Dux: Alex Gorrie (1st excellence art: painting, chemistry, mathematics with calculus, physics; 1st= excellence physical education, religious education; general diligence); proxime accessit: Kalie Eathorne-Gould (1st excellence statistics modelling; 1st= excellence religious education; excellence biology, chemistry; merit English; general diligence).
Principal's awards
Ben Ahdar (service Edmund Rice camps); Bradley Cumming (service peer mentoring); Kalie Eathorne-Gould (service print media); Hamish Edh (service KTVN); Thomas Figure (service Edmund Rice camps); David Fitzgerald (service years 7 and 8); Samara Gallaher (service years 7 and 8); Alex Gorrie (service Edmund Rice camps and peer mentoring); Daniel Hananeia (service library); Ben Higgins (service KTVN); Tina Hughes (service library); Gabriella Hyndman (service ipsa duce); Jessica McCormick (service Edmund Rice camps); Regan McEntyre (service KTVN); Timothy McLennan (service peer mentoring); Brianna O'Connell (service Edmund Rice camps); Helena Rogers (service Edmund Rice camps and library); Matthew Seaton (service library); Jemma Seque (service print media); Jessica Spence (service canteen); Caroline Sullivan (service peers); Olivia Sutherland (service Edmund Rice camps); Andrew Toomey (service peer mentoring).
Honours awards
University of Otago alumni scholarship: Kalie Eathorne-Gould; University of Canterbury emerging leaders scholarship: Alex Gorrie; Queenstown Resort College hospitality and management scholarship: Ben Ahdar; Otago Polytechnic School principal's scholarship: James Neill; Dominican Sisters theology scholarship: Rachael McCaig; founders' scholarships: Katie Mason (Catherine McAuley), Gabrielle Swindells (Dominican), Brianna OConnell (Edmund Rice).
Merit awards
German embassy prize: Ruth Madden, year 13; Charlotte Bremer, year 12; Emma Clark, year 11.
Social science prize: Christian McNab.
Zonta prize: Katrina Monaghan. Mathematics/science prize: Kalie Eathorne-Gould.
English prize: Ruth Madden.
Forsyth Barr prize: Toakase Amato.
AJ Miles award: Karin Sleeman.
Colin Casey young achievers award: Andrew Toomey.
Peter Lawlor memorial prize for Christian citizenship: Alisha DeCourcy.
ANZ trophy: Alex Gorrie.
Cultural blues
Toakase Amato (pacifica vibes); Joseph Brosnahan (major production, excellence company); Alisha DeCourcy (major production, excellence a cappella, bishop's shield drama andcompany); Liam Donnelly (showband and jazz combo, involvement in 88 Strings and chamber music competition); Kalie Eathorne-Gould (showband and jazz combo, excellence a cappella and involvement in brass group); Hamish Edh (major production, excellence for a cappella, bishop's shield drama, KTVN and the company); Evan Fenemor (major production, excellence a cappella, bishop's shield drama and company); Abby Fitzgerald (major production, excellence company); Samara Gallaher (kapa haka); Tom Gallaher (kapa haka); Ben Higgins (major production, excellence for the company and KTVN); Lisa Lam Cheung (pacifica vibes); Katie Mason (major production, excellence a cappella, bishop's shield drama and the company); Chris McRae (major production, excellence a cappella, bishop's shield drama and the company); Joseph Muasika (pacifica vibes); Katie O'Connell (major production, excellence for the company); Shauna Pali (major production, excellence for the company); Matthew Sainsbury (major production); Gabrielle Tili (kapa haka); Ashley Wallace (kapa haka).
Sports blues
Soane Amato (rugby); Gregory Bishop (badminton, bowls); James Bishop (bowls); Darren Cromb (diving); Mark Currie (bowls); Sarah Cutler (swimming); Carina Doyle (surf lifesaving, swimming); Ryan Eckhoff (football); David Fitzgerald (basketball); Lauren Fowler (tennis); Tom Gallaher (basketball); Samara Gallaher (basketball, netball); Alex Gorrie (athletics, cross-country, duathlon, triathlon); Christopher Groenewegen (water polo); Nick Hume (tennis); Dale Hurring (rhythmic gymnastics); Ciaran Jansen (water polo); Regan King (rhythmic gymnastics); Tyler Lapham (basketball, water polo); Josef Larson (football); Jessica McCormick (netball); Hamish McCulloch (surf lifesaving, swimming, triathlon, water polo); Tim McLennan (football); Sam Murphy (hockey); Brianna O'Connell (hockey); Brendon O'Connell (rugby); Hannah O'Connell (touch rugby); Evan Paiaaua (futsal); Shauna Pali (athletics, cross-country); Keegan Payne (rugby); Bridgette Sefton (rugby); Ben Steele (softball); Tessa Sutton (athletics); Andrew Toomey (rugby); Joseph Weatherall (rugby); Mark Wilkins (hockey, triathlon); Ben Willemsen (cricket, rugby); Christie Wilson (softball); Guy Woodhouse (athletics, rugby).
Academic awards
Year 11
Zachary Bayne (excellence economics, German, mathematics, religious education, science extension; merit English, health and recreation; general diligence).
Evie Beentjes (excellence history; merit with diligence English extension, science extension; merit geography, mathematics).
Bethany Bennison (1st with diligence technology: soft materials; diligence drama).
James Bishop (1st= merit, diligence in science; excellence diligence art; merit health and recreation; diligence graphics).
Luke Butson (1st= science applied; merit diligence drama); Hsian Loong (Max) Chan (1st= excellence music; excellence history; merit science extension; general diligence).
Emma Clark (1st excellence, diligence German; diligence English extension).
Vicky Clark (1st= excellence French; merit history, health and recreation, mathematics; general diligence). Darren Cromb (excellence mathematics, physical education; merit health and recreation; general diligence).
Sarah Cutler (1st= excellence history; excellence English extension, health and recreation, physical education, religious education; merit mathematics, science extension; general diligence).
James Dakers (1st= excellence science extension; excellence economics, mathematics; merit graphics, health and recreation; religious education; general diligence).
Michaela Deadman (excellence history religious education; merit art, mathematics, science extension; general diligence).
Georgia Dunbar (1st excellence graphics; merit art, religious education, science extension; general diligence).
Elizabeth Eathorne-Gould (1st= excellence music; excellence French, mathematics, religious education, science extension; merit English extension; general diligence).
Lauren Fowler (1st excellence drama, English extension, mathematics extension; 1st= excellence physical education, science extension; excellence health and recreation, religious education; general diligence).
Sean Gamble (excellence German, history, health and recreation, religious education, science extension; general diligence).
Jessica George (excellence history, religious education; merit health and recreation; general diligence).
Sinead Gill (excellence diligence history; excellence German; diligence English extension).
Elisha Gordon (excellence science extension; merit art; general diligence).
Adam Gorrie (1st= excellence art and technology: hard materials; merit English extension, religious education; general diligence).
Ted Greensmith-West (1st= excellence art; excellence English extension, history; merit health and recreation, religious education, science extension; general diligence).
Christopher Groenewegen (excellence physical education, science extension; merit diligence health and recreation; diligence mathematics).
Lewis Hicks (1st= in science applied. merit in technology: hard materials); Grace Higgins (1st= merit diligence science; diligence English).
Dale Hurring (excellence science extension; merit graphics, mathematics, physical education; general diligence). Daniel Jacob (excellence diligence art and technology: hard materials; excellence religious education; diligence science).
Carrie Jewiss (excellence French, history, health and recreation; merit mathematics, science extension; general diligence). Jonathan Kumar (excellence history, science extension, technology: hard materials; merit English; general diligence).
Jessica Lang (excellence diligence history, health and recreation, physical education; merit science extension).
Virginia Lawson (excellence art, health and recreation; merit English, science extension; general diligence).
Samuel Lynch (merit health and recreation; general diligence).
Benjamin McCarthy (1st diligence mathematics applied; excellence diligence drama).
Kate McColl (1st= excellence art; excellence graphics; merit science extension; general diligence).
Hamish McCulloch (1st= excellence physical education; excellence geography, health and recreation, science extension; merit mathematics; general diligence). Caitlin McLellan (merit art; general diligence).
Polly McMullan (excellence physical education; general diligence).
Claudia McNab (merit French, health and recreation, music, religious education; general diligence).
Hannah O'Connell (excellence physical education; merit geography; general diligence).
Daniel Palmay (excellence diligence science extension; excellence music; merit mathematics; diligence health and recreation).
Charlotte Paterson (excellence physical education, general diligence). Leiana Redmond (1st= diligence English applied; excellence technology: hard materials; diligence mathematics applied).
Briar Renwick (1st excellence geography; excellence history, religious education; merit English extension, science extension; general diligence).
Ruby Riddell (merit drama, economics; general diligence).
Patrick Rietveld (1st= excellence diligence technology: hard materials; 1st= merit diligence technology: food and nutrition; excellence health and recreation; diligence mathematics).
Veiongo Sinamoni (1st= diligence English applied; diligence mathematics applied, technology: food and nutrition).
Jessica Spence (1st= excellence French, history; excellence mathematics, religious education, science extension; merit English extension; general diligence).
Luke Swann (1st= science applied).
Kayla Thompson (1st excellence science).
Hannah Tobin (excellence geography, music; merit English extension, mathematics, religious education, science extension; general diligence); Andrew Ung (1st= merit diligence technology: food and nutrition; merit mathematics; diligence health and recreation, science extension); Nukumai Wallace (1st with excellence in economics. excellence in science extension; merit in art and mathematics; general diligence).
Jasmine Weston (excellence English extension, history, science extension; merit art, health and recreation; general diligence).
Christie Wilson (excellence history, religious education; merit drama, science extension; general diligence).
Year 12
Elena Albi (excellence biology, chemistry, religious education; general diligence). Ariane Bray (1st excellence art history (level 3); 1st= excellence diligence art; diligence English).
Charlotte Bremer (1st excellence biology, German; excellence chemistry, English; merit mathematics extension; general diligence).
Paris Cooper (1st= excellence art; excellence chemistry, religious education; merit biology, English, mathematics extension; general diligence). Alisha DeCourcy (excellence drama, history, religious education; general diligence).
Khac Truong Son (Tom) Do (general diligence).
Gerard Dougherty (1st excellence diligence technology: hard materials; merit chemistry).
Evan Fenemor (1st excellence drama; excellence history; merit mathematics, statistics, religious education; general diligence).
Jacinta Grant (excellence biology, history; merit religious education; general diligence).
Dannielle Hayde (1st excellence French; excellence chemistry, religious education; merit mathematics extension; general diligence). Elinor Helm (merit ICT, technology: practical foods; general diligence).
Lucy Henderson (1st excellence English; excellence chemistry, German; merit biology, mathematics extension, physics; general diligence); Tina Hughes (excellence in ICT, merit in biology. general diligence).
Nicholas Hume (1st excellence economics, history; excellence religious education; general diligence).
Emily Jansen (excellence ICT, religious education; merit biology, chemistry; general diligence).
Rhys Johnson (1st= excellence diligence sports studies).
Bobbi King (excellence diligence religious education; excellence history).
Nicholas Lawson (excellence biology, chemistry; merit mathematics extension, religious education; general diligence).
Sze Chui (Ameline) Liew (excellence religious education; merit chemistry; general diligence).
Chao-Hua (Shawn) Lu (1st excellence electronics, mathematics extension, physics; 1st= excellence chemistry; excellence biology; merit English; general diligence).
Kha Luan Luu (1st excellence accounting; 1st English applied; merit economics, mathematics extension; general diligence).
Katie Mason (1st excellence music; excellence drama, religious education; merit mathematics, statistics; general diligence).
Georgina Middleton (1st art: photography; diligence religious education).
Christine Mockett (1st excellence technology: soft materials; merit physical education, religious education; general diligence).
Katrina Monaghan (1st excellence classics; 1st= excellence chemistry; excellence biology, German, mathematics extension; general diligence).
Matthew Neill (1st diligence building; excellence diligence technology: hard materials). Alice Nettleton (excellence religious education; merit chemistry; general diligence). Matthew Newdick (merit biology, religious education; general diligence).
Katie O'Connell (excellence drama; general diligence). Panikar (Ploy) Opanayikul (merit ICT; general diligence).
Shauna Pali (1st= excellence physical education; excellence biology, chemistry, mathematics extension; merit English; general diligence).
Kylie Price (excellence diligence music, drama; merit diligence religious education). Andrew Prince (1st excellence diligence geography; excellence diligence biology, chemistry).
Niklas Roth (excellence classics, geography, religious education; merit history, mathematics; general diligence).
Bridgette Sefton (excellence diligence physical education; excellence religious education; merit biology, chemistry).
Alisha Spekking (1st media studies; merit history, physical education; general diligence).
Tessa Sutton (1st= excellence physical education; excellence chemistry; merit biology, mathematics extension; general diligence).
David Timajo (excellence biology, chemistry, religious education; merit mathematics extension; general diligence).
Craig Trompetter (1st excellence diligence graphics; 1st= excellence diligence art; merit biology, mathematics extension).
Adi Lina Valenitabua (excellence physical education, religious education; merit chemistry; general diligence).
Daniel Wong (excellence chemistry; merit religious education; general diligence).
Guy Woodhouse (excellence religious education; general diligence).
Keisuke Yamada (excellence technology: hard materials; merit chemistry; general diligence).
Year 13
Toakase 'Amato (1st diligence accounting; merit diligence economics. diligence ICT).
Nicholas Barnes (general diligence).
Gregory Bishop (1st merit electronics; excellence chemistry, religious education; merit biology, mathematics with calculus, physics; general diligence).
Joseph Brosnahan (merit drama, ICT; general diligence). Lily Campbell (merit physical education; general diligence).
Mark Currie (1st= excellence diligence economics; excellence diligence religious education; merit diligence history; merit statistics, modelling).
Kalie Eathorne-Gould (1st excellence statistics, modelling; 1st= excellence religious education; excellence biology, chemistry; merit English; general diligence).
Hamish Edh (1st excellence diligence drama).
Linda Fernando (merit history, religious education; general diligence).
Rachael Forbes (merit technology: food and nutrition; general diligence).
Alex Gorrie (1st excellence art: painting, chemistry, mathematics with calculus, physics; 1st= excellence physical education, religious education; general diligence).
Samara Henry-Turner (excellence art history; merit graphics).
Gabriella Hyndman (1st= merit diligence geography; diligence religious education, technology: food and nutrition).
Brendan Jarvis (general diligence).
Ruth Madden (1st merit English, German; merit art: painting, religious education, statistics, modelling; general diligence).
Rachael McCaig (1st= merit diligence geography; merit diligence economics; merit religious education). Regan McEntyre (Polson Higgs CETA medal; excellence diligence economics; excellence diligence religious education; merit statistics, modelling; diligence mathematics with calculus).
Timothy McLennan (1st= excellence diligence religious education. 1st= excellence physical education; excellence art: painting, statistics, modelling; merit economics; diligence biology).
Christian McNab (1st excellence diligence in history; 1st merit art: print-making; merit diligence religious education).
Christopher McRae (excellence diligence drama; merit electronics, statistics, modelling).
Megan Mitchell (1st= merit diligence technology: food and nutrition; diligence biology).
Anya Morris (1st= merit diligence technology: food and nutrition; merit in art: photography).
Anna Mowat (1st excellence diligence art: photography, graphics; merit art history; diligence statistics, modelling).
Samuel Murphy (excellence biology, chemistry, physical education; merit diligence religious education).
Brianna O'Connell (excellence diligence physical education; merit diligence geography).
Karin Sleeman (general diligence).
Olivia Sutherland (1st diligence classics; diligence biology).
Thaddeus Tobin (excellence diligence religious education; merit chemistry; diligence biology).
Andrew Toomey (1st= excellence diligence sports studies).
Geoffrey Wigley (1st excellence technology: hard materials; merit chemistry; diligence religious education).
Aaron Yap (1st excellence biology; CETA medal; 1st= excellence economics; excellence chemistry, statistics, modelling; merit mathematics with calculus; general diligence).