Suburban trains will run from Waitati and Mosgiel to Dunedin on Wednesday, March 18, when commuters will be encouraged to walk or take public transport to work.
A fare of $5 per train journey would be charged, Dunedin City Council events and sustainable travel co-ordinator Charlotte Flaherty said recently.
People would be encouraged to travel by bus to work from other parts of Dunedin, she said.
Normal bus fares and Go card concessions would apply.
A North Line passenger train will leave Waitati at 7.45am and stop, if required, for passengers at Purakaunui, Sawyers Bay and St Leonards, Taieri Gorge Railway operations manager Grant Craig said.
The train from Mosgiel, departing at 8am, would stop at Wingatui, before running to the Dunedin Railway Station. The return trains to Waitati and Mosgiel will leave the Dunedin Railway Station at 5pm, with similar stops to the morning services.
Car pooling is being arranged for Palmerston and Waikouaiti commuters.