Women's service record recognised

Mid-Otago Federation of Women's Institute service medals went to (standing from left) Doris Kinraid, Janefield WI 50-year service; Avelda Howie, Abbotsford WI 50-year service; Rosemary Isaac, Janefield WI good service; Betty Jordan, Concord WI 40-year ser
Mid-Otago Federation of Women's Institute service medals went to (standing from left) Doris Kinraid, Janefield WI 50-year service; Avelda Howie, Abbotsford WI 50-year service; Rosemary Isaac, Janefield WI good service; Betty Jordan, Concord WI 40-year service; Rosie Wilson, Abbotsford WI 40-year service; Judy Bremner, Abbotsford WI good service; Betty Kennelly, Halfway Bush WI 40-year service; Margaret Young, Green Island WI 40-year service. Front Row (from left) Betty Bissett, Allanton WI 60-year service; Bev Rodger, Mid Otago Federation president; Sonia Jopson, Concord WI 60-year service; Ainslie Carnahan, national executive representative (Concord WI member). Photo supplied.
Four Otago women have been honoured with service medals for 50 and 60 years of service to the Mid-Otago Federation of Women's Institute.

They are Doris Kinraid and Avelda Howie (50 years of service) and Sonia Jopson and Betty Biffet (60 years of service).

They were honoured at the Fairfield Community Hall in Dunedin last Wednesday in an event which helper Heather Fisher said was packed out.

Mrs Fisher, who has been part of the institute, on and off, for more than 50 years said one of the highlights of the day was listening to Red Cross nurse Barbara Turnbull talk about her experience of volunteering in Afghanistan.

Mrs Jopson, who received an award for 60 years of service on the day, joined the Waipori Falls Country Institute in 1955 and is ''amazed how the time has flown by''.

''I'm very pleased to get the award but I can't believe it.''

Mrs Jopson originally joined because Waipori Falls was a small township and there ''wasn't much to do''.

''We would do the catering for the local council and go on trips to Dunedin for visiting entertainers.''

Mrs Howie, who was honoured for 50 years of service, is a former national president of the Women's Institute.

Mrs Howie said it was ''very special'' to be recognised for the work she had done. She joined the Abbotsford Institute in 1964 and after being a member of many other branches, is now part of the Alexandra Institute.

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