mathematics); Jessica Oliver (excellence science skills); Caitlin Orr (merit physical education); Charlene Phuong (excellence art, merit Maori); Kirsten Reid (diligence science skills); Brooke Roberts (excellence English, drama, merit science, history, mathematics); Tabea Schulze Pals (excellence food technology module); Katrin Schwan (excellence food technology module); Sian Stables (prize science, excellence English, mathematics, merit history); Alannah Taggart (merit economics, mathematics) Tia Taiaroa (merit Tikanga); Nadia Tutbury (prize Maori); Jessica White (excellence science, English, mathematics, physical education, merit geography, drama).

Sport, cultural awards
Outstanding Achievements:
Christina Ashton (aerobics, athletics); Shani Ayson (surfing); Jonna Barth (football); Lydia Bernard (rock band); Aimee Bryan (netball); Victoria de Filippi (football); Madelyn Fox (aerobics); Grace Dickson (Manu Korero Maori speech competition); Aleisha Edmunds (football); Lucy Elliott (aerobics); Shontelle Evans (a.w.d athletics); Rhoina Fa'avae (rock band); Anya Gipp (figure skating); Emily Gordon (rock band); Riley Haugh (aerobics); Riley Homan (basketball); Monica Homes (wearable arts-advertising design); Judah Kelly (roller speed skating); Casey Kruishoop (basketball); Grace McIntyre (aerobics, badminton); Caitlin McKinlay (rhythmic gymnastics); Louise Nicolson (hockey); Caitlin Orr (ice-hockey); Eliza Pickard (musical, song writing, rock band); Kerry Remon (aerobics); Gabrielle Scott (surf lifesaving); Caitlin Sue (badminton); Matawai Uiti-Me Nicolls (Kaitataki Wahine award recipient for top female leader in Otago/Southland secondary schools kapa haka competition); Emily Parker-Bardrick (hockey); Kirsten Reid (a.w.d-pd athletics); Alanna Taggart (aerobics); Te Hohi Valentine (taekwon-do); Emily White(aerobics); Siraya Wilson (boxing); Kristen Wingham (aerobics); Madeline Witchall (a.w.d athletics); Cassidi Woodhouse (figure skating).

Music, drama and cultural blues and merits awards
Tamara Apaipo (merit queens of the Pacific); Kiave Areito (merit queens of the Pacific); Elizabeth Atkinson (blues drama, merit wearable arts); Liliana Bardrick (merit kapa haka); Lydia Bernard (blues jazz band, musical, madrigals, drama, merit wearable arts, chamber music, stage challenge); Nadia Burra (merit stage challenge); Adelaide Chuma (merit madrigals); Nikita Cleaver (blues drama); Lily Collins (merit kapa haka); Grace Dickson (merit kapa haka, Nga Manu Korero); Rhoina Fa'avae (blues jazz band, queens of the Pacific); Hannah Fleming (merit drama); Rebekah Fox (merit madrigals); Sophie Gamperle (merit stage challenge); Emily Gordon (blues jazz band, musical, orchestra, chamber music, merit madrigals); Robyn Harkness (merit stage challenge); Hope Henare (merit kapa haka); Amy Hickling (merit chamber music); Sophie Hiku-Piho (merit stage challenge); Samantha Hobson (merit school year book design); Lani Hosking (blues kapa haka); Ashley Hughes-Grigg (merit stage challenge); Brooke Lindon (drama); Taryn Lome (blues kapa haka, merit queens of the Pacific); Tessa Lunam (merit stage challenge); Helen Maelega (merit queens of the Pacific); Ana Maka (blues queens of the Pacific); Laura McKinlay (merit musical, madrigals); Tayla McLay (blues kapa haka); Hineterangi Moko-Cassidy (merit kapa haka); Kim Mulder (blues drama); Lyric Newman (merit kapa haka); Matawai Uiti-Me Nicolls (blues kapa haka, merit Nga Manu Korero, queens of the Pacific); Mashia Parata (merit kapa haka); Grace Patu (blues queens of the Pacific);Vyenna Pearcy (blues drama); Lesina Perez (blues queens of the Pacific); Chantelle Pese (blues queens of the Pacific); Darcel Pese (blues queens of the Pacific); Charlene Phuong (merit kapa haka); Torea Scott-Fyfe (blues drama); Brenna Sinclair (merit queens of the Pacific); Stephie Tay (blues jazz band, musical, orchestra, chamber music, merit stage challenge); Nadia Tutbury (blues kapa haka); Ellen Wilson (blues drama).

Sport blues and merit awards
Kiave Arieto (merit netball); Preeti Aryal (blues rugby); Christina Ashton (blues aerobics, athletics); Elizabeth Atkinson (blues hockey); Marcelle Balchin (blues football); Kennedy Barnes (merit athletics, touch); Olivia Brown (merit touch); Marcia Bylsma (merit netball coaching); Amber Dewar (merit equestrian); Jacqueline Edie (merit netball coaching); Millie Elliott (merit netball coaching); Afe Fa'avae (merit volleyball); Victoria de Fillippi (blues football); Rhoina Fa'avae (blues volleyball); Madalyn Fox (blues aerobics); Emily Gordon (blues hockey, merit futsal); Michala Halford-Feron (merit netball, touch); Robyn Harkness (blues football, merit futsal); Amy Hickling (merit hockey); Riley Homan (blues basketball); Kirra Kater (merit netball coaching); Esther Kelly (blues hockey); Samantha Keogh (merit hockey); Casey Kruishoop (blues basketball); Steffanie McAuley (blues netball, merit athletics, netball coaching); Grace McIntyre (blues aerobics, badminton); Savannah Ngatae (blues netball, merit netball coaching); Caitlin Orr (blues ice hockey); Emily Parker-Bardrick (merit hockey); Grace Patu (merit volleyball); Lesina Perez (blues volleyball); Chantelle Pese (blues volleyball); Darcel Pese (blues volleyball); Kirsten Reid (merit athletics); Alannah Taggart (blues aerobics); Tayla Sloot (blues adapted sport programme); Stephie Tay (blues badminton); Emily White (blues aerobics, merit athletics, netball); Ellen Wilson (blues hockey); Shaleena Wilson (merit equestrian); Kristen Wingham (merit aerobics); Madeline Witchall (blues a.w.d athletics); Cassidi Woodhouse (merit athletics); Lauren Wright (blues netball).

Sports, cultural cups and trophies
Most outstanding individual sporting achiever, Christina Ashton; best all-round sportswoman, Emily White; best all-round junior sportswoman, Casey Kruishoop; service to sport, Savannah Ngatae, Steffanie McAuley.
Aerobics: Senior, Grace McIntyre, runner-up Emily White; junior, Lucy Elliott; athletes with disabilities, Shontelle Evans.
Athletics: Junior, Riley Haugh; under 16, Christina Ashton; intermediate, Riley Homan; senior, Torea Scott-Fyfe; highest achievement, Christina Ashton.
Badminton: Most improved, Caitlin Sue.
Basketball: Best individual senior team, Casey Kruishoop; best junior, Ellesha Clark; outstanding contribution, Savannah Ngatae.
Cross-country: Junior, Caitlin McKinlay; intermediate, Casey Kruishoop; senior, Torea Scott-Fyfe.
Culture: Te Kimi Matauranga: Matawai Uiti-Me Nicolls; Pasifika: Rhoina Fa'avae.
Equestrian: Excellence, Amber Dewar.
Football: Most improved, Samara Keen; player of year, Victoria de Filippi.
Futsal: Best all-round player, Ashlee Sutton .
Hockey: Senior, Emily Gordon; most improved, Wing Tang.
Ice Hockey: Most valuable, Kim Gruenig.
Karate: Most dedicated, Morgan Buchanan, Suzanne Kydd.
Netball: Fair play, Abby Johnson; most improved senior, Millie Elliott; most valuable contribution, Steffi McAuley; most improved junior A netballer, Kaila Tahitahi; excellence year 9 netball, Aimee Bryan; excellence year 10 netball, Casey Kruishoop; most improved intermediate A, Hayley Kettings.
Orienteering: Most improved, Roche de Bruin.
Rowing: Most improved, Isabel Laing, coxswains trophy, Aoife Picken; rower of year, Riley Homan; most valued rowing club member, Gemma Clydesdale.
Rugby: Commitment, Wing Tang; player of year, Preeti Aryal.
Swimming: Junior, Caitlin Harris; senior, Gabrielle Scott.
Tennis: Most improved, Louise Nicolson; senior, Kirra Kater; tennis cup, Amber Smith.
Touch: Hanri de Bruin, Michala Halford-Feron.
Violin: Emily Gordon.
Volleyball: Junior, Aroha-Roimata Kona-Leech; most improved, Afe Fa'avae; excellence senior, Lesina Perez.

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