Sth Island minister rejects ‘token’ label

James Meager
James Meager
With just one staff member assigned to the ministry, concerns are being raised that the Minister for the South Island is a "token" role.

But the minister says he has everything he needs to get the advocacy started.

Information provided to Green Party MP Francisco Hernandez shows that Rangitata MP James Meager, who is also Minister for Youth Affairs, Minister for Hunting and Fishing and Associate Minister for Transport, will receive just one extra staff.

A response from Prime Minister Christopher Luxon said the minister had an "advocacy and co-ordination focus, with the minister responsible for providing oversight and ensuring a whole of government approach is taken to matters affecting the South Island".

Cabinet ministers would be expected to consult with him on matters that affected the portfolio, he responded.

Mr Hernandez said this was not good enough for such an important role.

"Fundamentally the prime minister has confirmed what we feared — that the position of the Minister for the South Island has been set up as a token position without any real power, resources or even guaranteed access to information.

"Rather than setting up token ministerial positions, the prime minister could show real respect to the South Island by delivering the things that the community is crying out for: the Southern Hospital rebuild we were promised, rail-enabled ferries to enable our country to be truly connected and real climate action to protect climate-vulnerable communities like South Dunedin."

Mr Meager was more upbeat.

"I’ve got everything I need to be a strong advocate inside the ministry for the South Island, and MPs are already very well resourced to undertake the travel and advocacy needed to do the job well. Delegations are always a matter for the prime minister and my job is to deliver what he needs right now: growth in the South Island and advocacy for the South in Wellington."

The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment had provided his office with a seconded staff member to assist with providing the data, information, logistics and support, he said.

"I’ll also be working with other portfolio ministers to help them deliver their priorities in the South Island, whether that is in tourism, transport, infrastructure, housing and many other of our priorities.

"I’ll do my best to get around to as many parts of the South while juggling my responsibilities as the local MP for Rangitata, and my other portfolios."

He was most looking forward to building on "recent positive announcements" such as the new Dunedin hospital project, Brougham St transport upgrades in Christchurch, and the opening of the Waimea Dam in Nelson.

