Unions plan protest rally this morning

Glenda Bender's beautiful nails.
Glenda Bender's beautiful nails.
Union leaders are warning of a campaign of industrial action and demonstrations as they prepare to take on the Government and its plans to change the country's employment laws.

The first signs of continuing union dissatisfaction with the planned employment law changes will be seen in Dunedin this morning when a workers rights rally is held outside the Dunedin Railway Station.

Council of Unions Otago convener Glenda Alexander said workers' rights were "under attack" by the Government, much as they were in the 1990s when National was last in Government.

"History has shown us what damage their employment relations approach can cause in workers' lives. We intend to get organised and fight back and defend our rights strongly this time around."

A small protest was held last weekend, when National launched its employment law changes, but the union movement had started planning to build momentum to protest against the "unacceptable challenges" to workers' rights and the right as unions to represent and organise their members, she said.

"We do not intend to become bargaining agents again," Mrs Alexander said.

Nationally, the CTU on Thursday launched a campaign to protect the rights of workers to be treated fairly in their workplace.

CTU president Helen Kelly said yesterday the unions, representing 360,000 working people, agreed unanimously to put all effort and resources into a campaign to promote fairness at work.

Among the things the unions wanted to reject were the Government's plans to force workers to produce sick certificates for every day they were unwell and stop workers being able to access union advice and support at work.

"Workers have been ringing me expressing concern that these changes will be bad for them and their families and are unnecessary, disrespectful and unfair," Ms Kelly said. 


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