Eighty-seven Christchurch prisoners transferred to the Otago Corrections Facility are settling in for the long haul as the assessment of earthquake damage to Christchurch Men's Prison continues.
A Corrections spokeswoman said the files and personal belongings of the prisoners had been sent south, as it was unclear when they would be returning to Christchurch.
The extra prisoners were not disrupting normal operations at the 485-bed Otago Corrections Facility, near MiltonChristchurch Men's Prison suffered significant damage in the September 4 earthquake.
Among the chief initial concerns was low water pressure, which meant sprinklers would not work in a fire.
None of the Christchurch prisoners at the Otago facility was due for parole hearings, court appearances or release, the spokeswoman said.
Corrections had no idea how long it would be before assessments of the Christchurch building would be complete.