Kaikorai Valley College held its senior prizegiving recently.
The prize list is. -

Head pupils: Benjamin Leask (head boy), Jessica Wilson (head girl), Sean Cook (deputy head boy), Savannah Davis (deputy head girl).
Academic excellence: Benjamin Jowsey (dux), Fiona Newall (proxime accessit), Injy Johnstone (academic excellence year 11), Benjamin Leask (academic excellence year 12), Thanh Chung Le (academic excellence year 13).
Nicole McCutcheon, (performance and contribution girls' sport), Benjamin Jowsey (performance and contribution boys' sport), Nicole McCutcheon (sportsperson of year), Jordyn Walker (outstanding contribution junior activities), Laura Benjamin (commitment visual art), Ryan Finnie (contribution music), Christopher Glover (contribution music), Sumeet Prasad (drama award), Fiona Newall (language award), James Duncan (scientific leadership), Sean Cook (science award), Benjamin Leask (excellence in science award), Thanh Chung Le (international student award - contribution school life), Fiona Newall (Whaia te iti kahurangi award), Jaron Fitiao (Pasifika award), Fiona Newall (communication), Benjamin Jowsey (lead and inspire award).
Year 11:
Kanisha Aldred (merit mathematics 101, textiles technology), Isabella Bennett (merit English 101, visual art, progress Japanese, textiles technology), Luke Biggs (excellence English 101, history, Japanese, merit mathematics 101, science 101, progress digital technology), Georgia Bradshaw (merit drama, English 101, geography, history, mathematics 101, science 101), Jennifer Campbell (merit Japanese, mathematics 101, Te Reo Maori, progress digital technology), Natasha Chisholm (merit mathematics 101, progress English 101), Michael Cuthbertson (excellence visual art, progress geography), Sean Fahey (excellence mathematics 101, merit English 101, history, Japanese, science 101, progress business skills), Reade Fitiao (merit English 101), Kayla Freeman (merit English 101, geography, visual art, progress visual design and communication), Georgia Greenheld (merit English 101, progress drama, mathematics 101), Dylan Hills (excellence geography, mathematics 101, physical education, science 101, merit English 101, technology (wood), Tyler Hills (merit food and nutrition, mathematics 101, physical education), Jessica, Hockley, merit visual art, progress English 101, textiles technology), Daniel Hunsche (excellence visual design and communication, mathematics 101, visual art, merit business skills, English 101, science 101), Cody Jenkins (silver librarian award, merit technology (metal), progress English 101), Injy Johnstone (excellence English 101, geography, history, Japanese, mathematics 101, science 101), Nikita MacPherson (progress English 102, food and nutrition, science 103, Te Reo Maori, textile technology), Ryan McCutcheon (merit physical education), Sarah Meldrum (excellence mathematics 101, merit digital technology, English 101, science 101), Cassidy Mowat (excellence accounting, visual design and communication, merit English 101, science 101), Krit Pongsomboon (merit ESOL (intermediate), progress English 102), Sonja Radde (merit visual art), Aroha-Maree Raukura (merit English 101), Devin Redfern (merit physical education), Shantelle Rush (merit English 102, progress science 102), Joshua Scott (merit Japanese, mathematics 101, physical education, progress digital technology), Patrick Skinner (merit English 101, mathematics 101, progress digital technology, Japanese), Christopher Sligo (merit mathematics 101), Kaydin Snow (merit technology (metal), progress physical education), Arakkha Tangsirisatian (merit English 102, science 102, progress drama), Taylor Thomson (prize for excellence year 11 practical home economics, merit food and nutrition, progress technology (wood)), Thomas van Dyk (silver librarian award, progress science 102), Lia Vuli (merit English 101, history, Japanese, science 101), Marama Walker (merit business skills, drama, English, mathematics 101, progress science 101, technology (wood)), Katie Watson (merit food and nutrition), Nathan Wilkie (merit English 102, physical education, progress sports academy), Ashley Wilson (merit digital technology, progress science 101).
Progress awards: Anna Anderson (award for consistent effort fabrics technology, fine artwork), Jessie Bunyan (visual art), Brooke Duke (mathematics 101), Hannah Greenheld (food and nutrition), Joshua Murch (English 102, science 102), Jesse Percy (sports academy), Joseph Presland (sports academy), Courtney Ramsay (independent living skills 103), Ashleigh Robertson (English 102), Brad Robertson (English 101), Leah Shead-Coster (Japanese), Hitomi Sugihara, (digital technology 203, ESOL (pre-intermediate), Richard Taing (digital technology), Connor Vickery (food and nutrition, science 102), Hayden, Woodmancy, (bronze librarian award).
Year 12:
Eve Aitken (merit English 201, geography, tourism and travel, progress biology), Jarrod Anderson (merit physical education), Ioane Anderson (merit physical education), Laura Angus (progress food and nutrition, visual art (photography), Amy Armishaw (progress independent living skills, transition, visual art (photography), Ashley Bateman (progress English 202, physical education, science 202), Danielle Brockie (merit physical education, textiles technology), Jessie Cathro (merit drama, food and nutrition), Kitrena Comins (merit child care and development, visual art (painting), progress gateway, textiles technology), Sean Cook (excellence biology, chemistry, English 201, mathematics 201, physics, merit history), Hannah Davis (merit tourism and travel, progress biology, history, visual art (design), Savannah Davis (excellence biology, merit chemistry, history, physics), Suzie Dobier (merit geography, progress visual art (photography), Peter Druce (award for excellence graphics, excellence biology, merit chemistry, mathematics 201, physics), Gemma Fahey (merit digital technology), Ryan Finnie (excellence music), Simon Finnie (merit biology, chemistry, history, physics), Virginia Ford (progress accounting, child care and development, English 202, digital technology), Christopher Glover (award for highest performance in a music exam, excellence chemistry, music, merit physics), Guidotaiko Higuchi (merit ESOL (intermediate), Nicole Hartley (young enterprise award, merit food and nutrition, physical education, progress biology, English 202), Kymberley Kennedy (merit Japanese), Hai Nam Le (merit ESOL (intermediate), Benjamin Leask (excellence biology, chemistry, mathematics 201, physical education, physics, merit English 201), Aleisha Law (merit biology, chemistry, English 201, physical education), Eilish Lie-Olesen (progress child care and development), Kent Lobb (merit technology (wood), Aimee Manson (merit biology, child care and development, drama, progress English 201), Ma'taria Metuakore (merit English 202), Andrew McBeath (excellence accounting), Jacob McCrorie (merit biology, chemistry), Nicole McCutcheon (excellence physical education, progress biology), Daniel McManus (award for top year 12 mathematician, excellence biology, chemistry, history, mathematics 201, physics), Sam Meikle (merit technology (metal), Sam Myhill (merit visual art (design), Yuki Nagahara (merit ESOL (pre-intermediate), progress digital technology 203), Maya Nakayasu (merit ESOL (intermediate), mathematics 201, visual art 101), Courtney Olds (merit tourism and travel, progress biology), Cody Peat (merit accounting), Hannah Schmierer (award for achievement in mathematics, science, excellence English 201, history, merit biology, chemistry), Rebekah Scott (excellence Gateway), Issac Sonntag (award for achievement senior technology), Kimberley Tapp (merit biology, geography, technology (wood), progress chemistry) Yume Tokunaga (merit ESOL (pre-intermediate), Scott Turner (merit physical education, visual art (design), Ryan van Heezik (merit physical education), Jessica Wilson (merit physical education, progress chemistry, English 201, visual art (design)), Junyi Ye (merit mathematics 201, progress ESOL (intermediate).
Progress awards: Mark Blondell (visual art (design), Callan Cayford (English 201), Ashleigh Douglas (English 202), Rebecca Eady (Japanese), Steven Gramstrup (biology), Yuriya Hiratani (ESOL (pre-intermediate), Lacinda Hewlett (English 202), Sayaka Kawamoto (digital technology 203, ESOL (pre-intermediate)), Leah McPherson-Tilden (English 202, independent living skills), Connor Mullan (English 202), Roberta Paul (Te Reo Maori, visual art (photography), Alicia Porteous (textiles technology), Benjamin Purton (English 201), Dean Quinn (electronics, English 201), Frederik Rapp (independent living skills), Anthony Smith (physical education), Nicholas Spence (digital technology), Eden Stevenson (child care and development, drama), Shawyne Syme (award for work in Braithwaite Centre), Emma Williams (physical education), Dylan Walsh (Gateway).
Year 13:
Laura Benjamin (award for design, merit Gateway), Myra Crawford-Smith (merit biology, statistics, progress chemistry), James Duncan (excellence science 302, merit geography), Louise Evans (award for practical fabrics technology, award for most promising hospitality student, progress visual art (painting), textiles technology), Jaron Fitiao (progress biology, physical education), Regan Harrison (progress visual art (design) 201), Bradley Hyde (excellence drama, geography, merit history), Ben Jowsey (excellence biology, chemistry, physics, statistics, merit calculus), Roy Kengen (merit electronics), Victoria Lavender (award for photography, merit tourism and travel), Cameron Lay (progress economics, technology (metal), Thanh Chung Le (excellence calculus, chemistry, statistics, merit biology, physics), Justin Lewis (award for leadership Brathwaite Centre, commitment work experience), Danielle MacPherson (progress Te Reo Maori), Aleisha McMurray (excellence Japanese, merit English), Rachel Mitchell (merit history), Zara Moody (progress science 302), Fiona Newall (award for best speech formal setting, commerce award, award for design, excellence accounting, Japanese, merit English), Shaina Pinn (progress hospitality), Christopher Pooley (progress technology (metal), Sumeet Prasad (merit drama, English, progress accounting), Prom Pongsomboon (merit ESOL 201), Catherine Ross (merit biology, chemistry, history), Joanne Rush (merit statistics, progress biology, chemistry), Alisha Scott (merit drama), Jennifer Seyb (merit visual art (painting), Jonathon Sutherland (progress electronics), Sarah Thomas (excellence physical education), Jordyn Walker (excellence physical education, merit geography, Japanese), Danielle Wallace (merit Gateway, geography), Nicole Wilkie (merit Japanese, progress biology), Elliot Wright (merit technology (metal).
Progress awards: Ryan Botting (progress independent living skills), Wing Shan Chan (progress digital technology), Lucas Hall (award for environmental leadership), Baining He (progress ESOL (upper intermediate), Chak Ming Lit (progress digital technology, economics), Weng Ian Long (progress digital technology), Adam Peterson (award for leadership in Brathwaite Centre, pastoral care of pupils).
Student leaders' awards
Jordyn Walker (head girl), Benjamin Jowsey (head boy), Aleisha McMurray (deputy head girl), Jaron Fitiao (deputy head boy), Thanh Chung Le (international student leader), Fraser Brown (international student leader), Justin Lewis (special education student leader), Adam Peterson (special education student leader), Danielle MacPherson (Brathwaite Centre liaison), Alisha Scott (cultural leader), Rachel Mitchell (social leader), Louise Evans (health leader), Sarah Thomas (sports leader), Katrina Melrose (student representative board of trustees).
Year 11: Levi Buckingham (senior merit football); Jennifer Campbell (fairplay netball); Nikita MacPherson (senior excellence marching); Sarah Meldrum (tennis); Macayla Moore (senior excellence wrestling (NZ hons); Jesse Percy (intermediate boys (u16) cross-country; David Peterson (senior merit South Island athletics); Aroha-Maree Raukura (fairplay netball); Toni Robertson (most improved girl cricketer); Jahvard Samson-Noble (fairplay cricket); Joshua Scott (most valuable player boys' hockey); Kendelle Stockdale (intermediate girls (u16) athletics); Jade, Tipa-McQueen (senior merit South Island athletics); James Turner (contribution hockey coaching, most promising boys hockey player, greatest contribution hockey (shared); Lia Vuli (intermediate girls (u16) cross-country; Marama Walker (fairplay netball); Nathan Wilkie (senior merit football).
Year 12: Eve Aitken (service girls badminton (shared); Ioane Anderson, most promising rugby player); Jarrod Anderson (fairplay basketball); Laura Angus (most improved netball player); Julia Barbosa (most valuable player senior girls futsal); Sam Bennet (most valuable player ice hockey); Jessie Cathro (senior merit netball); Callan Cayford (intermediate boys u16 athletics); Michael Dassen (senior merit cricket, football, fairplay cricket); Nicole Hartley (service girls badminton (shared), contribution touch coaching, refereeing, fairplay touch, most promising hockey player); Guidotaiko Higuchi (most promising soccer player); Yuriya Hiratani (senior girls swimming); Callum Lowden (most improved soccer player); Nicole McCutcheon (contribution touch coaching, refereeing, senior merit netball, best and fairest touch player, most valuable netball player, most valuable girls' basketball player); Samuel Meikle (contribution softball umpiring, most honourable softball player); Alicia Porteous (senior excellence lifesaving, fairplay netball, contribution lifesaving); Benjamin Purton (most valuable senior boys' futsal player); Rebeka Scott (senior excellence ice skating); Shane Still (senior merit cricket); Ryan van Heezik (most valuable boys' basketball player).
Year 13: Fraser Brown (outstanding contribution outdoor pursuits); Abhishek Chand (fairplay football); Cameron Cook (senior merit cricket, best bowling performance); Jaron Fitiao (senior merit rugby, loyalty, effort, sportsmanship in rugby); Benjamin Jowsey (senior boys athletics, senior 1500m athletics, senior boys' cross-country, KVC 1000km challenge senior boys); Roy Kengen (contribution judo coaching); Thanh Chung Le (service boys' badminton); Danielle MacPherson (senior excellence marching); James McDonald (senior merit football); Aleisha McMurray (KVC girls most improved soccer player, greatest contribution girls' cricket); Jonty Paterson (senior merit cricket); Benjamin Stewart (senior merit football); Jonathon Sutherland (senior merit cricket); Djaralh Te Moananui (fair play in senior rugby); Sarah Thomas (contribution hockey coaching, umpiring, most dedicated hockey player, greatest contribution hockey (shared), KVC 1000km challenge senior girls, senior girls' athletics, senior girls' cross-country); Regan Todd (senior merit cricket); Jordyn Walker (greatest contribution girls' soccer); Danielle Wallace (senior excellence equestrian); Melissa Wallace (senior excellence equestrian); Scott Wallace (senior merit cricket, best batting average boys' 1st XI cricket).
Community coaches, managers: Certificates of appreciation: Sam Rooney (basketball); Sheryl Walker (football, netball); Penny Turner (hockey); Merv Rowe (hockey); Cameron Kwait (judo); Kerri Roberts (netball); Rhonda Findlay (netball); Vince Johnson (rugby); Vicky Fitiao (rugby); Graeme Hanson (rugby); Tony Maitland (rugby); Kirsten Te Moananui (rugby); Glynn Roberts (touch); Kelly Nafatali (volleyball).
Cultural awards
Drama, performance and music
Year 11: Lisa Adie (senior credit John McGlashan pipe band); Kanisha Aldred (senior credit stage challenge, vocal performance); Georgia Bradshaw (senior credit stage challenge); Jennifer Campbell (senior credit Shakespeare festival, stage challenge, vocal performance); Michael Cuthbertson (senior credit stage challenge); Sean Johnston (senior credit production (lighting); Injy Johnstone (senior excellence Shakespeare Festival production, stage challenge, talent quest); Reuben Jordan (senior credit performance in rock music); Ashleigh Manley (senior credit stage challenge, Scottish country dancing); David Peterson (senior credit production (lighting)); Thomas van Dyk (senior credit performance in music festival); Hayden Woodmancy (senior excellence performance in choir, lead part in production).
Year 12: Eve Aitken, (senior merit stage challenge); Danielle Brockie (senior merit stage challenge); Jessie Cathro (senior merit stage challenge); Ryan Finnie (senior excellence performances in chamber music, orchestra, rock bands, production backing group); Christopher Glover (senior excellence performances chamber music orchestra, rock bands); Steven Gramstrup (senior merit performance rock music).
Year 13: Narelle Allison (senior credit stage challenge); Laura Benjamin (senior credit hip-hop, jazz); Fraser Brown (senior merit production, stage challenge); James Duncan (senior excellence performance with Kaikorai Metropolitan Brass Band, stage challenge, talent quest, lighting, acting in community theatres); Renata Ferguson (senior merit performance choir, orchestra); Jaron Fitiao (senior credit stage challenge); Bradley Hyde (senior excellence theatre sports, major role in production, stage challenge); Benjamin Jowsey (senior excellence performances in chamber music, rock bands, production backing group, Davis music scholarship for excellence instrumental playing in a group); Cameron, Lay (senior merit theatre sports, production); Thanh Chung Le (senior merit performance in choir, lead part in production, stage challenge); Danielle Macpherson (senior credit stage challenge); Krystal Manley (senior merit production, stage challenge); Katrina Melrose (senior merit performance in choir, production, vocal performance, stage challenge, leadership in stage events (joint); Isabella Moody (senior merit theatre sports, stage challenge); Zara Moody (senior credit stage challenge); Fiona Newall (senior excellence performances with school choir, Southern Youth Choir, production, stage challenge, excellence performance singing); Sumeet Prasad (senior excellence theatre sports, Shakespeare Festival, production); Catherine Ross (senior credit production, stage challenge, talent quest); Joanne Rush (senior merit performance choir), Alisha Scott (senior excellence performance choir, stage challenge, talent quest, production, Shakespeare Festival, leadership stage events (joint); Jonathon Sutherland (senior merit production, stage challenge (sound)); Sarah Thomas (senior credit stage challenge); Aroha Todd-Carroll (senior credit stage challenge); Jordyn Walker (senior credit stage challenge); Nicole Wilkie (senior merit stage challenge talent quest, contemporary dance, leadership stage events (joint).
Ioane Anderson (rugby); Jaron Fitiao (touch); Yuriya Hiratani (swimming); Thomas Johnson (basketball, touch (NZ hons); Benjamin Jowsey (athletics, table tennis); Nicole McCutcheon (touch (NZ hons); Aleisha McMurray (cricket); Benjamin Purton (football); Sarah Thomas (hockey); Scott Turner (touch (NZ hons); Ryan van Heezik (table tennis); Jordyn Walker (football); Jessica Wilson (touch).
Logan Anderson (music); Ryan Finnie (music); Christopher Glover (music); Benjamin Jowsey (music).