Kavanagh College held its senior prizegiving recently. The prize list is-
Proxime accessit: Kate McColl (1st outstanding achievement graphics, 1st equal outstanding achievement art: painting, outstanding achievement art: photography, commendation art history, general diligence)
Principal's awards
Edwin Greensmith-West (service ipsa duce); Kean Lodge (service library); Craig MacDonell (service library); Ben McCarthy (service Edmund Rice); Caitlin McLellan (service library); Claudia McNab (service Edmund Rice, Envirogroup); Sophie Penno (service Edmund Rice, envirogroup); Briar Renwick (service Edmund Rice); Conor Sutherland (service Edmund Rice); Nukumai Wallace (service Edmund Rice).
Honours awards
Scholarships: University of Otago academic excellence: Lauren Fowler; University of Otago Maori/Pacific Island entrance: Nukumai Wallace; Otago Polytechnic School Principal's: Robert Hutchison; Otago Polytechnic Pacific Island: Gabrielle Tili; Otago Polytechnic Manu Poumanu: Adam Gorrie; Dominican Sisters' Theology: Elisha Gordon; Founder's: Liam Donnelly (Catherine McAuley), Annabelle Weston (Dominican), Hannah O'Connell (Edmund Rice).
Head girl: Sarah Cutler, head boy: Joseph Weatherall, deputy head girl: Anna McNamara, deputy head boy: Adam Gorrie.
Merit awards
German Embassy year 13: Emma Clark; German Embassy year 12: Caitlin Spence; German Embassy Year 11: Ting-Yi (Annie) Lu and Miranda Carter; social science: Carrie Jewiss; Zonta prize: Caitlin Spence; mathematics/science: Lauren Fowler; English: Lauren Fowler; Forsyth Barr prize: Monique McKewen; International student 2012: Myungjin (Sherry) Sim; AJ Miles award: Atunaisa Makasini; Young Achiever's: Monique McKewen; Founders' prize for Christian citizenship: Liam Donnelly; ANZ trophy: Joseph Weatherall.
Academic awards
• Year 11: Reid Baldock (1st outstanding achievement science, 1st equal outstanding achievement history, art, outstanding achievement English extension, mathematics extension, religious education); Caitlin Booth (outstanding achievement art, history, commendation English); Jack Brosnahan (1st outstanding achievement music, 1st equal outstanding achievement history, outstanding achievement mathematics extension, religious education, commendation English extension, health and recreation, science extension, general diligence); Miranda Carter (1st equal outstanding achievement German, outstanding achievement religious education, science extension, commendation mathematics extension, physical education, general diligence); Kelly Chen (outstanding achievement mathematics extension, commendation art and graphics, general diligence); Sean Collings (1st equal outstanding achievement science applied); Kacy Cosgrove (1st outstanding achievement graphics, 1st equal outstanding achievement French, science extension, outstanding achievement Chinese, English extension, mathematics extension, religious education, general diligence); Calum Currie (1st outstanding achievement technology: hard materials, commendation mathematics and statistics, physical education, religious education, general diligence); Mackenzie Diver Phelan (outstanding achievement English, history, religious education, commendation mathematics extension, science extension, general diligence); Eilis Doyle (outstanding achievement health and recreation, physical education, commendation technology: hard materials); Hannah Duncan (outstanding achievement English extension, commendation art, graphics, religious education, science extension, general diligence); Lana Elford (outstanding achievement English applied, general diligence); Madison Fahey (outstanding achievement economics and accounting, commendation English, mathematics extension, science extension, general diligence); Kate George (1st commendation technology: textile design, outstanding achievement English extension, history, mathematics extension, religious education, commendation science extension, general diligence); Liam Good (outstanding achievement physical education, religious education, science, commendation English, mathematics extension, general diligence); Eileen Jansen (outstanding achievement physical education, religious education, commendation geography, mathematics extension, science extension, general diligence); Matt Kelly (outstanding achievement physical education, commendation mathematics extension, general diligence); Oliver King (1st outstanding achievement mathematics extension, outstanding achievement graphics, history, religious education, science extension, commendation English extension, general diligence); Anna Lawson (1st equal outstanding achievement science extension, outstanding achievement history, commendation English, geography, mathematics extension, religious education, general diligence); Ting-Yi (Annie) Lu (1st equal outstanding achievement German, outstanding achievement mathematics extension, religious education, science, commendation art, English, general diligence); Megan Lynch (1st outstanding achievement economics and accounting, outstanding achievement art, mathematics extension, religious education, science extension, commendation English extension, general diligence); Catherine Mackintosh (outstanding achievement history, commendation mathematics extension, science, general diligence); Callum MacLeod (1st outstanding achievement digital technologies, outstanding achievement music, commendation health and recreation, mathematics extension, religious education); Matthew Martin (outstanding achievement mathematics and statistics, commendation art, religious education, technology: hard materials, general diligence); Johanna Mathieson (1st equal outstanding achievement French, outstanding achievement art, commendation English extension, mathematics extension, religious education, science, general diligence); Ella McKewen (1st applied mathematics, commendation religious education, digital technologies); Awhina Meikle (outstanding achievement art, physical education, religious education, science, commendation mathematics extension, general diligence); Edward O'Driscoll (1st outstanding achievement drama, 1st equal outstanding achievement history, outstanding achievement religious education, general diligence); Jack O'Leary (1st equal outstanding achievement science extension, outstanding achievement English extension, German, mathematics extension, physical education, general diligence); Joyce Pineda (1st equal outstanding achievement science applied); Rebekah Pitcaithly (outstanding achievement graphics, religious education, science, commendation mathematics extension, physical education, general diligence); Hamish Prince (1st outstanding achievement geography, 1st equal outstanding achievement English, outstanding achievement religious education, science extension, commendation mathematics extension, general diligence); Richard Rodger (outstanding achievement health and recreation, physical education, general diligence); Eilish Rodgers (1st equal outstanding achievement science applied, commendation physical education, health and recreation); Chantal Rodriguez (outstanding achievement history, mathematics extension, commendation English, religious education, science extension, general diligence); Lillie Rohan (outstanding achievement history, general diligence); Liam Ryan (outstanding achievement physical education, science, commendation German, mathematics extension, religious education, general diligence); Olivia Scott (outstanding achievement history, health and recreation, physical education, religious education, commendation English extension, general diligence); Leah Sefton (1st outstanding achievement mathematics and statistics, outstanding achievement physical education); Pongsakorn (Pong) Somsittichock (1st outstanding achievement Esol, outstanding achievement digital technologies, economics and accounting, science, mathematics extension, general diligence); Emma Stewart (1st equal outstanding achievement science applied, commendation economics and accounting); Annabel Turnbull (outstanding achievement music, history, commendation English extension, religious education, science extension); John Wallace (1st technology: food and nutrition, outstanding achievement health and recreation, commendation mathematics extension); Lily Whitworth (outstanding achievement history, religious education, commendation art, science, general diligence); Annalise Will (outstanding achievement art, economics and accounting, commendation religious education, mathematics and statistics); Olivia Winders (outstanding achievement art, religious education, technology: hard materials, commendation science, general diligence); Lucy Winton (1st equal outstanding achievement art, outstanding achievement music, religious education, science extension, commendation English extension, mathematics and statistics); Christina Yuen (1st equal outstanding achievement English extension, outstanding achievement history, religious education, commendation French, general diligence).
• Year 12: Shannon Blanch (outstanding achievement biology, commendation English, mathematics and statistics, music, general diligence); Rosanna Bray (outstanding achievement art, commendation art: photography, mathematics and statistics, general diligence); Samuel Bremer (1st equal outstanding achievement physical education, outstanding achievement biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics extension); Micayla Castle (1st outstanding achievement history, outstanding achievement religious education, commendation biology, English, mathematics extension, general diligence); Ruby Cox (outstanding achievement mathematics extension, physical education, religious education, commendation chemistry, technology: practical foods, general diligence); Katelynd Dodd (1st equal outstanding achievement economics, outstanding achievement biology, mathematics extension, religious education, Japanese (correspondence), general diligence); Liam Donnelly (1st outstanding achievement music, outstanding achievement religious education, chemistry, commendation mathematics extension); Jessica Fogarty (1st commendation technology: practical foods, commendation art, religious education, general diligence); Hannah Kerr (1st media studies, outstanding achievement religious education, commendation history); Matthew King (outstanding achievement religious education, general diligence); Quoc Dat (Pete) Le (1st commendation accounting, outstanding achievement digital technologies, commendation mathematics extension); Craig MacDonell (1st outstanding achievement geography, graphics, 1st equal outstanding achievement economics, outstanding achievement mathematics extension, physics, commendation English, general diligence.); John Madden (1st outstanding achievement French, outstanding achievement chemistry, religious education, commendation English, mathematics extension, general diligence); Simon McCaig (1st building, outstanding achievement geography, commendation chemistry, religious education); Jess McColl (outstanding achievement chemistry, economics, religious education, commendation drama, mathematics extension, general diligence); Bonnie McGregor (1st life skills); Cody McRae (1st equal outstanding achievement drama, outstanding achievement mathematics extension, music, commendation religious education, general diligence); Anna-Marie Mirfin (1st equal outstanding achievement art, biology, outstanding achievement chemistry, English, mathematics extension, religious education, general diligence); Isabella Moore (outstanding achievement mathematics extension, religious education, commendation chemistry); Rose O'Connell (outstanding achievement physical education, mathematics extension, commendation religious education, chemistry); Olivia O'Kane (outstanding achievement mathematics extension, commendation biology, English, religious education, general diligence); Conor O'Neill (outstanding achievement biology, chemistry, English, mathematics extension, religious education, commendation physics, general diligence); Simon Pearce (1st technology: metal, 1st equal outstanding achievement art, outstanding achievement mathematics extension, religious education); Joseph Pickles (1st outstanding achievement sports studies, commendation art: photography); Daniel Ramsay (outstanding achievement chemistry, digital technologies, commendation mathematics extension, religious education); Hady Riad (outstanding achievement chemistry, mathematics extension, physical education, religious education, general diligence); Edward Ritchie (1st outstanding achievement art: photography, outstanding achievement art); Samantha Rutherford (commendation drama, music, general diligence); Ike Saunders (outstanding achievement mathematics extension, music, commendation English, physics, religious education, general diligence); Tim Seaton (1st equal outstanding achievement digital technologies, commendation mathematics and statistics, general diligence); Myungjin (Sherry) Sim (1st outstanding achievement Esol, outstanding achievement mathematics extension, commendation chemistry, music); Caitlin Spence (1st outstanding achievement German, mathematics extension, physics, 1st equal outstanding achievement English, outstanding achievement chemistry, religious education, general diligence); Charlotte Steel (1st equal outstanding achievement biology, English, outstanding achievement art, chemistry, religious education, commendation mathematics extension, general diligence); Craig Tatley (outstanding achievement mathematics extension, religious education, commendation English, physics, general diligence); Ben Thompson (1st equal outstanding achievement drama, physical education, outstanding achievement mathematics extension, chemistry); Annabelle Weston (1st outstanding achievement mathematics and statistics, 1st equal outstanding achievement digital technologies, outstanding achievement biology, chemistry, commendation religious education, general diligence); Winnie Yuen (outstanding achievement chemistry, mathematics extension, religious education, commendation biology, general diligence).
• Year 13: Charlie Berja (outstanding achievement drama, history, commendation ICT, religious education, general diligence); Emma Clark (1st German); Vicky Clark (1st commendation French, mathematics calculus, commendation biology, chemistry, general diligence); Annalise Cooper (1st outstanding achievement technology: food and nutrition, outstanding achievement art: painting, physical education, general diligence); Sarah Cutler (1st outstanding achievement physical education, outstanding achievement religious education, commendation chemistry, statistics and modelling, general diligence); Michaela Deadman (1st equal outstanding achievement history, outstanding achievement English, religious education, commendation art: painting, statistics and modelling, general diligence); Christopher Eathorne-Gould (1st equal commendation ICT, commendation religious education); Elizabeth Eathorne-Gould (outstanding achievement religious education, statistics and modelling, commendation biology, chemistry, general diligence); Fenella Fay (1st level 2 ICT, commendation economics, religious education); Lauren Fowler (1st outstanding achievement biology, chemistry, English, statistics and modelling, 1st commendation physics, outstanding achievement religious education, general diligence); Sean Gamble (outstanding achievement biology, religious education, general diligence); Elisha Gordon (1st equal outstanding achievement art: photography, commendation chemistry, English, French, religious education, statistics and modelling, general diligence); Adam Gorrie (1st outstanding achievement technology: hard materials, 1st equal outstanding achievement art: painting); Edwin Greensmith-West (1st equal outstanding achievement art: painting, history, outstanding achievement religious education, commendation English, general diligence); Charlotte Hildreth (outstanding achievement art: painting, general diligence); Joanna Houlihan (outstanding achievement chemistry, commendation English, geography, religious education, general diligence); Dale Hurring (general diligence); Carrie Jewiss (outstanding achievement religious education, commendation geography, history, statistics and modelling, general diligence); Ginny Lawson (commendation art: painting, graphics, religious education, general diligence); Stephanie Littlejohn (commendation art: painting, technology: food and nutrition, NZCETA medal, commendation economics); Clara Mapley (outstanding achievement art: photography, art: painting , religious education, commendation chemistry, English, general diligence); Ben McCarthy (1st outstanding achievement drama, commendation ICT); Kate McColl (1st outstanding achievement graphics, 1st equal outstanding achievement art: painting, outstanding achievement art: photography, commendation art history, general diligence); Monique McKewen (1st outstanding achievement young enterprise scheme, outstanding achievement economics, physical education, commendation religious education); Claudia McNab (1st intechnology: textile design, commendation music); Mickayla Meredith (1st outstanding achievement economics, outstanding achievement religious education); Nathan O'Brien (NZCETA medal, outstanding achievement economics); Daniel Palmay (1st commendation music, commendation mathematics calculus); Briar Renwick (outstanding achievement religious education, commendation geography, history, general diligence); Vincent Rijlaarsdam (1st equal commendation ICT); Madeleine Roberts (1st equal outstanding achievement art: photography, commendation art history, history, media studies, general diligence); Jessica Spence (1st outstanding achievement geography, outstanding achievement biology, religious education, statistics and modelling, commendation chemistry, general diligence); Hannah Tobin (commendation chemistry, music, religious education, general diligence); Andrew Ung (1st equal commendation ICT, commendation chemistry, religious education); Masayuki Watanabe (1st outstanding achievement Esol, commendation ICT); Christie Wilson (outstanding achievement history, religious education, general diligence).
Cultural blues
Charlie Berja (major production); Jack Brosnahan (outstanding contribution music, showband, mass music, high attainment, jazz band, representation of school through music); Luke Butson (major production, a cappella, the company; excellence Bishop's Shield senior drama); Ruby Cox (major production, the company); Emily Crooks (major production); Liam Donnelly (outstanding contribution to music, showband, jazz, mass music, high attainment, excellence a cappella, representation of school through music, all-round excellence); Georgia Dunbar (choreography major production, the company); Christopher Eathorne-Gould (outstanding contribution to music, showband, mass music, jazz band, orchestra, representation of school through music); Elizabeth Eathorne-Gould (outstanding contribution to music, showband, mass music, jazz band, orchestra, representation of school through music); Rachel Fidow (major production, the company, merit a cappella); Sean Gamble (Bishop's Shield debating, coaching, team leadership); Elisha Gordon (Bishop's Shield prepared speech, coaching); Edwin Greensmith-West (Bishop's Shield impromptu speech, coaching, team support, excellence the company); James Gunn (KTVN); Sarah Henderson (major production, the company, excellence Bishop's Shield senior drama, a cappella); Ben McCarthy (major production, the company, excellence Bishop's Shield senior drama); Anna McNamara (choreography major production); Cody McRae (major production, the company, excellence a cappella); Nadia Newman (major production, the company, merit a cappella); Tavita Nielsen-Mamea (leader Pacifica Vibes 2012); Edward O'Driscoll (major production, the company); Kurt Paiaaua (major production, the company); Harry Pali (KTVN, the company); Joseph Peacock (outstanding contribution music, showband, mass music, jazz band, representation of school through music, merit KTVN); Sophie Penno (contribution major productions, the company); Hamish Prince (outstanding contribution music, showband, mass music, high attainment, jazz band, orchestra, representation of school through music); Ruby Riddell (choreography major production, the company); Samantha Rutherford (major production, merit a cappella); Ike Saunders (outstanding contribution music, showband, mass music, high attainment, jazz band, representation of school through music, excellence a cappella); Myung Jin (Sherry) Sim (major production); Theresa Su'a (leader Pacifica Vibes 2012); Grace Tarbotton (major production, a cappella, the company); Ben Thompson (major production, the company, KTVN); Gabrielle Tili (leader Pacifica Vibes 2012, excellence major production); Hannah Tobin (outstanding contribution music, showband, mass music, jazz band, orchestra, representation of school through music); Alana Wells (major production).
Sports blues
Samuel Bremer (athletics, crosscountry); Jacob Cromb (basketball); Sarah Cutler (swimming); Eilish Doyle (rugby, surf lifesaving); Hannah Duggan (rowing); Lauren Fowler (tennis); Kali Fraser (basketball); Charlotte Homan (athletics); Dale Hurring (rhythmic gymnastics); Mariana Ioane (basketball, softball ); Eileen Jansen (basketball, netball); Matthew Kelly (football); Regan King (rhythmic gymnastics); Morgan King (softball); Oliver King (softball); Josef Larson (football); Gregory Mansfield (badminton); Zoë McBride (rowing); Hamish McCulloch (surf lifesaving); James McDonald (basketball); Benjamin Millar-Coote (ice hockey); Isaac Mullin (basketball); Nathan O'Brien (rugby); Hannah O'Connell (hockey, netball); Olivia O'Kane (softball); Jack O'Leary (rowing); Conor O'Neill (softball); Daniel Ramsay (football); Laekin Roberts (taekwondo); Richard Rodger (basketball); Jenna Small (basketball); Mia Small (basketball); John Thorn (hockey); Joseph Weatherall (cricket); Ben Willemsen (cricket); Xavier Wood-Aliberch (ice hockey); George Woodhouse (athletics); Ossian Woods (surf lifesaving).
Wall of Fame
Shannon Blanch (archery); Sarah Cutler (swimming); Hannah Duggan (rowing); Eilis Doyle (surf lifesaving); Jessica Fogarty (archery); Edwin Greensmith-West (speech and drama) ; Dale Hurring (rhythmic gymnastics) ; Regan King (rhythmic gymnastics); Zoe McBride (rowing); Caitlin McLellan (pipe band); Jack O'Leary (rowing); Hamish Prince (pipe band); Vincent Rijlaarsdam (Sea Scouts); Laekin Roberts (taekwondo); Richard Rodger (basketball); Annabelle Weston (archery); Xavier Wood-Aliberch (ice hockey); George Woodhouse (athletics).