University researchers recognised

University of Otago lecturers (from left) Drs Fiona Edgar, Pat Wheatley, Alex McLellan and Mik...
University of Otago lecturers (from left) Drs Fiona Edgar, Pat Wheatley, Alex McLellan and Mik Black, who along with Dr Lisa Whitehead (not shown) have received early career awards for their research.
Senior lecturers in fields as diverse as management and microbiology have received University of Otago awards for the excellence of their research.

The recipients of the 2008 Early Career Awards for Distinction in Research were Drs Mik Black (biochemistry), Fiona Edgar (management), Alex McLellan (microbiology and immunology), Pat Wheatley (classics) and Lisa Whitehead (Centre for Postgraduate Nursing Studies). Each received $5000 to be spent on "scholarly development".

Announcing the awards, research deputy vice-chancellor Prof Geoff White said all five continued to demonstrate the talent and depth of research among early career staff at the university.

"Their records are outstanding examples of individual achievement, and also demonstrate the major contributions they make to the research culture of their departments and to the university."

Dr Black has been a senior lecturer at Otago for two years. His research involves developing ways of analysing data from genomics experiments.

Since taking up her appointment in June 2003, Dr Edgar has contributed many articles to human resources journals in the fields of human resource management and employment relations.

Dr McLellan leads a research group studying the interaction of pathogens and cancer with the body's immune system, work which includes ongoing collaborations with researchers in Switzerland, Austria and Germany.

An Otago staff member since 2004, Dr Wheatley is an internationally recognised authority on Demetrius Poliorcetes, who ruled ancient Macedonia from 294BC-288BC.

Dr Lisa Whitehead, who was appointed to the University of Otago's Christchurch Centre for Postgraduate Nursing Studies in 2006, has diverse research interests including the assessment and management of fatigue in chronic illness and the management of long-term conditions.

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