Kaikorai Valley College senior prizes

Kaikorai Valley College held its senior prizegiving recently. The prize list is:

Dux Benjamin Leask
Dux Benjamin Leask
Dux: Benjamin Leask.

Head pupils: David Redfern, head boy, Marama Walker, head girl, Zachariah Harrison, deputy head boy, Jennifer Campbell, deputy head girl.

Academic excellence

Benjamin Leask, dux; Peter Druce, proxime accessit; commendation academic excellence year 13, Sean Cook, Peter Druce, Christopher Glover, Benjamin Leask, Daniel MacManus.

Emily Hooper, academic excellence year 11.

Injy Johnstone, academic excellence year 12.

Special awards

Nicole McCutcheon, performance, contribution girls' sport; Thomas Johnson, performance, contribution boys' sport; Nicole McCutcheon, sportsperson of year; Kayla Freeman, commitment visual art; Ryan Finnie and Christopher Glover, contribution music; Jessica Cathro, drama; Aimee Manson, scientific leadership; Dylan Hills, excellence science; Marama Walker, Whāia te iti Kahurāngi award; Lia Vuli, Pasifika award; Nicole McCutcheon, outstanding contribution junior activities; Injy Johnstone, communication; Jessica Wilson, lead and inspire.

Year 11

Excellence, merit awards: Logan Anderson, excellence music, science, merit digital technology, mathematics; Dannielle Arthur, merit drama, progress textiles technology; Cameron Boyes, excellence design, visual communication, merit mathematics, science, progress drama, technology (wood); Joshua Comins, award for diligence, achievement in design, visual communication, award for senior technology, merit design, visual communication, technology (wood), progress geography; Brittany Cooke, merit science, progress geography; Grace Dore, merit history, progress drama, science; Angel-Leigh Durham, merit Japanese, music, progress drama; Tarryn Fahey, merit drama; Edward Hakaumotu, merit science, progress physical education; Jordan Harrison, excellence history, science, merit business studies, physical education, progress English; Adam Hartley, merit Japanese, business studies; Zachariah Hewlett, excellence business studies, science, merit mathematics; Zane Hills, merit mathematics, science 101; Emily Hooper, excellence drama, Japanese, mathematics, science, merit English, music; Rayna Jones, merit drama, progress science, textiles technology; Jesse Kapene, merit design, mathematics, physical education, progress geography; Reegan Lastovicka, excellence drama, science, merit Japanese, progress physical education; Codie Law, merit visual art, progress drama; Alexandra McNair, merit science, progress visual art; Todd Meason, excellence science; Anthony Meldrum-Harris, merit geography, mathematics, science, progress design, visual communication; Nathaniel Morris, excellence English, French, history, science, merit drama; Isabelle Mullan, excellence music, merit English; Donna Paul, prize for excellence in year 11 practical home economics, progress science 102; Cheyenne Roberts, merit food and nutrition, progress physed; Nikita Rosenbrock, excellence English, merit drama, history, science, visual art; Ellen Stewart, merit history, progress drama; Rebekah Thomas, merit geography, progress physed, textiles technology; Keesha van Stijn, merit drama, English, progress textiles technology; Aidan Watkin, merit drama, Japanese, music, science.

Progress awards: Bridget Angus, physical education; Craig Aston, physical education; Jason Broad, physical education, science 103; Chloe Cochrane, visual art; Makayla Crosbie, business studies; Ardriana Dey, physical education; Harrison Gonsalves, physical education, technology (metal); Rhyana Gorman-Carroll, English 102, Tyler Hart, independent living skills; Samantha Irvine, English 101, food and nutrition; Krysta Kirk, digital technology, science 103; Samantha Lobb, physical education, science 102, Connor Mackie, technology (wood); Courtney Manson, drama, Japanese; Liam Manson, technology (wood); Ashlee Marshall, physical education; Liam Monzari, independent living skills; Patrick Moriarty, physical education; Damon Murdoch-McKeich, digital technology, physical education, science 101; Isara Nimcharoen, physical education; Jake Pleace, mathematics 103; KevinQuin, science 103; Desiree Raukura, drama; Lucy Seatter, Japanese; Bret Tennent, physical education, Rachel Tressler, visual art; Bailey Turner, English 101.

Year 12

Excellence, merit awards: Kanisha Aldred, award senior practical fabrics technology, merit geography, visual art (painting); Anna Anderson, award for outstanding leadership; Isabella Bennett, merit mathematics, visual art (photography), progress biology; Luke Biggs, excellence English, geography, merit history, Japanese; Georgia Bradshaw, excellence biology, mathematics, merit visual art (photography); Jennifer Campbell, merit mathematics, progress digital technology; Natasha Chisholm, award for top year 12 mathematician (shared), excellence mathematics 201, merit physed, progress accounting; Michael Cuthbertson, merit mathematics, visual art (photography); Timothy Denniston, merit physed; Sean Fahey, excellence mathematics, merit biology, chemistry, physics; Gregory Field, merit mathematics, progress electronics; Kayla Freeman, excellence visual art (photography), merit English, visual art (design), progress chemistry; Nicholas Gray, merit physed; Zachariah Harrison, merit mathematics, progress technology (metal); Daigoro Hata, merit ESOL; Dylan Hills, excellence biology, chemistry, mathematics, physed, physics; Hoi Pong Ho, merit ESOL, tourism, travel; Daniel Hunsche, award for excellence in design (shared), merit accounting, mathematics; Lin Fa Leong, merit ESOL, progress tourism, travel; Cody Jenkins, merit gateway, progress technology (metal); Injy Johnstone, excellence chemistry, English, geography, Japanese, mathematics, physics; Reuben Jordan, merit music; Manami Katsui; merit ESOL; Akira Kawai, merit ESOL, tourism, travel; Wai Hin Man, merit tourism, travel, progress ESOL; Ryan McCutcheon, merit physed; Zachary McGinnis, merit mathematics, progress biology; Sarah Meldrum, award for top year 12 mathematician (shared), award for achievement in science, mathematics, excellence chemistry, mathematics, physics, merit visual art (design); Quang Khoi Nguyen, merit chemistry, physics, progress digital technology, tourism and travel; Joseph Presland, merit digital technology, mathematics 201, physical education; Devin Redfern, excellence physical education; Jahvard Samson-Noble, merit mathematics 201, progress food and nutrition, physical education; Patrick Skinner, award for excellence design (shared), merit Japanese, mathematics 201; Christopher Sligo, bronze librarian award; Hitomi Sugihara, merit ESOL, tourism and travel; Thomas van Dyk, gold librarian award; Lia Vuli, excellence mathematics 201, merit biology, chemistry, English 201, physics; Marama Walker, merit accounting, drama history, mathematics 201; Nathan Wilkie, merit physical education; Ashley Wilson, merit physical education; Hanlu Xu, excellence mathematics 201, merit music, progress tourism and travel.

Progress awards: Aslyn Brown, independent living skills; Jessie Bunyan, independent living skills, physical education; Jared Cathro, independent living skills, mathematics 203; Ho Yin Chan, tourism and travel; Mary Clark, visual art (photography); Zimeng Duan, ESOL, tourism and travel; Hannah Fleming, drama; Lion Gleiter, technology, Keegan Gray, child care and development; Hannah Greenheld, food and nutrition; Jessica Hockley, Gateway, textiles technology; Hiroki Kumazawa, ESOL; Nitij Maharaj, independent living skills; Ashleigh Manley, biology; Ayaka Motojima, ESOL; Cassidy Mowat, visual art (design); Rurika Ogiyama, ESOL; Jesse Percy, physical education; Shantelle Rush, child care and development; Joshua Scott, chemistry, English 201, technology (wood); Richard Taing, technology (metal); Taylor Thomson, Gateway; Bo Yu, Tian, ESOL, tourism and travel; James Turner, biology; Masae Watanabe, ESOL.

Year 13

Laura Angus, progress drama; Jarrod Anderson, excellence physical education, progress technology (wood); Amy Armishaw, progress Gateway, science, travel and tourism; Ashley Bateman, progress drama, hospitality, science; Mark Blondell, excellence visual art (design), progress biology; Danielle Brockie, progress physical education, textiles technology, visual art (photography); Talor Brown, progress transition; Jessica Cathro, merit drama, hospitality, statistics, progress biology; Kitrena Comins, award for excellence photography, merit visual art (painting); Sean Cook, excellence calculus, physics, statistics, merit biology; Hannah Davis, excellence history, merit geography, progress hospitality; Savannah Davis, excellence statistics; Ashleigh Douglas, progress hospitality, transition, travel and tourism; Peter Druce, excellence biology, calculus, chemistry, history, merit physics; Monique Edie, award for most promising hospitality student; Ryan Finnie, award for performance in music exam (merit grade 6 clarinet), excellence music, merit English 301, physics; Simon Finnie, excellence calculus, statistics, progress chemistry; Virginia Ford, merit statistics, progress accounting, digital technology, travel and tourism; Christopher Glover, music composition cup, best speech in formal setting, excellence calculus, music, merit chemistry, English 301, physics; Lucas Hall, environment award; Nicole Hartley, merit hospitality, physical education; Kymberley Kennedy, excellence science, merit English 302; Aleisha Law, excellence statistics, merit chemistry; Benjamin Leask, excellence biology, calculus, chemistry, history, physics, statistics; Daniel MacManus, excellence calculus, chemistry, history, physics, merit biology; Aimee Manson, excellence history, merit biology, drama; Andrew McBeath, merit accounting; Jacob McCrorie, excellence statistics, merit calculus; Nicole McCutcheon, merit physical education; Alexander McNeill, progress gateway; Leah McPherson-Tilden, progress English 302; Ma'taria Metuakore, progress visual art (painting); Samuel Myhill, merit physical education; Chontira Nimcharoen, merit chemistry, progress biology; Cody Peat, merit statistics, progress accounting; Adam Peterson, award for commitment learning; Hannah Schmierer, merit English 301, history; Rebeka Scott, merit statistics; Neha Singh, progress tourism and travel; Antony Smith, progress history 201, physical education; Kimberley Tapp, excellence geography, merit statistics; Scott Turner, progress drama; Ryan van Heezik, excellence physical education; Jessica Wilson, merit visual art (design); Kaki Yan, progress digital technology, ESOL; Junyi Ye, progress ESOL.

Student leader awards: Jessica Wilson (head girl), Benjamin Leask (head boy), Savannah Davis (deputy head girl), Sean Cook (deputy head boy), Rebecca Eady (international student leader), Anna Anderson, Adam Peterson (special education student leaders), Aimee Manson (environment leader), Jessica Cathro (cultural leader), Nicole Hartley, Kimberley Tapp (health leaders), Nicole McCutcheon, Scott Turner (sports leaders), Injy Johnstone (student representative on board of trustees).

Sports awards

Year 9: Ashley Arthur, fair play award netball; Kane Batchelor, fair play award u14 rugby; Hunter Blair, hockey trophy most valuable junior; Jonty Bradshaw, fair play award junior boys' football; Nathan Comins, minor boys u14 cross-country; Matthew Davey fair play award touch; Jemma Gilbert, junior excellence football, fair play award football, junior touch trophy most promising player, minor girls u14 cross country; Liam Gough, fair play award u14 rugby; Samuel Graham-Walker, junior merit judo; Jesse Irvine, fair play award u14 rugby, touch; Brenton McCormack-Kane, most promising junior hockey player; Shanneka Pearson, junior merit touch; Bella Richmond-Grant, most improved junior netball player; Jordan Scott, trophy minor boys u14 athletics; Lauren Stewart, fair play award hockey; Stacie Wright, girls' soccer cup most improved player.

Year 10: Tupou Dean-Harris, junior excellence darts; Samuel Dore, boys' soccer trophy most improved player; Eliza Findlay, fair play award netball; Paige Gilder junior excellence marching; Vanessa Gordon trophy 1000km challenge student with highest sponsorship; Hayden Henderson, junior excellence softball; Tarnisha Harrison contribution sport netball coaching, umpiring; Josh MacMillan, junior excellence football, fair play award football, boys' tennis challenge cup, 1000km challenge trophy junior boys, junior boys' trophy most promising junior soccer player, most valuable player futsal, cup junior boys u15 cross country; David Malcolm, fair play award rugby; Jack Malcolm, fair play award rugby; Rosie McCulloch, cup junior girls u15 cross-country; Teigan Parish, contribution sport netball coaching, umpiring, trophy most promising junior netball player; Blake Porteous, junior excellence lifesaving, junior merit football, soccer cup most promising player; Kapura Spooner, fair play award junior boys football; Kendall Walker, junior excellence football, most valuable player futsal, trophy girls u14 athletics, trophy most promising junior netballer.

Year 11: Logan Anderson, contribution sport hockey coaching, umpiring, senior merit cricket, cup best performance by junior cricketer, boys' hockey trophy most promising player; Bridget Angus, contribution sport touch coaching, refereeing; Phillip Baxter, cup swimming; Joshua Comin, fairplay award touch; Brittany Cooke, fair play award touch; Thomas Johnson, contribution sport touch coaching, refereeing, senior excellence rugby league, cup intermediate boys u16 athletics, cup most valuable boy basketball player, cup intermediate boys u16 cross-country; Jesse Kapene, fair play award touch; Reegan Lastovicka, trophy most improved rugby player; Samantha Lobb, contribution sport for touch coaching, refereeing, trophy most improved senior netball player; Courtney Manson, contribution sport netball coaching, umpiring; Anthony Meldrum-Harris, senior excellence football, fair play award football, touch; Isara Nimcharoe, cup service boys' badminton; Jayde Peat, contribution sport for touch coaching, refereeing, trophy junior boys u15 athletics; Cheyenne Roberts, fair play award basketball, touch; Kimberley Robertson, trophy most improved girl cricketer; Lucy Seatter, fair play award touch; Ellen Stewart, contribution to sport netball coaching, umpiring, fair play award touch; Jessica Stewart, cup intermediate girls u16 athletics; Rebekah Thomas, senior excellence softball, hockey, trophy junior girls [u15] athletics, trophy for most dedicated hockey player; Bailey Turner, fair play award rugby; Keesha van Stijn, fair play award netball.

Year 12: Nicholas Batt, senior merit rugby league; Isabella Bennett, 1000km challenge trophy senior girls; Jessie Bunyan, cup greatest contribution girls' cricket; Jared Cathro, senior merit cricket; Kayla Freeman, girls' tennis cup; Dylan Hills, senior merit rugby league, rugby; Injy Johnstone, trophy most valuable girls futsal player; Ryan Mccutcheon, fair play award rugby; Sarah Meldrum, fair play award netball; Macayla Moore, trophy most valuable team member girls rugby; Cassidy Mowat, trophy most improved hockey player; Jesse Percy, senior merit football, 1000km challenge trophy senior boys; Joseph Presland, fair play award rugby; Devin Redfern, fair play award rugby; Jahvard Samson noble, senior merit cricket, cup most promising rugby player; Annika Schmidt, cup intermediate girls [u16] cross-country; Joshua Scott, trophy greatest contribution hockey; Hitomi Sugihara, most valuable girls' volleyball player; James Turner, trophy most valuable boys hockey player; Marama Walker, senior merit netball, fair play award netball; Nathan Wilkie, senior merit touch.

Year 13: Eve Aitken, senior merit touch; Ioane Anderson, senior merit rugby, trophy senior boys athletics; Jarrod Anderson, senior merit cricket, rugby, cup best batting average boys' 1st XI, rugby trophy for loyalty, effort, sportsmanship; Danielle Brockie, senior merit touch; Jessica Cathro, senior merit netball, fair play award netball; Sean Cook, senior merit rugby, South Island secondary schools' trophy petanque doubles champion, rugby trophy for loyalty effort, sportsmanship; Michael Dassen, senior merit cricket, football, cup athletics, senior 1500m, cup best bowling performance for season; Savannah Davis, contribution to sport minivolley coaching; Ryan Finnie, fair play award hockey; Ashlee Hammond, girls' hockey trophy most promising player, cup cross-country, senior girls; Kojori Hara, fair play award basketball; Nicole Hartley, senior merit touch, trophy greatest contribution hockey; Kymberley Kennedy, cup senior girls athletics; Aleisha Law, trophy greatest contribution girls' soccer; Daniel Macmanus, senior merit rugby, South Island secondary schools' trophy petanque doubles champion; Nicole McCutcheon, sports leader, contribution sport netball coaching, umpiring, touch coaching, refereeing, senior merit basketball, netball, trophy greatest contribution netball, touch trophy best, fairest player, cup most valuable netball player, trophy most valuable girl basketballer; Samuel Meikle, contribution sport softball umpiring. trophy most honourable softballer; Samuel Myhill, senior merit basketball, cricket, rugby, rangi, cup for fair play senior rugby; Courtney Olds, cup services girls' badminton; Alicia Porteous fair play award netball, cup contribution to lifesaving; Benjamin Purton, senior merit football, boys' futsal trophy most valuable player, cup senior boys cross-country; James Still, outdoor pursuits trophy outstanding contribution; Scott Turner, sports leader, senior merit basketball, cricket, rugby, touch trophy best, fairest player; Ryan van Heezik, senior merit basketball, cricket; Jessica Wilson, contribution sport netball coaching, umpiring, touch coaching, refereeing, minivolley coaching; Martin Wright, senior merit cricket; Junyi Ye, fair play award basketball; Sean Cook, Daniel MacManus, South Island secondary schools' petanque trophy.

Cultural awards

Year 9: Aimee Arthur, junior merit orchestra, chamber music, performances in public, assembly; Zoe Hetfield, junior merit for orchestra, stage challenge, theatre sports; Jesse Irvine, trophy promise junior drama; Kes Johnstone, junior credit stage challenge, tap dancing, theatre sports; Bryony Lastovicka, junior credit stage challenge, talent quest; Rebekah Marks, junior excellence orchestra, chamber music, performances in public, assembly; Jade Martin, junior credit orchestra; Antonia Mcnair, junior merit, orchestra, Otago secondary schools' music festival; Jade Meikle, junior excellence orchestra, chamber music, performances in public, assembly; Blossom O'Neill, junior credit stage challenge; Nadia Paine, junior credit dancing, jazz, hip hop; Shaun Simpson, trophy for promise junior drama; Lauren Stewart, junior credit orchestra; Brooke Thompson, junior credit stage challenge, theatre sports; Jordan Woodmancy, junior merit orchestra, Otago secondary schools' music festival, soloist.

Year 10: Nathaniel Brown, junior credit theatre sports, chess club; Christopher Cook, junior merit choir, Otago secondary schools' music festival, theatre sports; Samantha Fogarty, junior credit stage challenge, ballroom dancing; Lara Frethey, junior merit orchestra, Otago secondary schools' music festival, stage challenge; Regan Gilchrist, junior merit orchestra, Otago secondary schools' music festival; Johanna Hall, junior credit choir, Otago secondary schools' music festival; Sarvana Kinghorn, junior credit orchestra, theatre sports; Rosie Mcculloch, junior credit orchestra, Otago secondary schools' music festival, soloist, trophy most promising junior instrumentalist; Jessica Spinoglio, junior credit stage challenge, get 2 go; Deanna Teremoana, junior credit choir, Otago secondary schools' music festival; Ryan Vickery, award junior instrumentalist, junior merit orchestra; Kendell Walker, junior credit stage challenge.

Year 11: Logan Anderson, senior excellence stage challenge, play it live, talent quest, rockquest, singing, instrumental performances in public, assembly; Tarryn Fahey, senior excellence stage challenge, production Globe Theatre, Taieri Musical Society actor, dancer, talent quest; Rayna Jones, senior merit orchestra; Reegan Lastovicka, senior excellence chorus The Grand Duke, lead vocalist Octagon City Band, trophy promise performance; Isabelle Mullan, senior excellence rockquest regional finalist, best song, play it live, talent quest, assembly performances; Lucy Seatter, senior credit stage challenge; Keesha van Stijn, senior credit St John award speaker at Commonwealth Day service St Paul's; Aidan Watkin, senior credit performance at art auction, play it live, talent questYear 12: Isabella Bennett, senior merit stage challenge, talent quest; Georgia Bradshaw, senor merit stage challenge backstage, talent quest; Jennifer Campbell, senior merit stage challenge, choir, talent quest; Natasha Chisholm, senior credit stage challenge; Lion Gleiter, senior merit orchestra, Otago secondary schools' music festival; Tanja Graeber, senior credit orchestra, Otago secondary schools' music festival; Injy Johnstone, senior merit stage challenge leader, talent quest; Marama Walker, senior merit stage challenge; Masae Watanabe, senior credit Otago secondary schools' music festival; Tian Chu-wu, senior merit orchestra, Otago secondary schools' music festival; Hanlu Xu, senior merit play it live, talent quest, award excellence in performance singing.

Year 13: Eve Aitken, senior merit stage challenge leader, trophy leadership stage events; Laura Angus, senior merit stage challenge leader; Danielle Brockie, senior merit stage challenge leader, trophy leadership stage events; Jessica Cathro, cultural leader, senior merit stage challenge leader, trophy leadership stage events; Ryan Finnie, senior excellence chamber music, orchestra, play it live, talent quest, rockquest, Chick's project, performances in public, assembly, music scholarship for excellence in instrumental playing in group; Christopher Glover, senior excellence chamber music, orchestra, play it live, talent quest, chicks project, rockquest, performances in public, assembly, music scholarship excellence in instrumental playing in group; Aimee Manson, senior merit stage challenge; Scott Turner, senior credit stage challenge leader.

Duke of Edinburgh Awards: Emily Hooper, bronze medal; Rebekah Thomas, bronze medal.

Sports blues: Phillip Baxter, swimming; Sean Cook, petanque; Thomas Johnson, basketball, touch; Daniel MacManus, petanque; Nikita MacPherson, marching; Nicole McCutcheon, touch [NZ hons]; Macayla Moore, wrestling; Samuel Myhill, touch; Jayde Peat, touch [NZ hons]; Alicia Porteous, surf lifesaving; Rebeka Scott, ice skating; Jessica Stewart, cross-country; Scott Turner, touch; Nathan Wilkie, football; Jessica Wilson, touch; Shannen Wright, ice skating.

Cultural blues: Logan Anderson, music; Ryan Finnie, music; Christopher Glover, music.


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