Kaikorai Valley College held its junior prizegiving this week.
The prize list is. -
Special awards
Joshua MacMillan, all-round performance and contribution boys' sport; Blake Porteous, all-round performance and contribution boys' sport; Jemma Gilbert, all-round performance and contribution girls' sport; Kendall Walker, all-round performance and contribution girls' sport; Blake Porteous, outstanding junior sporting performances, leadership junior sport; Kendall Walker, leadership junior sport; Joshua MacMillan, citizenship cup; Kendall Walker, citizenship cup; Rebekah Marks, academic achievement year 9; Nathaniel Brown, academic achievement year 10; Rosie McCulloch, Liz Welch Trophy best all-round junior pupil.
Special Olympic awards
Dylan Kirk, National Special Olympics award, 4th 100m relay; 1st 200m athletics; 1st 100m athletics; Liam Monzari, National Special Olympics award, 4th 100m athletics; 7th 200m athletics; Levi Buckingham, National Special Olympics Award, 3rd soccer skills; 2nd team soccer game.
Year 9
Taela Aitcheson, merit physical education; Breana Bates, diligence; Louie Bernhardt, high distinction ICAS mathematics, ICAS science, distinction ICAS English, class award for 9ek, excellence mathematics, science, English, social studies, merit physical education, achievement art, digital technology, drama, food technology, Japanese, music, technology metal, te reo Maori, diligence, citizenship; Matthew Biggs, merit physical education; Leo Broderick merit physical education; Tabitha Brown, merit science, achievement music; Helen Clark, class award 9st, excellence English, merit mathematics, physical education, science, social studies, achievement art, drama, food technology, Japanese, music, diligence; Shania Deans-Bryant, diligence; Olivia Druce, achievement food technology, technology metal, diligence; Megan Eady, merit English, mathematics, science, achievement design and visual communication, drama, Japanese, te reo Maori, diligence; Sarah Findlay, merit design and visual communication, Japanese, technology metal, diligence; Mason Gill, credit ICAS science, merit mathematics, science; Samantha Hall, class award 9st, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, achievement art, design and visual communication, food technology, technology metal, diligence; Georgia Harris, diligence; Jak Ingram, merit science, physical education, achievement art, digital technology; Amy Kempin, diligence; Heath Lie-Olesen, excellence English, science, merit mathematics, social studies, achievement te reo Maori, diligence; Samara Mackie, excellence English, physical education, merit social studies, achievement digital technology, te reo Maori, diligence; Shimran Maharaj, excellence physical education; Brooke McKeown, excellence social studies, merit English, achievement digital technology, te reo Maori, diligence; Isaac Kappely, merit mathematics, science, achievement drama, music; Sarah Ramsay, achievement technology metal, diligence; Aaron Rumpler, high distinction ICAS mathematics, ICAS computer skills, ICAS science, distinction ICAS English,class award 9ek, excellence mathematics, science, social studies, merit English, achievement digital technology, drama, music, te reo Maori, bronze library award for one year's service; Jayden Rush, merit mathematics, science, achievement drama; Morgan Stevenson, diligence; Caleb Vuli, Jenny Aldridge award for best performance in music examination (distinction grade 4 piano), class award 9ek, excellence English, mathematics, science, merit social studies, physical education, achievement art, food technology, Japanese, music, te reo Maori, diligence, citizenship; Rebekah Wairau, excellence physical education, merit mathematics, social studies, achievement design and visual communication, food technology, technology metal, diligence; Michelle Wang, class award 9st, excellence science, social studies, merit mathematics, achievement art, design and visual communication, Japanese, technology metal, diligence; Jade Watkin, achievement design and visual communication, diligence.
Year 10
Brandon Aitken, diligence award; Aimee Arthur, excellence award, music, merit award Japanese, diligence, citizenship; Ashley Arthur, merit drama, diligence; Kane Batchelor, class award 10fi, excellence science; Jonty Bradshaw, excellence business studies, technology wood, merit mathematics, physical education, science, diligence, citizenship; Ethan Cardno, class award 10wd; Jessica Chisholm, excellence digital technology, mathematics, merit business studies, physical education, science, technology wood; Nathan Comins, class award 10cg, excellence mathematics, physical education, technology metal, merit design and visual communication, science, diligence; Dina Custodio, diligence; Jemma Gilbert, merit physical education, diligence; Lucy Gonsalves, excellence digital technology, Japanese, social studies, diligence; Samuel Graham-Walker, merit mathematics; Anna Gray, diligence; Lily-Grace Green, progress in communication award; Raylea Grubb, class award 10fi, diligence; Casey Harrison, excellence drama, English, Japanese, science, merit geography, history, mathematics, social studies, diligence, citizenship; Bradley Henderson, merit physical education, technology metal, diligence; Zoe Hetfield, class award 10cg, credit ICAS English, excellence English, science, merit digital technology, Japanese, mathematics, social studies, diligence; Elijah Hewlett, diligence; Jesse Irvine, class award 10dp, merit drama, geography, history, social studies, physical education diligence; Kes Johnstone, excellence drama, merit art, citizenship; Bryony Lastovicka, excellence social studies; Rebekah Marks, distinction ICAS science, credit ICAS English, class award 10cg, excellence art, design and visual communication, English, music, science, social studies, diligence; Jade Martin, merit science, diligence; Lucas Martin, merit mathematics, science, technology wood; Brenton McCormack-Kane, class award 10dp, excellence physical education, merit English, science; Antonia McNair, excellence food technology, merit social studies, diligence; Bradley McNeil, class award 10wd, diligence; Jade Meikle, credit ICAS English, excellence art, music, merit English, science, social studies, citizenship; Shaun Moriarty, excellence physical education; Sarah Moseley, diligence; Nadia Paine, class award 10cg, distinction ICAS science, excellence award digital technology, mathematics, science, social studies, merit English, technology textiles, diligence; Shanneka Pearson, excellence English, social studies, merit drama, science; Elijah Proctor, class award 10dp, merit drama, physical education; Cody Rackley, merit food technology; Bella Richmond-Grant, excellence digital technology, social studies, merit English, mathematics, physical education, science, diligence; Kyle Rutherford, excellence physical education; Jonathan Saito, diligence; Jordan Scott, excellence physical education, merit technology wood; Emerson Shea-Greer, diligence; Elizabeth Sim, credit ICAS English, science, class award 10cg, excellence technology textiles, mathematics, science, merit food technology; Chloe Simonsen, general diligence; Shaun Simpson, class award 10dp, merit geography, history, social studies, technology metal, diligence; Jenna Stewart, class award 10fi; Lauren Stewart, excellence art, English, mathematics, science, merit design and visual communication, digital technology, social studies, diligence; Lana Takapiiti, form class award for 10wd, diligence award; Georgia Wilkinson, credit ICAS English, excellence mathematics, merit geography, history, science, social studies, diligence; Jordan Woodmancy, merit art, diligence; Joel Wright, progress in art and mathematics and commitment to completing work; Stacie Wright, diligence. .