High School held its junior prizegiving recently. The prize list is.-
Year 9
Anderson House
Merit: Jake Butlin, French; Bracken Hall, technology; Emily Rades, technology.
Highly commended: Georgia Auckram, merit mathematics, science, social studies, technology; Jamie Burrows merit English, mathematics, science, physical education and health, drama, German, music; Beth Clearwater, excellence English, French, merit mathematics, social studies, technology; Bree Colston, excellence digital technology, physical education and health, French; Emma Corbett, merit science, physical education and health, music; Larissa McStay, excellence social studies, merit English, mathematics, physical education and health; Navheen Pannirselvam, excellence digital technology, merit science, physical education and health, art; Mayley Peters, merit science, physical education and health, drama, technology, music; Emily Rades, excellence physical education and health; James Riach, merit mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, drama; Rebecca Turner, excellence French, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, technology, music.
Begg House
Merit: Louis Gray, physical education and health, French; Cory Thom, French; Amberley Tocher, English.
Highly commended: Mitchell Brown, merit English, science, digital technolog; Ciara Maslin, merit science, drama, technology, art; Caitlin Matthews, excellence social studies, French, merit English, mathematics, science, physical education and health; Lauren McAuley, excellence English, merit science, physical education and health, technology, music, art; Jakob Morgan, excellence science, merit mathematics, social studies, physical education and health, drama, year 9 art cup; Grace Rennie excellence German, digital technology, merit English, drama; Penny Woods, merit science, physical education and health, drama, Maori, music.
Herron House
Merit: Nicholas Beaton, digital technology; Brooke Farrell, science, Maori; Jessica Ferguson, physical education and health, drama; Tamati Hansen, science; Liam McGregor-Court, German.
Highly commended: Gemma Cleaver, excellence French, drama, merit English, mathematics, science, physical education and health, technology; Samantha Kruskopf, excellence social studies, merit English, mathematics, physical education and health, German, technology; Jessica Powell, excellence drama, merit science, physical education and health, technology, music; Hayley Redmile, excellence French, social studies, merit English, mathematics, science, physical education and health, drama, technology; Braden Smitheram, merit science, physical education and health, technology, digital technology.
Ross House
Merit: Dylan Halkett, mathematics, technology; Jenilee Hill, technology; Paris Hubac, English, mathematics; Benjamin Longman, social studies, French; Mikayla McGill, social studies.
Highly commended: Taine Grimsey, excellence social studies, drama, merit English, mathematics, physical education and health, French, music; Heng Xiao Lu, excellence music, drama, merit science; Tyler Mitchell, merit English, science, social studies, physical education and health, drama; Ebony Sihamau, excellence social studies, merit English, mathematics, science, German, technology.
Somerville House
Merit: Sophie Keen, drama, social studies; Quenten McFarlane, drama, social studies; Shanese Samson, drama, technology; Cherish Thom, drama; Katherine Young, technology, music.
Highly commended: Grace Allan, excellence digital technology; Elayna Amezcua, excellence digital technology, merit English, mathematics, science, physical education and health, technology; Daniel Cromar, excellence drama, merit French, music, digital technology; Aimee-Lee Hutchinson, excellence French, merit English, mathematics, social studies, music; Logan Lewis, excellence drama, merit English, science, social studies, French, digital technology; Rowan Lewis, excellence digital technology, physical education and health, technology; Andrew Millar, excellence French, merit mathematics, science; Harmony Pearce, merit mathematics, physical education and health, social studies.
Year 9 general excellence
Lewis Anderson, excellence English, social studies, physical education and health, Maori, music, drama, merit mathematics, science, technology, digital technology; Jade Fielding, excellence English, science, physical education and health, merit mathematics, social studies, drama, technology, Maori, music, art; Shengzhuang Chen, excellence mathematics, music, digital technology, merit science, technology; Emma Fleury, excellence English, science, social studies, digital technology, merit mathematics, physical education and health, German, technology, music, art; Nicole Fleury, excellence science, technology, digital technology, music, merit English, mathematics, social studies, physical education and health, French, art; Brennan Gale, excellence mathematics, science, social studies, merit physical education and health, technology, Maori; Julia Gwynne-Jones, excellence English, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, German, digital technology, merit music, drama, technology, physical education and health cup, social studies cup; Kara Helm, excellence English, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, German, digital technology, merit music, drama, technology, art; Jehan Hendry, excellence English, mathematics, science, social studies, music, drama, French, technology, digital technology, merit physical education and health, art, trophy for year 9 music; Bryn Monk, excellence English, French, music, drama, merit science, physical education and health, art; Deepthi Srikanth, excellence English, science, social studies, music, French, digital technology, merit technology, speech prize; Joshua Weir, excellence technology, science, drama, digital technology, merit mathematics, social studies, German, music.
Year 10
Anderson House
Merit: Eden Abbott, social studies; Nikala Abernethy, physical education and health; Sinn Boonsupakorn, science; Cory Cairns, technology; Bailey Carter, mathematics; Anton Dunford, English, mathematics; Nathan Howells, physical education and health, music; Grace Kiore, physical education and health, enterprise studies.
Highly commended: Hayden Buswell, merit mathematics, science, physical education and health, art; Kevas Cole, merit English, art, social studies; Madeline Kiore, excellence physical education and health, merit English, science, enterprise studies, social studies; James Lamb, merit mathematics, science, enterprise studies, food technology; Lucy Melchert, excellence science, merit English, mathematics, social studies, food technology, design and visual communication; Amber Naenna, excellence art, merit mathematics, social studies, music, art cup; Samantha Roderique, excellence design and visual communication, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies; Kate Thornthwaite-Kennett, merit mathematics, physical education and health, art, food technology; Tyler Williams, merit science, physical education and health, technology.
Begg House
Merit: Tayla Garmonsway, mathematics, social studies; Bayley Loader, physical education and health; Heather-Rose Salmon, art, social studies; Tamzin Turnbull, physical education and health.
Highly commended: Nadian Bird, merit mathematics, science, art, music; Ruby Craig, excellence English, French, merit social studies; Caitlin Crayford, English, science, physical education and health; Peter Crowley, merit mathematics, science, physical education and health; Callum Dodds, excellence technology; Alec Forbes, excellence digital technology, music; Sam Jenkins, excellence digital technology, technology, merit science; Avi Roberts, excellence enterprise studies, design and visual communication, merit mathematics, science, social studies; Erena Russell-Harris, merit mathematics, physical education and health, art, Maori.
Herron House
Merit: Taylor Anderton, mathematics; Bradley Caffell, English, mathematics; Rueben Jenkins, mathematics, science; Jodie Little, mathematics, physical education and health; Jack McKenzie, physical education and health, social studies; Toni Wright, English.
Highly commended: Tori Bambery, merit English, mathematics, science, physical education and health, art; Brendan Choun, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, enterprise studies; Brianna Fitzgerald, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, art, food technology; Aaron Heller, excellence enterprise studies; Shannon Hope, excellence physical education and health, art, food technology, merit English, mathematics, social studies; Faaoosala Lale, merit English, science, social studies, German; Sarah Pearse, merit social studies, physical education and health, Maori; Kalesita Pole, excellence Maori, merit English, mathematics, social studies, music; Zaquarii Shackleford, merit mathematics, social studies, enterprise studies; Levi Spurr, merit mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health.
Ross House
Merit: Morgan Arnold, enterprise studies, social studies; Astrid Haanen, mathematics; Kurtis Haanen, enterprise studies; Sam Hulleman, science, social studies; Alicia Kammlein-Cutler, social studies; Joshua Kenneally, social studies; Martin Longman, physical education and health; Connor New, mathematics; Jacob Wallace, mathematics, science.
Highly commended: Grace Cook, excellence mathematics; Fergus Dale, excellence science, merit English, social studies, enterprise studies, French; Eleanor Gill, excellence English, music, merit social studies, French; Laura Goodwin, excellence social studies, merit English, Maori, music; Henessey Griffiths, excellence social studies, merit English, mathematics, science, enterprise studies, Maori, service to the junior council; Indi Johnston, merit English, mathematics, science, social studies, art, enterprise studies; Georgia McKay, merit English, art, design and visual communication; Reece Robertson, merit science, social studies, physical education and health, technology; Angelique Tilleyshort, merit English, mathematics, science, technology; Kane Wilson, merit English, physical education and health, enterprise studies.
Somerville House
Merit: Ashleigh Arthur, social studies; Finley Burrows, social studies; Jordan Elliott, mathematics; Anna Lobb, mathematics, art; Jasper Perniskie-Grimmett, science; Alexander Stoyanov, physical education and health, enterprise studies.
Highly commended: Samantha Ayson, merit mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, French, food technology; Olivia Gardiner, excellence art, Japanese, merit English, mathematics, science, art cup; Cameron Meredith, excellence German; Jasmine Moody, merit English, science, social studies, art, food technology; Timothy Murray, merit science, social studies, music, digital technology; Jennifer Patman, merit social studies, physical education and health, enterprise studies, Maori; Jessika Porter, excellence food technology, merit English, mathematics, social studies, French; Amy Roxburgh, merit English, science, social studies; Aston Wilson, merit physical education and health, technology, food technology.
Year 10 general excellence
Aaron Anderson, excellence English, mathematics, social studies, physical education and health, digital technology, merit science, music, physical education and health cup, outdoor education cup; Lydia Anderson, excellence English, mathematics, science, social studies, Maori, merit physical education and health, music, social studies cup; Anna Cooper, excellence English, science, social studies, French, merit enterprise studies; Alice Cuthbert, excellence mathematics, social studies, physical education and health, merit Japanese, design and visual communication; Katie Galvin, excellence English, social studies, physical education and health, merit science, enterprise studies, design and visual communication; Britta Hamill, excellence English, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, German, music, speech prize; Evan Hinds, excellence English, mathematics, science, social studies, enterprise studies, German, merit physical education and health, mathematics cup, trophy for oral language; Leon Hook, excellence mathematics, science, music NCEA level 1, Japanese NCEA level 1, merit English, social studies, physical education and health, French; Delaney Jones, excellence science, food technology, merit mathematics, social studies, French; Erica Paterson, excellence English, music, design and visual communication, merit science, social studies, physical education and health; Charlotte Savage, excellence English, mathematics, science, social studies, enterprise studies, merit digital technology; Sophie Tonks, excellence mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and health, Maori, merit English, food technology.
Jubilee awards
Julia Gwynne-Jones, year 9 best all-round performance; Aaron Anderson, year 10 best all-round performance.