Teenage driver knocked out as car plunges down bank

A teenage driver was knocked out when her car spun out in the wet and flew off a bank on Three Mile Hill Road.

The 18-year-old restricted driver had three passengers in the car but no suitable overseer when the crash happened yesterday afternoon, Snr Sgt Anthony Bond, of Dunedin, said.

"She has gone into a sharp corner at 50 km/h in wet conditions and the tail of her vehicle has spun out launching the vehicle over the bank," he said.  

The teenager briefly lost consciousness and was taken to hospital with possible injuries.

Yesterday's  wet conditions also caught out a driver on Neidpath Road who slid in the rain at a give way sign and collided with a bus.

The driver and his passenger were both wearing seatbelts and were uninjured, Snr Sgt Bond said.


