John McGlashan College held its senior prizegiving recently.
The prize list is. - Duxes, Sam Guest and Kyu Kim; proxime accessit, Josh Quon.
Academic awards
Year 11: Carl Aarsen merit agriculture, physical education, technology; Joe Allison excellence digital technology; Michael Anderson merit geography; Gabriel Avis merit music; James Baker merit music; Thomas Beagley merit physical education, technology; Lachlan Cameron merit accounting, English, history, mathematics, science; Oli Chignell merit French, physical education; Josh Chung excellence mathematics; Cody Clark excellence agriculture; Joe Corbett excellence English, merit French, history; Tobi Cormack merit German; Danny Crowley merit English, history; Jack Cuming merit English; Sam Darling excellence music, merit economics, English, mathematics, physical education, science; Finn Devereux merit music; Chethaka Edirimuni excellence digital technology; merit history, mathematics; Michael Ellison excellence geography; merit English, mathematics, physical education; Oscar Engelbrecht merit English; Thomas Finnerty merit digital technology; Jack Gibbons merit digital technology; Tom Grave merit physical education; Gus Griffin merit English, geography, German, history, mathematics, science; Harry Hasselman merit English; Gwyn Jones excellence visual art; Kan Kim mathematics, merit economics, English, German, science; Joshua Kim merit accounting, English, French, graphics, mathematics, science; Luke Kirkness merit geography; Noah Leahy merit geography, graphics, mathematics, science; Ben Lovelock merit economics, English, German, physical education, science; Mint Maneerit merit mathematics; Jack Manning merit history, mathematics; Thomas McConway excellence agriculture, merit mathematics, science; George McLaughlan excellence music, merit geography, physical education; Ali Page merit physical education, science; David Paul merit digital technology, English, mathematics; William Pinfold merit English; Carlos Reid excellence visual art, merit history, physical education; Struan Robertson excellence visual art, merit economics, English, mathematics, physical education, science; Robert Shand merit English, German, mathematics, science; Oliver Sidey-Moore merit accounting; Tom Sinclair merit economics, English, physical education, science; Mitchell Sizemore excellence music, merit English; Reece Stackhouse merit French, mathematics; Shuichi Tanimura excellence economics, merit German, history, mathematics; Cameron Tillotson excellence visual art, merit graphics; Hamish Timms merit physical education; Josh Timu merit English; Josiah Tomkins merit history, mathematics, physical education, science; Sam Turner excellence mathematics, merit digital technology, economics, English, history, science; Terry Woo merit graphics, mathematics; Sam Wright merit agriculture; Tuhin Baucus excellence English, history, merit level 3 English; Edward Bercinskas-Gauld excellence economics, French, merit English, science; Charles Darling excellence history, physical education, merit economics, English, geography, mathematics, science; William Dreyer excellence English, history, science, merit economics, mathematics, music; Rafe Duncan excellence English, French, merit economics, geography, mathematics; Liam Geddes excellence agriculture, physical education, merit English; Guy Guilford excellence English, geography, merit French, physical education, science, visual art; Jimmy Jo excellence accounting, economics, French, mathematics, physical education, science, merit English; Semisi Maiai excellence music, physical education, merit English, visual art; David Marshall excellence English, visual art, merit geography, German, history, mathematics, science; Wilson Mitchell excellence accounting, English, mathematics, physical education, science, merit French, geography; Tim Offen excellence digital technology, physical education, merit geography; Ronald Poon excellence economics, English, French, mathematics, physical education, science, merit geography; Joshua Preston excellence mathematics, physical education, science, merit English, French, geography; Henry Sullivan excellence economics, French, history, mathematics, physical education, science, merit English; Nic Taylor excellence accounting, English, French, geography, mathematics, physical education, science; Philip Tong excellence science, visual art, merit English, geography, history, mathematics, technology; Han Zhang excellence accounting, English, French, mathematics, physical education, science, merit music.
Year 12: Andrew Baker merit agriculture; Paul Blondell merit biology, English, French, mathematics; Christopher Cho merit French, physics; Stefan Choi merit Spanish; Hamish Darling excellence French, merit biology, chemistry, English, mathematics, merit level 3 geography; Ryan Duff merit agriculture; Campbell Ellis: merit mathematics; Jack Fraser merit mathematics; Nemo Gent merit geography; Robert Gootjes excellence digital technology, merit mathematics, music; Vivian Griffiths excellence visual art; Daniel Gruppelaar merit chemistry, economics, English, geography, mathematics, physics; Blair Hall merit mathematics; Henry Hannagan merit geography; Hamish Hendry merit physics; John Hoyt merit English; Tim James merit English, graphics, mathematics; Hanlin Johnstone excellence accounting, merit biology, chemistry, English, mathematics; Samuel Jopp merit geography; Oli Knopp merit mathematics, physical education; James Logie excellence physical education, merit chemistry, English, geography, mathematics, physics; Jonas Maierl merit physics; Andrew Marshall merit visual art; Cam McLennan excellence physical education, merit English, visual art; Brad McNab merit geography, graphics, mathematics; Jack Phizaklea merit visual art; Callum Pickersgill merit digital technology and mathematics; Nick Robertson merit chemistry, mathematics, physics; Samrat Sharma merit biology, German; Tom Shephard merit German; Ben Simmers excellence English, merit biology, chemistry, mathematics, physical education; John Simpson excellence visual art, merit agriculture, technology; Jack Stewart excellence physics, merit accounting, chemistry, English, mathematics; Tom Sycamore excellence English, merit economics, physical education; Guy Trengrove merit English, mathematics; Isaac Usher excellence visual art; Callum van Dyk merit accounting, English, geography, mathematics; Alex Yarnall merit mathematics; Max Anderson excellence biology, chemistry, English, French, physics, merit mathematics; Jack Ascroft excellence biology, chemistry, English, mathematics, physics, merit German; Sean Brosnahan excellence accounting, English, merit German, mathematics; Hamish Cotter excellence English, physical education, merit chemistry, geography, mathematics; Oliver Creighton excellence accounting, English, merit economics, mathematics; Nathaniel Hart excellence biology, chemistry, merit English, mathematics, physics, Spanish; Matt Henderson excellence English, music, merit mathematics, physical education; Andrew Kim excellence biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, Spanish; Tom Logie excellence chemistry, mathematics, physical education, merit geography, physics; Matt McConway excellence digital technology, physics, merit economics, English; Matthew Morrison excellence accounting, chemistry, English, merit biology, geography, mathematics, physics; Matt Offen excellence digital technology, English, mathematics, music; Paddy Ou excellence biology, English, merit chemistry, mathematics; Ben Pinfold excellence chemistry, mathematics, physics, merit accounting; Jordan Sangster excellence accounting, biology, chemistry, English, mathematics, physics; Mac Townsend excellence biology, chemistry, French, mathematics, physics, merit English.
Year 13: Adrian Aarsen merit English, geography, physical education; Nick Ainge-Roy merit English, history; Ben Baker excellence English; merit economics, history, mathematics with statistics; Joe Beamish merit English; Isaac Beck merit biology, French; Hugh Bollen excellence physics; Cam Burrow excellence accounting, merit economics; Max Cameron excellence geography, merit English; William Carruthers merit geography; Hayden Coutts merit technology; Tyler Dickison excellence biology; merit English, mathematics with statistics, physical education; George Dickson merit visual art; Hugh Fulton excellence music, merit English; Cameron Gillespie merit biology, chemistry, physical education, physics;Charlie Hantler merit French; Quintin Hughes merit geography, physical education;Tom Kelk excellence music;Nick Kennedy merit biology, physical education, physics;Cameron Kent merit geography;Levine Lale merit music;Andrew Logie merit English, physics;Angus Macdonald merit English, geography; Ru McDonald merit geography; Hamish McKenzie merit accounting; James Mustapic (in absentia) merit English; Christopher O'Connell merit biology, mathematics with statistics, physical education; Chris Pearse-Smith merit English, geography; Michael Rae merit English; Angus Robertson excellence economics, merit chemistry, English, physical education; Tim Shiels merit English, history, mathematics; Calvin Tan merit Spanish, visual art; Andrew Urquhart merit English, graphics; Marco Vandervis excellence visual art,merit English, liberal arts; Keith Woo (in absentia) excellence physics, merit biology, chemistry, mathematics; Luiz Buck excellence English, history, Spanish, merit economics, mathematics; Ed Davies excellence biology, economics, English, history, merit French, mathematics; Micah Davis-Rae excellence English, music, merit mathematics with statistics; Masaaki Fukushima excellence chemistry, digital technology, English, mathematics with statistics, merit biology; Sam Guest excellence biology, chemistry, English, French, mathematics, physics; Kyu Kim excellence biology, chemistry, English, French, mathematics, physics; Carter Milne excellence economics, English, liberal arts; Yoshiaki Nishimura excellence economics, English B, merit mathematics; Josh Quon excellence biology, chemistry, English, mathematics, physics; Oliver Ward excellence chemistry, English, physics; Nick White excellence biology, chemistry, English, French, history.
Sports awards
Athletics: Senior, Christopher O'Connell; mile, Joe Beamish; intermediate, Daniel Gruppelaar; champion of champions, Daniel Gruppelaar.
Badminton: singles, Josh Quon.
Basketball: Most outstanding player, Jack Ascroft; most improved, Chris Pearse-Smith.
Cricket: Best batting record Dugan Flannery; best bowling record, Michael Fraser;
loyalty, service, sportsmanship 1st XI Dugan Flannery.
Cross Country: Senior, Joe Beamish; intermediate, Daniel Gruppelaar; junior Oli Chignell.
Football: Most improved 1st XI player Hamish Cotter; contribution 1st XI Tom Kelk.
Golf: Senior matchplay Nick Kennedy.
Hockey: Service, Andrew Logie, Cameron Gillespie; most valuable player Cameron Gillespie.
Ice hockey: Contribution Sam Sheard.
Rowing: Rower of year Alex Yarnall.
Rugby: Most improved, Hamish Hendry; most valuable player 1st XV Cam Burrow; services to 1st XV Ed Davies; most promising player Josh Timu.
Sailing: Cameron Walker.
Trapshooting: Garth Sanders; most improved shooter Arthur Chapman-Cohen.
Smallbore shooting: Champion Cup, John Simpson; most improved shooter Sam Jopp.
Snow sports: Snow sports award Arthur Burdon.
Swimming: Senior, Ben Simmers; champion of champions Ben Simmers.
Tennis: Top ranked player Paddy Ou.
Volleyball: Most outstanding, Tom Kelk; most promising senior Semisi Maiai.
Water polo: Most valuable player Nick White.
Subject and special awards
Senior Art Marco Vandervis; senior biology Sam Guest, Kyu Kim; senior chemistry Sam Guest; senior physics Masaaki Fukushima, Josh Quon, Keith Woo; Senior computing Masaaki Fukushima; top year 12 science pupil Jack Ascroft; y12 maths, physics Mac Townsend; senior mathematics Sam Guest; senior English Kyu Kim; senior economics Yoshiaki Nishimura; commerce medal Cam Burrow; senior geography Max Cameron; y12 geography Henry Hannagan; y11 geography Nic Taylor; senior history Nick White; senior French Kyu Kim; commitment to German Sean Brosnahan; senior workshop technology Hayden Coutts; senior graphics Andrew Urquhart; senior physical education Nick Kennedy, Angus Robertson; y12 physical education Tom Logie; creative writing y12 and 13 Micah Davis-Rae, Masaaki Fukushima; speech y12 and 13 Andrew Urquhart; creative writing y11 Rafe Duncan; speech y11 Han Zhang; debating Nick Robertson; services debating Hamish Darling; contribution school drama Vivian Griffiths; head librarian's prize Hamish Darling; librarian's prize Joe Corbett; contribution library Koon Chakhatrakan; contribution senior school music Micah Davis-Rae, Hugh Fulton; Tom Kelk, Levine Lale.
Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Awards bronze: Edward Bercinskas-Gauld, Oli Chignell, Danny Crowley, Charles Darling, Sam Darling, William Dreyer, Michael Ellison, Guy Guilford, Jimmy Jo, Gwyn Jones, David Marshall, Thomas McConway, James McLennan, Wilson Mitchell, Ali Page, William Pinfold, Ronald Poon, Nick Robertson, Sam Wright. Silver: Adrian Aarsen, Paul Blondell, William Caruthers, Hamish Darling, Ed Davies, Robbie Gootjes, Sam Guest, Andrew Logie.
Premier awards
Academic excellence scholarship: Ed Davies; performance scholarship: Robert Jopp, premier award school music Micah Davis-Rae, health sciences Sam Guest, rural pupil of year Simon Clarke, boarding house award Christopher O'Connell; best all-round athlete Clint McAughtrie; highest performing athlete Robert Jopp; head prefect Ed Davies; service to community, the college Andrew Logie, Josh Quon, Tim Shiels; all-round service to school Cam Burrow; best all-round pupil Ed Davies, Tom Kelk.