Tower threats disowned

A GROUP opposing the installation of a 2degrees cellphone tower at Brighton is distancing itself from threats to damage the tower once it is put up, but is not giving up its fight.

This comes after 2degrees confirmed last week it would proceed with the 12m tower in Scroggs Hill Rd. Work is due to begin within weeks.

The group Brighton Residents v 2degrees plans to continue its fight against the tower, but is against those calling for the tower to be damaged if it is put up.

One user on the group's Facebook page commented on 2degrees' plans by saying: ''I'll just chop it down, anyway.''

Group spokeswoman Karen Hanna said it wanted any protest against 2degrees to be peaceful and within the law.

''We agree that we are not prepared to let the tower go up, but we must make it very clear the residents directly affected will not condone the use of violence or unlawful activities,'' Mrs Hanna said.

She doubted whether people who said they were going to damage the tower would follow through on their threats.

''We are sure these comments are made as a kneejerk reaction to 2degrees' failure to listen to the community concerns,'' she said.

The group had not given up hope and would hold a peaceful protest at the site of the planned tower tomorrow at 3.45pm.

''We are just making 2degrees aware that the community is still strongly opposed to this. We are not prepared to lie down and accept that they are going ahead with their plans,'' she said.

Residents were against the tower because of the potential health risks, and because a tower would rule out road improvements on the corner where it is to be sited.2degrees declined to comment on the threats to damage the tower.

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