Queen's High School held its junior prizegiving recently. The prize list is. -
Special awards
Year 9 speech cup, Grace Dickson; year 10 speech cup, Brooke Roberts; contribution and leadership in Maori within the school, Nadia Tutbury; year 10 service cup, Brooke Roberts; Alliance Francaise prize, Aoife Picken.
Year 9
Outstanding academic excellence: Katie Atkinson (excellence mathematics, science, French, English, critical digital competencies, drama); Riley Homan (excellence fabric technology, English, humanities, health and physical education, merit science); Harriet Koch (excellence science, English, humanities, health and physical education, merit food technology); Casey Kruishoop (excellence food technology, critical digital competencies, humanities, health and physical education, diligence mathematics); Carina McLay (excellence mathematics, science, Japanese, health and physical education, merit English, humanities); Aoife Picken (excellence science, English, critical digital competencies, French, humanities, merit mathematics); Su Sha Than (excellence science, food technology, French, health and physical education).
Excellence, merit and diligence awards: Alana Bagley (excellence health and physical education, merit mathematics, fabric technology, English); Milly Barker (excellence music); India Barrett (merit science); Yasami Basnayake (diligence science); Juliette Bernard (excellence English, drama, humanities, merit mathematics, science); Caitlin Bouman (merit mathematics); Samantha Bryan (merit humanities, diligence health and physical education, mathematics, science); Kendra Buist (excellence English, merit music); Teigan Burke (merit humanities); Amy Cleaver (excellence mathematics, French, merit food technology, science, humanities); Gemma Clydesdale (merit critical digital competencies, dance, health and physical education); Lily Collins (excellence art, fabric technology, merit Maori); Tayla Curline (excellence English); Tequila Dick-Karetai (excellence Maori); Grace Dickson (merit Maori, food technology); Savannah Elliott-Underhill (excellence food technology, science, humanities); Shontelle Evans (excellence South Pacific educational courses); Toni Fowler (excellence French); Denderah Gould ( merit South Pacific educational courses); Toni Hall (merit English); Kea Hansen-Johnston (excellence French); Magenta Harris (merit science); Hope Henare (merit Maori, health and physical education); Libby Hotton (merit French); Nicole Jenkins (excellence dance, merit health and physical education); Judah Kelly (excellence dance, critical digital competencies); Hayley Kettings (excellence science, drama, health and physical education, merit mathematics, music, English, humanities); Rebekha Knauf (excellence humanities, merit science, French, diligence mathematics); Isabel Laing (excellence art, science, humanities, merit mathematics, English, health and physical education); Haixin Li excellence art, merit science, Japanese, diligence English, humanities, mathematics); Amber Little (excellence humanities, English, merit drama); Cheyenne Mamanu-Gruppelaar (excellence humanities); Nesara McBratney (merit English, diligence science, humanities); Kara Merriman (excellence Maori); Hineterangi Moko-Cassidy (excellence Maori); Lyric Newman (merit health and physical education); Christiana Osam ( excellence French); Tyla Osborne (excellence health and physical education, merit mathematics); Mashia Parata (excellence Maori, merit music, English, diligence mathematics); Emily Parker-Bardick (merit health and physical education); Xana Pua (excellence French, health and physical education, merit mathematics, fabric technology, science, English, humanities); Eden Purves (excellence Maori, humanities, merit science, English, health and physical education, diligence mathematics); Rebecca Scott (excellence English, merit health and physical education); Brenna Sinclair (merit dance); Ashlee Sutton (excellence literacy, diligence health and physical education); Kama Warburton (merit literacy); Francis Watson (merit Japanese); Kristen Wingham (excellence health and physical education, merit English, humanities, diligence mathematics).
Year 10
Outstanding academic excellence: Amelia Collins (excellence mathematics, science, graphics, fabric technology, French, humanities); Sophia Craig (excellence mathematics, semester art, English, health and physical education); Madalyn Fox (excellence mathematics, science, humanities, health and physical education, merit Japanese); Anya Gipp (excellence mathematics, food technology, science, English, French, humanities, health and physical education); Brooke Roberts (excellence art, English, drama, humanities, merit semester music); Jessica White (excellence mathematics, science, Japanese, drama, health and physical education).
Excellence, merit and diligence awards: Tamara Apaipo (merit mathematics, English, science, health and physical education); Christina Ashton (excellence graphics); Islay Benham (excellence English, French); Tamara Brehaut-King (diligence English); Lauren Brown (merit mathematics, science, English, health and physical education); Chloe Cleaver (excellence youth incentive programme, merit digital technologies, diligence humanities); Mariana Dean (merit health and physical education); Alice Dooley (excellence drama, health and physical education, merit food technology, science, English, humanities); Bethany Duxbury (excellence mathematics, merit food technology, science, English, digital technologies, humanities); Afe Fa'avae (excellence health and physical education, merit English); Natalia Haira (merit Maori) ; Ariana Harris-Bray ( merit Maori); Nakota Hawke (excellence art, graphics, merit fabric technology); Lana Hendry (merit English, humanities, health and physical education); Tori Hooper (excellence health and physical education, merit English, science, diligence humanities, mathematics); Cassandra Jarvis (excellence English); Abby Johnson (excellence semester art, food technology, health and physical education); Brittany Jones (excellence humanities, health and physical education, merit mathematics, food technology, science); Eilish Jowett (merit English); Sam Keen (merit mathematics, health and physical education); Eleisha Kelly (merit dance); Debbie Kennedy (excellence youth incentive programme, diligence science, mathematics, English, humanities); Tiana Kirk (excellence English, merit mathematics); Rukuwai Knight (excellence Maori); Janelle Koch (excellence semester art, humanities); Sarah Latta (merit English, humanities, health and physical education, diligence science, mathematics); Johanna Leach (excellence art, science, drama); Brittany Luskie (excellence humanities); Tyla MacLeod (merit dance, health and physical education); Lovelyhine Maelega Luafitu (merit health and physical education); Caitlin Mattingly (merit mathematics, diligence science, humanities); Grace McIntyre (excellence English, health and physical education); Laura McKinlay (excellence semester music); Natasha Mitchell (merit health and physical education); Taylor Murray (merit fabric technolgy); Caitlin Orr (excellence French, drama); Amber Papahadjis (merit digital technologies); Kirstin Reid (merit art, diligence health and physical education, science); Sophie Scholten (excellence food technology, English, humanities, merit mathematics, science, drama, health and physical education); Sarah Scott ( merit semester music); Sian Stables (excellence science, English, French); Alannah Taggart (excellence mathematics, merit art); Tia Taiaroa (merit Maori); Grace Town-Treweek (merit English); Nadia Tutbury (excellence dance, English, Maori, merit humanities); Sutear Ung (merit science); Jassmyn Walker (merit mathematics).