Columba College prizegiving was held recently.
The prize list is. -
Dux: Sophie Bang.
Proxime accessit: Ava Atkinson-Barclay.
Best all-round senior girl: Biddy Skerten.
Courtesy, reliability and service: Sophie Bang.
Service special character of college: Ashleigh Brenssell and Dalice Keogh.
Diligence: Gemma Cowie, Yin Lin.
General helpfulness: Jennifer Noone.
Service to house: Samantha Allen.
Service and diligence: Ava Atkinson-Barclay.
Merit award year 11 girl for consistent service and diligence: Kimberley Martyn.
Year 13
Third aggregate (equal): Sandy Chu and Biddy Skerten.
Excellence: Anna Fielding (English, art history, French, photography, statistics and modelling); Aislinn Furlong (English, art history, French, history, most outstanding history research project from year 11-13 pupil); Dalice Keogh (biology, chemistry, German, physics, statistics and modelling); Sze Ying Ooi (English, biology, calculus, chemistry, physics, statistics and modelling); Lydie Schmidt (English, classical studies, economics, history, first art history); Ariel Tsai (English, biology, calculus, chemistry, physics, first equal statistics and modelling); Katie Whitefield (English, calculus, classical studies, German, physics, first photography).
Merit: Jasmin Alloo (biology, chemistry, French, physics, statistics and modelling); Lauren Barker (English, art history, classical studies, French, first equal design); Zoe Cadzow (calculus, design, physics, first digital technology); Emma Eckhoff (art history, calculus, digital technology, first equal design, first painting); Ashleigh Keen (economics, geography, German, statistics and modelling, first accounting); Yin Lin (biology, calculus, chemistry, physics, statistics and modelling, good work English, excellence creative writing); Alison Mackie (English, art history, classical studies, painting, photography); Sarah Robertson (accounting, economics, enterpriser of the year (co-recipient), geography, German, statistics and modelling).
Diligence: Ashleigh Brenssell (English, biology, statistics and modelling, physics); Georgia Callander (biology, statistics and modelling, photography); Tilley Carroll (biology, statistics and modelling, physics); Yi Jing Wei (physics, statistics and modelling, first calculus).
Subject awards: Megan Asher (first music); Ava Atkinson-Barclay (first classical studies, first English, excellence essay writing, first French, first geography); Sophie Bang (first biology, first chemistry, first equal statistics and modelling, first physics); Sandy Chu (first German); Hannah MacDiarmid (good work statistics and modelling); Amanda Navaratne (first history); Lucy Newton (first physical education); Jessica Perry (endeavour visual arts, excellence design and technology); Biddy Skerten (first economics, enterpriser of year (co-recipient)).
Year 12
First aggregate (equal): Chiao Lin and Annie Welvaert.
Third aggregate: Stephanie Lambie.
Excellence: Sophie Borland (English, French, mathematics, economics, first accounting); Helen Kent (English, accounting, French, mathematics, first equal design, first geography); Melanie Redding (English, classical studies, design, French, mathematics, physics); Ruth Sun (English, biology, chemistry, mathematics, first music, first physics); Flavia Wilson (English, biology, economics, mathematics, first digital technology, first equal photography).
Merit: Penelope Couper (English, Chinese, classical studies, French, first equal history); Dannielle Hall (English, biology, chemistry, mathematics, first German); Sarah Lee (biology, chemistry, physics, good work English, good work mathematics); Gabrielle Mogil (English, biology, chemistry, Chinese, German) Laura Schep (English, biology, chemistry, French, mathematics, physics).
Diligence: Katie Baddock (English, classical studies, French, geography, mathematics); Danielle Browne (English, biology, mathematics, physics, first equal history); Ying Chen (biology, chemistry, geography, physics, good work mathematics); Imogen Davis (English, biology, digital technology, German, mathematics); Ghazaleh Dousti (English, biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics); Constance McDonald (English, biology, mathematics, first equal design, first equal photography); Sophie Napper (biology, mathematics, physical education, good work English, first painting).
Subject awards: Melissa-Jane Austen (excellence senior French, German); Joanna Brook (good work English); Caitlin Dyas (year 12 art); Shannon Edgar (first physical education); Stephanie Lambie (first chemistry, first English, first classical studies); Chiao Lin (first biology, first French, first mathematics, excellence arts, sciences senior level, excellence sciences, mathematics year 12); Sasha Roulston (first economics); Kate Waterman (first Chinese, good work in mathematics).
Year 11
First aggregate: Maple Goh.
Second aggregate: Grace Oh.
Third aggregate: Laura Barton.
Excellence: Chloe Anson (English, French, German, mathematics, music, science); Holly Cadzow (English, chemistry, mathematics, physics, first equal digital technology, first economics); Patience Chabva-Shoperai (chemistry, digital technology, economics, mathematics, physics, good work English); Fern Grant (English, digital technology, French, mathematics, science, first art); Claire McCorkindale (English, chemistry, French, mathematics, physics, first equal digital technology); Emily Poon (English, chemistry, French, German, mathematics, physics); Tiffany Robinson (English, chemistry, German, physics, first equal mathematics).
Merit: Annabel Drummond (English, French, German, mathematics, music, science); Hoyoun Lee (English, French, geography, mathematics, music, science); Emma Liyanarachchi (English, mathematics, science, first geography, first history); Emma Lloyd (English, chemistry, economics, mathematics, science); Kimberley Martyn (English, chemistry, French, German, mathematics, science); Jayashanthi Ramarao (English, chemistry, digital technology, mathematics, physics); Chun-Huei Yang (English, art, chemistry, French, mathematics, physics).
Diligence: Ruby Beck (English, art, mathematics, science); Jessie Burgess (art, digital technology, economics, mathematics); Cate Butcher (English, digital technology, economics, science, good work mathematics); Jessie Chapman (English, art, chemistry, physics); Emma Griffin (English, history, mathematics, science); Hee Jung Hwang (English, mathematics, physics, first Chinese); Hannah Lowe (English, art, digital technology, mathematics); Shannon Morton (art, economics, mathematics, science); Kesryn Phataralaoha (English, art, Chinese, science, good work mathematics).
Subject awards: Georgina Adam (good work mathematics); Laura Barton (first German, first equal music, first science); Tatiana Biggemann (good work English); Paige Gale (good work English); Maple Goh (first English, first chemistry, first equal mathematics, first equal music); Grace Oh (first French, first equal mathematics, first physics); Annabel Wennekes (good work science); Qiong Wu (most improved senior ESOL pupil).
Year 10
First aggregate: Katie Mulholland.
Second aggregate: Laura Bridger.
Third aggregate: Shirley Kim.
Merit: Nikita Brazil (English, art, economics, German, mathematics, science, social studies, excellence junior art (co-recipient)); Courtney Cunningham (English, digital technology, economics, German, mathematics, science, enthusiasm, commitment junior science, social studies); Ellen Gipp (English, art, Chinese, mathematics, science, social studies, first French); Natalie Grattan (English, digital technology, economics, German, mathematics, science, social studies); Angela Jenks (English, art, French, mathematics, music, science, social studies); Briar Topp (English, art, Chinese, French, mathematics, science, social studies); Sarah Woodfield (English, economics, German, mathematics, music, science, social studies).
Good work: Olivia Dodds; Ellinor Lee; Maddison Skeggs; Dayna Tan.
Diligence: Frea Anderson (English, French, German, mathematics, music, physical education, science, social studies); Alice Connors (English, art, economics, social studies); Olive Dippie (art, economics, mathematics, social studies); Kate Fowler (German, physical education, science, social studies); Sarah Graham (economics, French, German, science, good work social studies); Ella Haig (art, economics, physical education, science, social studies); Sidaporn Intana (art, Chinese, mathematics, physical education, social studies, good work English, good work science); Taylar McNeilly (English, economics, French, science, social studies); Sayuri Naito (English, Chinese, mathematics, science); Ngawai Oliver (English, economics, German, science, social studies); Taylor Osborne (English, art, French, social studies).
Subject awards: Annabel Angland (first digital technology); Laura Bridger (first economics); Jessica Elsom (good work English); Anna Lee (good work mathematics, good work science); Tsit Wing Lo (first Chinese, good work mathematics); Erica Lovelock (good work English); Katie Mulholland (first English, first art, first mathematics, first music, first science, first social studies); Karla Robb (good work social studies); Taarn Scott (good work mathematics, excellence junior art (co-recipient)); Mifu Suzuki (good work science); Sarah Woodfield (first German).
Year 10 enterpriser of year: Charlotte Paddon.
Year 10 market day: Isabelle Davies, Natalie Fong, Sarah Graham, Hannah Letica, Taylar McNeilly.
Year 9
First aggregate (equal): Ella Barclay and Modi Deng.
Third aggregate (equal): Alexandra Menzies and Jamie Wood.
Merit: Ashleigh Neill (English, art, economics, German, mathematics, science, first social studies); Ailish Wallace-Buckland (English, art, French, mathematics, science, social studies, first economics); Emily Willis (English, art, French, German, science, social studies, good work mathematics); Emma Winders (English, art, economics, German, mathematics, social studies, first science).
Good work: Holly Barclay; Ailsa Carroll; Holly Hanson; Melissa Macham; Nanako Shitara.
Diligence: Holly Baddock (English, art, French, German, mathematics, religious studies, science, social studies); Kacee Grant (English, art, economics, French, mathematics, science, social studies); Alice Hoogvliet (art, German, mathematics, religious studies, science); Lily Kelly (English, art, German, mathematics, music, science); Jacinta Kumar (English, art, German, mathematics, music, religious studies); Paige Morton (English, art, French, mathematics, religious studies, science); Olivia Peary (English, art, economics, German, mathematics, physical education); Sophie Ray (English, German, mathematics, physical education, religious studies.
Subject awards: Holly Baddock (good work social studies); Ella Barclay (first music); Holly Barclay (first French); Modi Deng (first English, first German, religious studies); Holly Hanson (good work science); Avila Kan (first equal Chinese); Amrit Kaur (good work English); Melissa Macham (first equal art); Kay Martin (first equal art); Alexandra Menzies (first equal art); Suraswadee Ratvakin (good work science, most improved junior ESOL pupil); Kelsey Shaw (good work English, good work social studies); Nanako Shitara (first equal Chinese); Millie Townsend (good work mathematics); Jamie Wood (first equal mathematics).
Biddy Skerten (senior athletics); Libby Cochrane (best all-round field athlete); Parida Hasdarngkul (most promising junior badminton player); Emma Eckhoff (badminton champion, service to badminton); Jessica Elsom (most promising junior basketball player (years 9, 10)); Zoe Cadzow (most improved senior basketball player); Bridget Thayer (overall achievement in cricket); Olivia Wilson (years 9, 10 cross-country champion); Laura Carruthers (senior cross-country champion); Madeleine Foster (most improved junior hockey player); Alexandra Menzies (progress in hockey); Lily Le Brun (hockey); Lucy Newton (dedication hockey); Samara Dalziel (most talented senior hockey player, achiever's award hockey); Sarah Wood (most talented netball player years 9, 10); Hannah Cowie (most improved senior netball player); Gemma Cowie (service netball); Ella Haig and Charlotte Williams (most improved junior rower (co-recipients)); Ellen Kirkwood (most improved senior rower); Tilley Carroll (rowing); Katie Whitefield (excellence soccer); Helen Kent (most committed player first XI soccer team); Emma Liyanarachchi (most improved soccer player); Emily Poon (senior swimming champion); Sian English (junior tennis singles champion); Sian English and Sarah Wood (junior tennis doubles champions); Samara Dalziel and Bridget Thayer (senior tennis doubles champions); Samara Dalziel (senior tennis singles champion); Biddy Skerten (excellence touch rugby); Anna Oliver (contribution senior volleyball); Jamie Boyce (most improved water polo player); Emma Eckhoff and Nicole Martyn (dedication to coaching junior sport (co-recipients)); Alice Brown (service to coaching sport); Olivia Wilson (runner-up best all-round junior sportswoman); Sian English (best all-round junior sportswoman); Biddy Skerten (runner-up best all-round senior sportswoman); Zoe Cadzow (best all-round senior sportswoman); Samara Dalziel (highest sporting achievement for 2010).
Speech and drama: Penelope Couper; Ashleigh Keen.
Drama: Laura Bridger (excellence junior); Alison Mackie; Aislinn Furlong (excellence senior, consistent contribution); Mackenna Roxborogh (excellence performing arts).
Debating: Ava Atkinson-Barclay.
Music: Frea Anderson (school piper); Modi Deng (merit pianoforte years 9, 10, talent and enthusiasm); Annabel Drummond (composition); Renée Hodgkinson (service wind symphonia); Sophie Bang (musical talents, musicianship); Maple Goh (service school orchestra); Sandy Chu (service madrigal choir).
Arts: Modi Deng (runner-up junior arts achiever); Katie Mulholland (junior arts achiever); Annabel Drummond (runner-up senior arts achiever; Aislinn Furlong (senior arts achiever).
Senior creative writing competition (years 11 to 13): Poetry: Yin Lin 1, Ruth Sun 2; Prose: Yin Lin 1, Ava Atkinson-Barclay 2.
Nicole Martyn (student trustee, BOT); Ailsa Carroll (year 9 boarder adaptability and motivation); Taylor Osborne (general helpfulness year 10 boarder); Tilley Carroll (citizenship, helpfulness, organisational skills and positive, hard-working attitude; Jennifer Noone (service to junior school by senior pupil); Sarah Robertson (head librarian); Hannah Cowie and Anna McFarlane (service to school canteen); Ava Atkinson-Barclay (service to school council); St Columba community service awards: Samantha Allen; Kelly Herbison; Hana Hwang; Anna Lee; Sarah Lee; Leigh McKenzie; Mifu Suzuki; Christie Wood.