John McGlashan College held its junior prizegiving recently.
The prize list is. -
Year 9
Andrew Baker (merit technology, ICT, general diligence) Sean Brosnahan (merit social studies); Josh Browne (merit music, general diligence); Ee Soo Cho (merit mathematics, social studies); Rory Costello (merit science, ICT); Hamish Cotter (merit physical education); Oliver Creighton (merit English, social studies); Campbell Ellis (merit mathematics, science, social studies); Jack Fraser (merit drama); Callum Frew (merit science, ICT); Robert Gootjes (merit science, social studies, music); Vivian Griffiths (merit English, ICT, general diligence); Daniel Gruppelaar (merit social studies, ICT, general diligence); Blair Hall (merit physical education); Henry Hannagan (general diligence); Nathaniel Hart (merit English, science, music); John Hoyt (general diligence); Hanlin Johnstone (merit mathematics, science, social studies); Oli Knopp (merit ICT, physical education); Dion Latta (merit drama, physical education); Tom Logie (merit social studies, music, physical education); Andrew Marshall (merit physical education); Matthew McConway (merit mathematics, science, social studies); Tristan McKenzie (merit social studies, general diligence); Cam McLennan (merit physical education, general diligence); Brad McNab (merit ICT); Marc Perry (merit English); Mathan Schaaf (merit ICT); RJ Sem-Cheyne (merit physical education); Tom Shephard (merit English, social studies); Liam Tompkins (general diligence); Guy Trengrove (general diligence); Callum Van Dyk (merit social studies, technology).
Book prizes: Semin An (merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, music, ICT, German); Tyler Baker (merit English, drama, technology, general diligence); Paul Blondell (merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, French, ICT); Hamish Darling (merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, drama, French, ICT); Matthew Henderson (merit social studies, technology, music, general diligence); Andrew Kim (merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, French); James Logie (merit music, ICT, physical education, general diligence); Ben Pinfold (merit English, mathematics, social studies, physical education, general diligence); Nick Robertson (merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, ICT); Jordan Sangster (merit science, social studies, music, general diligence); Samrat Sharma (merit science, ICT, German, general diligence); Ian Snow (merit English, mathematics, social studies, music); Jack Stewart (merit English, mathematics, science, social studies); Tom Sycamore (merit science, social studies, ICT, physical education); Mac Townsend (merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, French, general diligence); Jeremy Wei (merit English, mathematics, social studies, technology, ICT, general diligence). Max Anderson (1st 9KMA, merit English, science, physical education, general diligence); Jack Ascroft (1st 9CWA, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, music, physical education, ICT, German, general diligence); Mathew Morrison (1st 9PMA, merit social studies, technology, music, general diligence); Paddy Ou (1st 9ALE, merit English, mathematics, science, music, French, physical education, general diligence).
Year 10
Nick Ainge-Roy (merit English); Joe Beamish (merit physical education); Hugh Bollen (merit music); Matthew Boyes (merit mathematics, social studies); Alex Burchell (merit science, drama); Cameron Burrow (merit social studies, physical education, business studies); Marc Butcher (merit physical education, general diligence); Max Cameron (merit physical education, business studies, general diligence); Phillip Carroll (merit science, music, business studies); William Carruthers (merit graphics); Christopher Cho (merit graphics); Simon Clarke (merit English, social studies, general diligence); Tyler Dickison (merit English, social studies); George Dixon (merit music); Dugan Flannery (merit business studies); Conner Foley-Walker (merit mathematics, science, German); Hugh Fulton (merit English, music, German); Ben Grant (merit physical education, business studies); Charlie Hantler (merit English, business studies); Thomas Harbrow (merit social studies); Hugo Hyndman (merit business studies); Robert Jopp (merit English, physical education, graphics); Tom Kelk (merit music, physical education); Jackson Kennedy (merit science); Angus Macdonald (merit technology, general diligence); Ru McDonald (merit drama); Carter Milne (merit English, business studies); Jacob Payne (merit science); Angus Robertson (merit mathematics, science); Sam Sheard (merit social studies, physical education); Josh Tetlow (merit music); Sharp Thanavutwatthana (merit graphics); Nick Todd (merit graphics, general diligence); Andrew Urquart (merit social studies); Poom Utenpattanum (merit social studies, general diligence); Oliver Ward (merit science).
Book prizes: Adrian Aarsen (merit social studies, technology, drama, general diligence); Isaac Beck (merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, music, French); Brad Chan (merit social studies, music, graphics, general diligence); Ed Davies (merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, general diligence); Micah Davis-Rae (merit English, music, drama, German); Masaaki Fukushima (merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, technology, graphics, business studies); Braden Jane (merit science, social studies, technology, general diligence); Nick Kennedy (merit English, mathematics, science, general diligence); Andrew Logie (merit English, science, social studies, French, physical education, business studies); James Mustapic (merit English, social studies, business studies, general diligence); Chris O'Connell (merit science, technology, physical education, general diligence); Madoc Ogden (merit science, technology, graphics, general diligence); Chris Pearse-Smith (merit English, music, physical education, business studies); Michael Rae (merit mathematics, science, social studies, French, business studies); Tim Shiels (merit English, social studies, business studies, general diligence); Nick White (merit mathematics, social studies, music, French). Ben Baker (1st 10DC, merit English, mathematics, science, general diligence); Cameron Gillespie (1st 10TC, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, German, general diligence); Josh Quon (1st 10AS, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, music, French, business studies); Dion Van Leeuwen (1st 10DS, merit science, technology, physical education, general diligence).
Creative writing: year 9, Paul Blondell; year 10, Nick Ainge-Roy; Prepared reading: year 9, Tom Sycamore; year 10, Masaaki Fukushima; speech: year 9, James Logie; year 10 Andrew Logie; ESOL Prize Poom Utenpattanun; (French) Josh Quon; junior librarian, Masaaki Fukushima; library service, Ronald Poon; library helper, Luke Nie; excellence year 9-10, Marco Vandervis and Nick Kennedy; contribution to college's special character Jeremy Cowan; citizenship Matt vant Wout, Jack Spence, Rafe Duncan, Mitchell Sizemore, Paddy Ou,Hamish Darling, Vivian Griffiths, Callum van Dyk, Micah Davis-Rae, Michael Glendining, Nick Todd, Simon Clark, Community Hours Award Cameron Burrow.
Novice athletics, Joshua Browne; junior athletic challenge cup Robert Jopp; badminton singles Josh Quon; basketball most promising junior player, Tom Harbrow; most promising junior cricketer, Michael Rae and Ed Davies; cross-country novice cross-country champion, Joshua Browne; junior cross-country, Joe Beamish; junior fives, Josh Quon; golf stroke-play, Micah Davis-Rae; match-play, Micah Davis-Rae; interhouse golf, Ross House; hockey most valuable primary player, Hamish Burrow; most improved primary player, Alex Chirnside; most improved player in 1st XI Cameron Gillespie; most improved year 9-10 player, Hanlin Johnstone; ice hockey most improved player, Josh Fogo; mountain biking Cam McDowell; rugby most promising Under 14 rugby player, Dion Latta; most improved U15 player, Simon Clarke; soccer best junior soccer player, Alex Black; most improved player, Michael Ellison; junior swimming, Ben Simmers; junior tennis, Paddy Ou; contribution to junior tennis, Hayden Coutts; volleyball most promising year 9 player, Tyler Baker; most valuable year 10 player, Dion Van Leeuwen; year 9-10 waterpolo, Andrew Urquart. Certificates of excellence: Joe Beamish, Hamish Burows, Matt Henderson, Robert Jopp, Ben Lovelock, Ronald Poon, Josh Preston, Ben Simmers, Dion Van Leeuwen, Ryan Whelan, Han Zhang, Josh Hubbard.
Best all-round years 9-10 athlete Cameron Burrow; year 9 boarding house award Hanlin Johnstone; academic excellence year 9: Jack Ascroft; academic excellence year 10: Josh Quon.