Year 11
Cameron Bayne (honours science); Phoebe Booth (honours applied science, English applied); Fraser Braid (scholarship in materials technology (metal), premier materials technology (metal), honours science); Briana Buijck (senior girls badminton); Clair Caird (premiers English, environmental geography, honours history); Cindy Chek (honours ESOL); Kevin Chung (honours materials technology (wood)); Ben Clayton (chess trophy, premiers English, French, historical research, mathematics, science); Charlotte Dickie (emerging actor trophy, award for English, honours drama); Benjamin Dubyk (technical excellence in senior football award, honours year 12 mathematics); Jacob Duffy (honours physical education); Max Freeman (premiers digital technology, music, honours mathematics, science); Latiesha Hall (honours design and visual communication, materials technology (fabric)); Desiree Heinze-Farrington (brass playing cup, premiers accounting, French, honours English); Isaiah Holman (honours general mathematics); Sophie Huntington (girls hockey most improved, English prize, excellence in foreign languages, award, honours mathematics); Ahi Kaitai-Mullane (girls football most
Year 12
Brandon Boniface (premier English applied); Jazzy Bowen (premier career pathways, honours gateway); Catherine Cadzow (excellence in senior mathematics and science, prize, premiers chemistry, mathematics, honours biology, physics); Alfred Cathro (premier historical research, honours classical studies); Dylan Deans-Bennett (boys singles tennis, premier materials technology (metal), honours painting); Henri Gaudin (association football cup, hockey award, senior boys cross-country, excellence in senior mathematics prize, excellence competition mathematics prize, honours chemistry, physics); Mica Goldsmith-Lonie (1st XI boys football most improved, honours Latin); Clare Gorman (honours design and visual communication, media studies); Jacob Gosling (best back cup, senior boys athletics, senior boys touch award); Ruairi Griffin (honours biology, English, materials technology (metal)); Reva Grills (senior Shakespeare performance prize, honours history); Kate Guthrie (honours photography); Panashe Gwavava (digital technology prize); Carmen Heinze-Farrington (premiers accounting, statistics); Tia Hibbert (excellence in stagecraft, prize, theatre sports prize); Sophia Hilton-Manning (honours environmental geography); Jasper Holloway (excellence in contemporary music award); Jonty Horwell (best senior bowls performance (boys); Daniel Howlett (senior boys volleyball, honours hospitality); Caitlyn Kilner (honours materials technology (wood), statistics); Ana Kohu-Morris (intermediate girls athletic, senior netball most valuable development squads); Julia Kral (honours biology, English); Oscar La Dell (debating - top senior team, film club award, senior Shakespeare group performance prize, honours classical studies, honours drama, English, media studies); Briana Lane (premier general mathematics, honours hospitality); Maria Larsen (premiers biology, history, honours chemistry, English, mathematics); Susie LeBuffe (premier photography, honours English); Lydie Leurquin (premier classical studies, Latin, honours history); Izzie Locker (best senior girls hockey); Matilda Macandrew (film club award, premier media studies); George Maclaurin (cricket cup, award for melodic improvisation, honours music, statistics); Alexander McMillan (boys ice hockey); Tabitha McMillan (honours materials technology (fabric)); Grant McNaughton (debating - top senior team, English department prize, premier biology, economics, physics, year 13 calculus, honours chemistry); Phillip Nelson (premier digital technology); Kan Nishida (premier mathematics, honours physical education); Brianna Palin (honours history); Aina Pardas-Antona (senior award chamber music); Nel Pardas-Antona (senior award string playing); David Prime (boys futsal most valuable, most improved year 12 drama trophy); Shania Quinn (outstanding girls basketballer, senior A netball cup most valuable player); Belle Reid (honours career pathways); Kemp Reynolds (premier gateway, honours general mathematics); Jim Robinson (premier year 12 musical performance); Jaren Roy (intermediate boys athletics, senior boys basketball most valuable player, premier physical education); Jazz Ryan (honours hospitality); Florence Sorrel (premier painting); David Spencer (boys futsal most improved, service school cricket, honours physical education, year 13 calculus); Erica Stedman (girls basketball most valuable), Jaebyn Stevens (LPHS cricket batting award); Eva Stoddart (excellence in English cup); Ava Straw (senior choral music award, excellence in stagecraft trophy, premiers English, French, music, honours drama); Nieve Sunitsch (honours digital technology); Ruari Warren (theatre sports award); Bruno Willis (premiers applied art theory, design and visual communication); Ella Yiannett (best all-rounder drama, premiers classical studies, drama, honours English, media studies, painting).
Year 13
Maxwell Arnott (premier university entrance English); Frances Barnett (girls hockey best team member, senior creative writing award - poetry, scholarship in literature, premier biology); Isla Benham (senior formal writing, honours biology, French); Zak Booth (honours design and visual communication); Alesha-Jane Bowen (honours classical studies, English, media studies, statistics); Aidan Braid (most valued climber trophy, service school sailing, environmental geography fieldwork prize, honours environmental geography, physical education); Ocean Brydon (most improved boys basketballer); Meran Campbell-Hood (debating top senior team, service debating, communication prize); Tim Copland (senior jazz combo music); Rosie Craven (senior girls cross-country); Casey Cuthbertson (premiers chemistry, physics); Claudia Dakin-Thompson (girls football golden boot award, girls futsal most valuable); William Dreyer (premier classical studies, honours biology, history); Oliver Eden-Mann (honours materials technology (wood)); Vyvienne Evans (senior musical performance, honours music); Tait Familton (boys hockey best team member, water polo); Ethan Gaffney (honours chemistry); Tash Gosling (senior girls athletics, premier digital technology); Tahlia Hapuku (honours hospitality); Maia Hill (honours photography); Mitchell Innes (band playing, senior composition); Harrison Kennedy (honours drama); Gabe Kennedy Atchison (most improved boys hockey player); Jacobi Kohu-Morris (contribution to speaking and debating, debating top senior team, communication prize, premiers accounting, drama, historical research); Emma Langley (premiers materials technology (fabric), photography); Tara Leckie (best senior contribution to junior drama, English department prize, honours media studies); Nicholas Lim (honours digital technology, history); Luke Major (excellence across the arts curriculum prize, set design and building award, drama performance and direction cup, excellence in painting award, honours media studies); Max McCarthy (honours university entrance English); Bryn McKerracher (honours classical studies); Pippi Miller (drama cup, literary excellence cup, premiers history, media studies, honours drama, painting); Jamie Moore (design & execution of costuming award, service school drama); Emily Newton (senior creative writing award - prose, honours English, honours history); Hanna Ott (senior award orchestral music, senior award woodwind playing, service school music, premier music); Holly Peck-Locke (service library); Oisin Quinlan-Thompson (premier statistics, honours physics); Chloe Russell (honours hospitality); Saskia Turner (excellence in statistical research prize, premier physical education); Patit Viwatmanuskul (best forward); Casey Wheeler (excellence in drama cup, premier drama, honours statistics).
Tertiary scholarships
Frances Barnett, Tuhin Baucas, Alesha Jane Bowen, Aidan Braid, Meran Campbell Hood, William Dreyer, Oliver Eden-Mann, Tahlia Hapuku, Jacobi Kohu-Morris, Briana Lane, Tara Leckie, Luke Major, Pippi Miller, Saskia Rushton Green, Casey Wheeler.
Special awards
International friendship service, Ryan Ong; service to school (girls), Hannah Field, Frances Barnett; service to school (boys), Kemp Reynolds; student representative on board of trustees, Grant McNaughton; service to student council, Pippi Miller, William Dreyer; citizenship award, Aidan Braid; head girl, Frances Barnett; head boy, Jacobi Kohu Morris; proxime acessit, Casey Cuthbertson; dux, Pippi Miller, Jacobi Kohu-Morris.