Police said a woman received "crush injuries" when about 500 people queued outside Starters Bar on Monday night.
New safety measures have now been established at the bar, which has been owned by the Otago University Students Association since late 2018.
Association events and venue operations manager Jason Schroeder said a queue quickly developed outside the bar after it reached its 415-person capacity about 10.30pm.
"Students in line were well behaved, bar a group of a few at the front who pushed forward, knocking over a crowd barrier."
A female student injured her hip in the incident, he said. She was helped at once by security.
"We have been in touch with her family, who are happy with how things have been handled and have confirmed she is fine and not needing medical attention."
It follows the death of student Sophia Crestani during a large party in a Dundas St flat last year.
Miss Crestani was believed to have died as a result of a large crush of people on a staircase during the party.
Mr Schroeder said bar staff worked closely with Campus Watch and police, and well-trained security staff were handling events.
"After this unfortunate accident, we have put in more barriers, increased security and increased buffer spacing in the queue."
I still don't understand why the Uni bars such The Bowler, Gardies, The Outback etc were never replaced with new bars for the student night life. I have had this conversation with many who were lucky like me to enjoy the variety of bars and be free of lines and over crowded dance floors. It still doesn't make sense why they took them all away especially with our ever growing population.